Professor Bulla

July 30, 2005 10:39 AM
A good working knowledge of the school was never something that went amiss. Manfred, making good use of his, took a quick shortcut from the Cascade Hall that allowed him not only to be the first to arrive in the corridor where his class was, but also allowed him a minute to make sure that everything needed for the class was present. What with recent events, and the intense morning he wasn't certain that he had allowed enough of his attention to be directed to preparation for his classes, so he was glad to find that he had remembered to collect several tableclothes from the prairie elves.

They were stacked neatly on his desk, and after subjecting the classroom to another last minute check to be sure that all was in order should the tour make its way past his classroom, Manfred went back to the front of the room. While the students filed into the room he busied himself at the board, writing up notes for the class.

"Alright," he said finally, when the last of them had arrived. He pulled his watch out of a pocket, looked at it, and directed a frown at the last student, then put it back away. "I'm sure you're all very excited to have visitors at the school, particularly those of you who are recieving visits from your family, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't all settle down for class. What you are learning in these classes is very important to your education, and to your ability to become a functioning member of Magical Society." He looked around to be sure that his words were at least having some effect, then deciding that it would have to do started the lesson proper.

Pacing around he addressed the class.

"First years, you are going to be learning a charm that I'm sure your older classmates are all familiar with: Aquor. This is a charm which does what?" He pointed to a second year student and nodded as an answer was given. "Very good. To reiterate - please listen, I don't appreciate talking in my classes, particularly when I'm addressing the class. It is disrespectful not only to me, but also to your classmates who are trying to learn - Aquor is a charm which conjours water from your wand. It can be very useful in environments such as the one which surrounds our school. You point your wand - there is no specific movement needed for this spell - and pronounce this incantation Aquor."

He demonstrated, squirting water over the pile of tablecloths and soaking them quite thoroughly in the process.

"If you need any help, refer to the information on the board," Manfred indicated the notes on the left hand side," or you can ask me, or perhaps one of the older students. You will, after all be working together today.

"Second years, you will be learning a drying charm today." He waited half a second, then cut off any protests, "You'll find that these spells do have everyday use as well and are not 'merely doing the job of a house or prairie elf'. Now, as I'm sure you can all recall some of the gaff's that you managed to conjour up last year, the particular charm I've picked for you to study today is a general dogsbody type of drying charm. Watch."

He walked back to the side of the desk, aimed his wand and then while keeping the tip in place pulled down on the handle while saying "exsorbeo". A low, sucking sound started to come from his wand, and as he moved the wand over the soaked tablecloths, the moisture was sucked out of them. Towards the end the sound started to rattle as he moved around picking up the last drops, sounding remarkably like then last few drops of a milkshake being sucked up through a straw.

"Ok, I want you all to form into groups of two or three. One second year per group." He flicked his wand and the tableclothes sailed around the classroom, each settling onto this desk or that. "You may begin."

OOC: Ok, I want some good long posts from you all. Any one line posts will not get your house points. Please pay attention to what your fellows are doing, I'd be quite happy for one student to write that they were the last to arrive, and for another to answer the question, but I don't want more than ONE for each, ok? So once that's happened, its done.

Have fun posting.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
39 Professor Bulla Charms Lesson 1: Cleaning up after yourselves 2 Professor Bulla 1 5

Ash Craven

August 01, 2005 6:51 PM
Great. A chick was storming over his way. Ash supposed he couldn't help being fiendishly handsome and just having a general magnatism - some girls even dug the whole 'I am not interested' thing, thinking it to be 'aloof' - but sometimes it could be incredibly annoying. Especially as he didn't actually like hanging out with girls, especially not ones who were going to go all fawny and gooey and fangirly on him.

"Yeah, that tends to be what you call it when you're sitting on your own," he replied sarcastically, sitting up a little at her tirade. She seemed fiesty. Not a bad trait. He cast his eyes up and down her, as if taking stock. She was a scrawny, pale little thing, but what else was to be expected from a firsty wastrel? Sorrel seemed to be fairing worse as her partner seemed scared of her, though no doubt his twin would revel in that.

"Tell me," he asked the girl beside him, "you got a genuine attitude problem, or is it just PMT?" Although there was the near permanent teasing edge to his voice, he also sounded slightly curious. If she was just having a hissy fit, the only interest he held was in winding her up further - perhaps she'd even cry. If she was genuinely a no nonsense, disrespectful cow, then... Well, she'd have to learn to obey him, but - as male allies were short - she might not be so bad.

"And it's no good telling me we have to get on with it," he added, in response to her rant about getting the work done, "It's your move first, remember?" \n\n
13 Ash Craven They're out to split us up ("Wanted" for what?) 50 Ash Craven 0 5

Asher Tallow

August 01, 2005 9:57 PM
"Genuine attitude problem," Asher snapped. "And it only gets worse when aggravated by stupidity. And I'm perfectly aware that I have to go first. I like to know what's going to happen and when it's going to happen. Besides, I wanted to make sure you had paid attention," she added in a tone that plainly said, Obviously, you idiot.

She omitted the part about how she had barely paid attention herself, and how she expected to completely fail at that stupid charm. Who needed to learn how to squirt water anyway? Although, she thought distractedly, shooting water might very well come in handy should those Hens act up. A sudden picture of Howard, Dupree, and Raines drenched while wearing their favorite clothes threatened to tip up her scowl for a second.

However, he decided to speak again, and her scowl remained fixed. What a jerk- already, Asher was regretting her spur of the moment choice in a second year. She should have gone for that short kid she had partnered up with in potions, even if he was super smart. Something told her that when she bungled up that stupid charm- and she definitely was going to mess it up, of that she was one hundred percent certain- he'd have no problem laughing at her.

She hated to be laughed at. Absolutely hated it.

"You're in the way," she said pointedly, and then without giving him a chance to move, she reached past and him and grabbed the tablecloth. For a plain rectangle of cloth, it suddenly seemed very intimidating.

Staring it down, Asher tried to remember the exact phrase. Was it 'Acre?' Or was it 'A-choir?' It was 'A' something, she knew. More than a little frustrated, Asher finally gave up trying to remember. There was no way she was going to ask that guy for help, though. No way, no how. She'd just have to give it a go. Who knows? Maybe she'd luck out and actually finally find something she was good at.

"A-coor," she said with a slight jerk of her wand. To her shock, her wand responded with an ejection of four whole drops of water. Three of the four drops landed on the table cloth, and thankful to have her part out of the way, she stood aside.

"There you go," she stated in that same snippish tone from before. "Time for you to start drying."\n\n
0 Asher Tallow Serves you right. ('RL stuff made my brain hurt) 1466 Asher Tallow 0 5


August 02, 2005 5:44 PM
"Well then, it's a good job you've got me," he smirked, as she said her 'genuine attitude problem' was aