Professor Taylor

September 24, 2007 9:25 PM
Not a particularly patient woman, Lorraine Taylor had been standing to one side of the classroom door, watching the large clock on the wall as the second hand swept towards the twelve. Ten seconds...five...three.... When it hit the twelve, she snapped the door shut crisply. Any latecomers would have to open the large, heavy door in order to enter the room. Knowing the door's tendency to squeak at inopportune moments (something that Lorraine knew was just Murphey's Law exersizing itself, not an actual spell to discourage tardiness), said student would probably be noticed by the rest of the class if they appeared during her lecture, at least. Although getting away with arriving late during the practical part of the lesson was not completely implausible.

Lorraine strode to the desk at the front of the room. Her mauve robes fluttered along the ground, revealing the bottoms of black, ironed pants and equally black dress shoes. She picked up a stack of papers and recruited the nearest socialising second year to pass them out. These were the class syllabi. In her own magical education, teachers had rarely passed such things out. Lorraine herself found them rather useful. They detailed the rules and provided proof that unruly students had known and agreed to the rules of the class before causing mischief. Not only that, but it provided a reference material later on in the class for the more forgetful of the students.

The syllabus essentially covered her educational background (seven years study at Sonora Academy as an Aladren, magical college in California, then several years of work as a magical engineer in Nevada), the materials required for class, what could be expected for homework, and a few rules:

1. There will be no tolerance for name calling based on race, religion, ethnicity, 'purity' of blood, ability to perform in this class, etc.

2. There will be no tolerance for dangerous behaviour (running around, dramatic or careless use of wands, etc)

3. There will be no food or drink of any type in the classroom.

Refusal to comply with these rules may result in detentions, loss of House points, or meetings with your Head of House.

At the bottom, there was a space for student signatures.

Lorraine waited until all of these had been passed out to the first and second year students. Then she pushed her short, gray-blonde hair securely behind her ears and fastened washed-out blue eyes on the students. After a few minutes, the room fell silent. Some students were looking around nervously, she thought. Honestly, she felt a bit bad about scaring the first years. Undoubtedly there would be a few from Muggle homes, unused to magic and completely out of their 'comfort zones'. Today's lesson would be familiar to both groups, however, and it would hopefully give the second years a bit to think about as well. Without saying a word, she returned her desk and picked up another pile of papers. These were diagrams of bridges, brooms, Muggle aeroplanes, and other, similar things. Once those had been passed out to all the students sitting in the neat rows of desks, she returned to the front of the class.

"My name is Professor Taylor, and I will be your Charms instructor. If you have read your syllabi, you will know that I was, until this past year, a magical engineer. Magical engineers use a combination of Arithmancy, Muggle science, and refined magical techniques to assure things like brooms, Wizarding radios, and some Muggle things such as airplanes work properly. The methods of doing this usually involve simple spells applied to various parts of the object. Today you will be learning two of those spells; Wingardium Leviosa, the levitation charm, and Luditus, the animation charm.

"To perform the animation charm, one must twirl one's wand like so and pronounce the incantation correctly. It is Luditus, emphasis on the u. You must have a motion firmly in mind when you do this. If done correctly, it can do anything from making a pineapple tapdance across a desk to making a gear move back and forth. It all depends on the strength of the purpose in your mind.

"To perform the levitation charm, you simply swish and flick your wand and say Wingardium Leviosa. Long gar, if you will. This should make the object in question levitate.

"You will be practising these charms on whatever of these array of objects," Lorraine gestured to a hodgepodge of nonflammable items in a bin off to the side, "you so choose to practise on. Please keep in mind the correct incantations and either call me over or ask an older student for help if you need it. Before you begin, though, I would like your signed syllabi to be passed to the front."

Lorraine collected the syllabi, then dismissed the class to begin their practise.

OOC: Minimum of ten sentences please. Anything shorter than that will not count for House Points. If you are having trouble writing the ten sentences, try to include what your character is thinking, feeling, seeing, etc. Site rules should be followed, of course. Beyond that, please be creative and tag me if necessary.
0 Professor Taylor Charms Lesson I: First and Second Years 0 Professor Taylor 1 5


September 25, 2007 9:16 AM
Charms was the first of the classes that Holly just had big question marks in her mind about. History of Magic and Astronomy had sounded more or less like what they offered (though Astronomy had been much more amazing than she'd given it credit for), and Care of Magical Creatures, you could pretty much guess at from the name. Charms, though, she had no idea. There were charm bracelets - was a class about jewelry? There were charming personalities - was it a class about ettiquette? The school probably needed a class about ettiquette from what she'd seen so far, which probably meant this wasn't it.

Her concerns about the subject material, however, were forgotten when the 'syllabi' were passed out with a blank signature line at the end. This, she knew about. Well, not syllabi, but pieces of paper with lines for signatures at the end. Her concern grew as the woman continued talking and it became eminently clear they were supposed to sign the things.

Was anything signed by a minor legally binding? Holly didn't think so, things might be different in the magical world. Still, she read over every word in the syllabus very carefully while many of her classmates were already passing their signed copies forward.

She didn't see any hidden clauses (of course, hidden clauses were, by definition, hidden, so she probably wouldn't), but she knew better than to sign anything without showing it to a lawyer (specifically, Daddy) first. So she carried her unsigned syllabus up to the teacher while all the other kids were collecting items to make fly and move (which would have sounded like a much more intimidating first day of lessons if the first two things that had identified her as a witch hadn't been making Barbie walk and herself float).

"Excuse me, Ms. Taylor, but I'm not supposed to sign anything without letting my father look it over first. He's a lawyer. May I mail this to him, and get it back to you after he says it's all right?"
1 Holly Excuse me? (professor) 123 Holly 0 5


September 25, 2007 10:57 AM
Ebony stood waiting outside of the Charms classroom for the door to open. She had been waiting for ten minutes as she didn't want to make a bad impression with the professor in her first lesson with them.

The door opened and Ebony rushed inside and took a seat, noticing her friends had not arrived yet. Only a few minutes later the new Professor snapped the door shut. Ebony hoped every student had made it on time, this did not look like a Professor you wished to cross.

A student in her year was given a stack of papers to hand out and when Ebony recieved hers she looked down at it very surprised to see a contract and a place to put her signature. After a detailed read Ebony found the contract rather useful. It stated which behaviour was acceptable and which was not. It also gave her a detalied list of what she was expected to learn that year.

Ebony took a quill and a piece of parchment out of her bag and signed the bottom of the contract, before she placed the parchment on top and used a very useful spell her father had taught her. It copied the document below onto the blank parchment above. Once the spell was complete, Ebony rolled up her copy of the contract and passed the original contract back to the Professor.

Contract safely stowed in her bag Ebony paid attention to the lecture. She was pleased to note they were recapping the Levitation Charm, which she luckily knew already and had no problems performing, and that there was a new spell to learn too.

Ebony followed the professors directions and collected an inkwell out of the bin and took it back to her table. After one quick swish and flick to make sure she still could peform the Levitation Charm she attempted the Animation Charm. Nothing happened. After a few minutes of reading the part in the Charms textbook that related to the spell Ebony tried again.

This time her inkwell skipped acros the desk and jumped off the end hitting the person in front in the back of the head. Mortified Ebony went red.

"I'm sorry."
0 Ebony Signatures and Flying Inkwells 0 Ebony 0 5

Rilla White

September 26, 2007 8:54 AM
Rilla had made sure to be ready early for Charms. Charms was a subject she'd heard about, and something she'd been yelled at by her mother for 'accidentally' doing. Her mother had given her a big lecture the last time on how she was underage and also shouldn't be attempting charms she hadn't formally learned yet. Rilla was so use to these lectures on responsibility and what she was allowed to do that she'd nearly tuned her out.

However, when she'd caught the term "charms" she'd badgered her mother until she'd explained it to her and provided her with a book on theory. Charms theory is all her mother would allow her to learn before she took an actual class on it.

All of this had made Rilla very excited for her first Charms lesson. She wasn't the type to normally be early but due to excitement and the fact she didn't want to get into trouble her first week she'd been waiting outside the door when the class was allowed in. Rilla was glad she'd been there a little early when she saw the professor snap the door shut.

