Do I have to? by Gia Donovan (Pecari) with Jack Spencer, Aladren
Looking for a partner by Aislinn Nicolls, Aladren with Barnaby Pye
Any takers? by Sutton Nicolls with Fabian Brockert, Pecari
And possibly charm? by Gabriel Valenti, Teppenpaw with Joseph Umland, Teppenpaw
I'm closer to alarmed (Chuck) by Owen Brockert, Teppenpaw with Chuck Fintoc, Pecari
Ram, bam, thank you, ma'am [Kira] by Sammy Meeks, Pecari with Kira Spaulding, Crotalus
All of the challenges (tag Tess) by Ben the Hippo Pierce, Pecari with Tess Whittaker, Pecari