Coming in after that door was shut would be at the very least mortifying if it didn't also earn you a detention. Rilla assumed this school had detentions, and she'd heard you could lose house points for misbehavior. As of yet she hadn't witnessed either the loss of points or the giving out of detention. Rilla figured that was lucky, the first time that happened, as far as detentions went, the detention slip usually had her name on it. She wasn't a bad student, but she had a knack for getting herself into trouble one way or another.

When the syllabus was passed out Rilla was not surprised. Muggle teachers had these all the time, and since she'd had about three and a half years of muggle education she expected these sorts of things. When she saw the signature line again she was not perturbed. She signed as neatly as she could manage with her quill.

Quills were still something Rilla was getting use to. Everything seemed to be expected in ink, from a quill, here. She wished she could use a muggle pencil, or a ball point pen, but she didn't want to appear odd. That was if it was even allowed, and she was far to nervous around authority to ask.

On to the fun part! Rilla thought to herself. Even with her excitement she noted that this Professor was the no nonsense type. She'd kind of hoped her Charms Professor would be laid back, but dreams didn't always come true. Figured in the class she was most excited about the teacher would be all business. Oh well. Rilla thought to herself, she'd manage as best she could.

Levitation charm... Rilla thought sounded easier than animation. The only animation she knew about was muggle style animation but when the Professor explained it, it seemed simply a spell to make things move. Rilla selected a spare quill from the pile and attempted to make this quill hover slightly above her desk. She must have done something wrong, because it flew across the room instead of lifting. Concentrate Rilla thought desperately collecting the quill.

Looking around her Rilla noted other successes and failures. She knew some of these students were second years and so tried not to feel bad that she hadn't quite managed it. She tried again, and again, and again. Eventually she managed a weak hover. She sat back with a sigh, this wasn't as easy as it looked. Rilla felt for sure something in her pronunciation or concentration was off, but she wasn't sure what.
0 Rilla White Charms Woot! 116 Rilla White 0 5

Talitha Cumni

September 27, 2007 2:30 PM
Talitha raced to Charms class, hoping to be early enough to say a quick, “Hi”, to Professor McKindy. She couldn’t decide anymore which was her favorite class, DADA or Charms. Professor Drake was very handsome and mysterious, but Professor McKindy was a lot more fun. When she entered the room, out of breath, her mouth fell open in disbelief. Where were the colorful beanbags? The cool posters? The pink bubble hat? And who was that old lady?

Puzzled, Talitha chose a seat in the middle of the classroom and took out her textbook, parchment and quill. This was all wrong, she thought. She was jolted out of her musings by the door to the classroom slamming shut with a loud bang that caused her to jump in her seat. As the stern looking woman introduced herself, Talitha realized that she now had a new Charms Professor and something tightened in her stomach.

When the syllabus was handed to her, she swallowed as she scanned the contract she was supposed to sign. The rules weren’t unreasonable. They were common sense things. But it just underlined the negative feelings that she already was harboring. Instead of being trusted to do the right thing, like last year, this professor seemed to assume they were all little barbarians who needed things spelled out to them. The lines on the paper blurred as she punctuated her name with a tear that fell unbidden from her eye to the parchment.

Determined she wouldn’t let Professor Taylor see her cry, she scrubbed away the rest of the tears with the palm of her hands and listened to the instructions. The Levitation Charm, she already knew. All the second years knew it. Okay, to be honest, lessons were frequently combined and the firsties hadn’t had a chance to learn it yet. The Animation Charm might be alright to learn, if she thought about it. But she didn’t want to think about it. She didn’t care if it was useful in magical engineering. She didn’t care if Professor Taylor single handedly raised the Eifel Tower with a flick of her wand. She wanted her classroom back the way it was, complete with the professor in wildly decorated robes.

Sullenly, she sauntered up to the basket of stuff they were supposed to use. She half heartedly picked out a stuffed owl that kind of looked like her half-grown Great Horned owl and took it back to her seat. She studied her text to make sure she had the Animation Charm down. Perhaps she could make her toy owl flap its wings or clack its beak.

Talitha decided to levitate it first, just to prove she could. She waved her wand in the flick and swish motion and muttered Wingardium Leviosa. The owl obediently floated in midair. Concentrating and directing it with her wand, she made the stuffed toy float higher in the air. Soon it was near the ceiling where her puzzle…her jelly bean puzzle that she and Hikaru worked so hard on last year was gone too!

The owl dropped back to her desk. “Never mind,” she told her self as she stared at it laying on its side. “Just learn the silly spell.”

She set the owl back on its feet and made herself imagine its wings flapping. Truth was, she had absolutely no strength of purpose. She just wanted to leave. Resting her chin on her right fist and lazily twirling her wand, she muttered Ludit…Lud…L She gave up. The urge to cry tightened her throat and she couldn’t get the spell out. Talitha lay her wand down and hid her face in the crook of her elbow. She didn’t want people to see her crying, but the tears wouldn’t stop. Sometimes life just didn’t seem fair at all.\n
0 Talitha Cumni I don't like change 102 Talitha Cumni 0 5

Irene Liddowe

September 30, 2007 11:32 AM
Irene got to Charms class a little early. She didn't want to be late for her favorite class. When she entered, however, there was a new Professor awaitig them. Aw... She was going to miss the bubble hat. She got the air that this woman was very strict. Her opinion of that was only increased when the Professor watched the clock, down to the second, mind, and closed the door. Anyone two seconds late would be tardy. Irene got the feeling this was going to be a though class.

Someone was going around passing out papers. Irene took one and read over it. Don't be mean, don't be stupid, don't be messy. Easy enough. Irene pulled out a pen and signed her name in her neat cursive handwriting on the bottom line. Irene was excited for Charms. She thought she was pretty good at it last year and hopefully this year would be the same. She listened as Professor Taylor introduced herself and took notes on the charm they would be practicing. Once they were set off, Irene pulled out her wand.

Irene was concentrating on the spell, the movements of the spell. Hopefully this would work... But someone bumping into her broke her train of thought.

"Oh, sorry!" She said in surprise, turning to help the person who had hit her.
0 Irene Liddowe Lucky Charms! 106 Irene Liddowe 0 5

Lucas Smythe

October 02, 2007 1:31 PM
Lucas was slouched at the back of the classroom staring at the new professor with a raised brow, she seemed a little strict for his liking. He also didn't much like the fact that she had made him jump by practically slamming the door. Still, she was his professor so he supposed he ought to get used to it.

He sat up and pushed his fringe from his eye as a piece of paper was placed on his desk by another student on command of the professor. He kept his mouth shut and thoroughly hoped that she didn't notice him smirk at the sheet in front of him - honestly, who makes kids sign something to say that they won't be an idiot?

He signed it in ink and left it on the corner of his desk. Since practising with his quill over the summer, his writing was still a bit messy, but it was far better than last year.

He listened as the woman introduced herself as Professor Taylor and then proceeded to grimace in boredom as she explained what the class would be doing. He knew those spells already, his parents had taught him luditus at a relatively young age, and he had learned wingardium leviosa previously too, but became well practised in the charm last year.

Then again, if he could perform both charms perfectly then maybe Madam Strict would go a little easier on him - providing she hadn't seen him roll his eyes as she spoke, the grimace he made at the choice of charms, or his smirk at the sheet for him to sign...

Pushing his fringe from his eye, Lucas passed forward his signed paper, smudging it a little on the way, and wandered over to the bin the professor had pointed out.

He sighed - he much preferred partner work. He just hoped that Sctricto would allow general chit chat in class, otherwise he might just die of boredom. 'I hate charms,' he thought.
0 Lucas Smythe Are you kidding? 96 Lucas Smythe 0 5

Oliver Abbott

October 03, 2007 5:27 PM
Charms was a safe subject. Oliver was good at charms – the spells just seem to work naturally for him, and this was a talent he didn’t mind in the least. It was with a somewhat dismayed expression, however, that he found a new teacher in the classroom. He, along with his year mates, judging by their similar expression of bewilderment, had been expecting Professor McKindy. Shrugging, Oliver settled into a chair and prepared his materials for the lesson: pens and paper, and his wand.

Within minutes of the lesson starting, Oliver wished the teacher was Professor McKindy; this new woman was foul! He did seem to be stuck with her though, so he readjusted his glasses and set to making notes on the class assignment instead. It sounded fairly fun, actually, despite what one may have predicted on first impressions of the Taylor woman. Perhaps he had judged her too soon?

When instructed to do so, Oliver moved to the front of the class and selected a currently inanimate object – a wooden spoon – from the collection by the professor, and headed back to his desk. Just before reaching it, however, he stumbled across a bag strap tailing out from under a desk, lunging sideways into another student. The girl turned and apologised, which was either very polite or very dumb of her, because she obviously hadn’t done anything wrong. Having righted himself, Oliver discovered it he’d bumped that Irene girl – one of the crowd of generic Pecaris – who he’d played Quidditch with over the summer.

“Irene, right?” Oliver said, checking that he had in fact got the correct person. Then his brain caught up with him, and he added, “Sorry about, you know, falling into you. Someone left their bag out.” To prove his point he glared darkly at the offending strap, lying almost mockingly in a very harmless manner on the classroom floor.
0 Oliver Abbott If you say so. 99 Oliver Abbott 0 5

Liz Guthrie

October 06, 2007 4:28 PM
It was Liz Guthrie's first charms class and she was exited. She couldn't wait to learn as much as she could and make her family proud.

As Liz listened to the professor, whom she now knew was called Professor Taylor, she couldn't help but think that this professor strongly reminded her of her wizard grandpa from her dad's side. He too was strict as Professor Taylor seemed to be. The first time she met him was when she was five years old and he scared the living daylights out of her at first but she learned to love him. She hoped she would learn to like Professor Taylor as well.

When Liz got a copy of the syllabus she was again reminded of her grandpa. Whenever she brought a new friend over to his house he wouldn't let them in unless they signed a legal contract stating the rules of the house and that he was not responsible for any injuries that they might get during their stay.

Liz carefully read the rules on the syllabus. She was glad of the first rule, she was tired of all the cracks about how girls aren't as tough as guys. The rest of the rules were just common sense, at least to her. Anyone who can't remember these rules are either stuborn or just plain stupid. She signed the syllabus and placed it on the side of her desk.

Liz listened attentively as Professor Taylor talked about what they were going to do in class today, the lavitation spell and the animation spell. Her dad showed her how to do those spells, though she had never actually did them, so she knew the theory.

She went to the bin that Professor Taylor pointed out and chose a toy plane to work with. When she returned to her seat she though about what she wanted to do with it. She finally decided that she would levitate it first so she tried it. She concentrate hard and said the spell.

"Wingardium Leviosa" the toy plane levitated a few inches before falling back onto the desk. Hmmm. She probably needed to concentrate a little more. She tried once more and again it only lavitated a few inches for a couple of seconds. This isn't as easy as it looks.
0 Liz Guthrie Not as easy as it looks 0 Liz Guthrie 0 5

Brett Hodges

October 12, 2007 10:35 PM
Brett was one of the last kids to slip into the classroom before the new professor closed the door. The desks next to Irene were all taken, so he scoped out an open seat that all but required him to walk past her desk with a "Yo Iris," and a goofy grin at his girl. This plan landed him right next to Talitha Cumni.

He and Talitha hadn't talked since their little debacle in History of Magic, but he had to interview her sometime in the next couple days so it was sort of good they ended up near each other. As Brett glanced through his syllabus--course stuff, rules, consequences, house points, boring--he glanced over and saw Talitha rub her eye. He thought she had something in it. He got eyelashes in his eyes all the time--like at least once a week. They were mad annoying.

He opted not to goof off this class. He had underestimated Professor Flatt and ended up with two written assignments as punishment, so he was going to lay low at least until next week before testing someone else. He wasn't sure about her. This new professor was no McKindy, that was clear. A lot of kids liked McKindy. Brett thought he was weird. He wasn't the best teacher ever, but he was entertaining. This lady wasn't entertaining. She was boring.

They'd done the Wingardium Leviosa charm last year. It had been his most successful spell all year, too, probably because Izzy, this older girl who actually knew stuff, had told him what he was doing wrong and helped him get it right. Funny to think of that lesson, now. He'd been so young and so stupid about magic back then, and McKindy had done the exact same stupid thing this professor had done and only showed the spell once. Brett had been lost then, and he was still mostly lost now.

Brett slunk to the front of the room and took a paper airplane. At least he could throw it if he got too frustrated. It was time for Humiliation 101. Again. He was acing Humiliation this year. It started in DADA and now in charms, too. Couldn't they at least do groups or pairs so he could goof off and avoid the mortification of being the only second year that hadn't mastered any spells at all? It wasn't like he was stupid, and it wasn't like he wasn't trying. He seriously just could not do this stuff.

Back at his desk, Brett rolled his wand between his hands slowly, thinking. Wingardium Leviosa it was.

"Wingardium Leviosa," he tried, swishing and flicking. Nothing. Again. The airplane twitched and fell over. Well, that was about as much as he'd gotten last year too. He glanced over at Talitha and she was crying. Crying! Was she always crying? He'd never noticed last year.

He got up and grabbed a couple tissues from the box on the teacher's desk (ooc: I assume kids still need tissues in the magical world? Or do they all have magic hankies? Not sure, work around it...) and went back to his seat and folded them neatly before discreetly handing them off to her.

"Man," he said, "I don't even have to say anything to set you off. It's my shirt, isn't it? It makes me kinda weepy just thinking about it," he lied rather obviously, and, smiling ruefully, pointed out a stain on his shirt, "Mustard. First time I wore it, too. It's a sad day for school uniforms everywhere."

He smiled tentatively, not quite sure if this was a good cheer up tactic for Talitha or if she'd just think he was making fun of her. Or stupid. Stupid was a distinct possibility, especially since in about two minutes she was going to realize he couldn't even do last year's spell, much less this year's.
0 Brett Hodges Are you always crying? 0 Brett Hodges 0 5


October 14, 2007 7:05 AM
OOC: Muggle tissues are preferable to magical hankies any day of the week.


Talitha looked up to thank the person who handed her the tissues and saw it was Brett. She blushed furiously and began to wipe her eyes and blow her nose as politely as possible. Would he ever see her as anything else but an hysterical idiot?

She couldn’t help but giggle a little through her sniffles at his joke. It might have been lame, but the delivery and his grin let her know there were no hard feelings about what happened in History of Magic class. She was still sorry her temper tantrum got them in trouble.

“At least they don’t take points away for messy shirts.” She grinned at him shyly, dimples deepening. Brett was known for cool ways of saying things, not for being natty. “I just miss the bubble hat.” She glanced at the Professor’s desk and was reminded a Muggle movies she saw at her neighbors once. “Instead it looks like we’ve got the Wicked Witch of the West. She sort of drains all the charm out of this class.”

0 Talitha Only two out of five classes per term 0 Talitha 0 5

Hyana Kamiya

October 19, 2007 4:10 PM
Hyana couldn't hide her grin. She would get to see Professor McKindy! Josiah really liked him, and he was the charms club superviosor. She hoped that she would be able to get to know McKindy better. His classes were always so fun. But she was running late! She had brushed quickly through her black hair with her fingers as she ran.

She got to the classroom just as the door snapped shut. Gasping for breath, she had run the entire way, she waited for a moment, and once her breathing was back to normal, she opened the door. The door made quite a loud squeak, and Hyana's face turned bright red (if she saw her face she probably would have said crimson) as eyes fell on her.

"S-sorry Professor M-" she began to apologized in a whisper, which had almost no sound at all as she looked at the ground. But when she looked up, she found that she was not apologizing to McKindy at all. Her eyes widened, and her face turned even more red. McKindy wasn't there. There was a woman there instead, and Hyana couldn't believe how stupid and irresponsible she must have looked.

Nice first impression idiot, she mentally scolded herself, You're late, and began to call the professor by the wrong name. Nice. She found a seat next to the first familiar person she saw. Lucas. He signed a paper that she caught a glimpse of. It looked like a muggle teacher's syllabus.

The Professor began speaking, and Hyana tried to listen. Really, she did, but all she could hear was the spells that Professor Taylor told her about. She already knew Wingardium Leviosa. She felt her throat tighten up, tears threatening to come at the memory. That was in McKindy's class. Hyana glanced over at Talitha, who seemed just as miserable as her. Hyana suddenly had the urge to go over and hug her friend, but she didn't want to look like an even bigger idiot.

They were dismissed, and Hyana quietly followed Lucas to the bin. She couldn't help herself. The question just came out. It wasn't directed at Lucas, but since she was standing right next to him, it probably seemed like it was.

"Where's Professor McKindy?" she asked, gulping, so she wouldn't cry. "I thought he was really cool..."
0 Hyana Kamiya Maybe *shifty eyes* 0 Hyana Kamiya 0 5

Rilla White

October 29, 2007 2:34 PM
Rilla took a brief break from her practice to look around the room. She saw several people struggling as much as she was, whereas others were getting it more easily. Closing her eyes, Rilla took some deep breaths. She was probably just worried. When she'd "accidentally" performed spells in the past she had had to be relaxed or extremely upset. So she worked on relaxed.

After imagining what she wanted the quill to do and trying to not think of anything else Rilla tried the spell again. This time it hovered about 3 feet off her desk. Forgetting herself she let out a squeal of excitement. She quickly looked around to see if anyone had noticed and if she was going to get into trouble for this outburst. Rilla tended to be very rash and didn't always think before she acted, which was pretty typical for an 11 year old.

Pleased she'd managed levitation Rilla thought she'd try animation. She'd played with spells with quills before. Once she'd managed to draw a circle with her quill with a spell. It'd came off very sloppy but, it had looked relatively like a circle. Rilla didn't know it, but she was good at charms, like her mother she had a knack for them. She certainly enjoyed the thought of them, and practicing them when given the chance though.

She tried to think what she could make a quill do. Taking it in her hand she flipped the quill upsidedown and make it sweep the desk with the feathery part. This would work she thought. Again trying to clear her mind and not worry about those around her, she focused on what she wanted her quill to do. Sweep the desk. Sweep sweep sweep. she thought to herself. Then she muttered the spell, flicked her wand and urged the quill to actually do it.

To her horror, it did what she wanted and what she didn't want at the same time. On her third try, the quill went into a sweeping frenzy, and did not stay on her desk. The quill went nuts hopping from desk to desk sweeping hurriedly. Papers scattered everywhere as her quill knocked them off the desk. Quickly, she grabbed another quill and tried to pretend she was working on levitating it.

She hoped desperately no one would know whose quill it was going crazy around the room. She also tried to hide a smile, and then a giggle. Though she didn't want it to do it, and it wasn't obeying her commands to stop, it was still rather funny. Whatever happened, she hoped this did not get back to her mother, who had a way of finding things out.
0 Rilla White Back to work 116 Rilla White 0 5

Chelsea Brockert

October 30, 2007 6:35 PM
As much interest as Chelsea had in Charms, which was a very useful subject and one that wasn't so boring , she took an instant dislike to her teacher. The woman was way too uptight. How was Chelsea ever going to get away with anything in this class?

Her brown eyes scanned the paper, pausing to look at the rules. The second and third one seemed pretty do-able. After all, running around the room was far from the proper way to conduct oneself and Chelsea would not be caught dead acting like that. Nor was it very likely she would have food and drink during class. However, that first rule kind of got to her. Sometimes, people deserved to be called out on their behavior, and if that meant someone who was acting like an idiot was called one, it was well deserved, as it had been in History of Magic.

As Professor Taylor began to talk, Chelsea's distaste for the woman only intensified. She couldn't imagine what kind of woman would actually want to become an engineer. That was no career for a proper pureblood lady, so the professor must have been lower class or had something else distinctly wrong with her. Chelsea also felt it was completely unnecessary for her to apply it to anything engineering related. These were simple first year spells. Why didn't the woman just tell them what they were going to be doing in the first place and get to the point?

Chelsea walked up and looked through the objects. She could do the same thing with any of them but there were some things that she just didn't want to touch, like an old hairbrush. That was just revolting since she didn't know where it had been. She finally settled on a golden hand mirror,(although Chelsea highly doubted it was real gold as there was no way a woman like this had such fine grooming items) and took it back to her desk.
11 Chelsea Brockert Disclaimer-The character's views do not reflect the author's 108 Chelsea Brockert 0 5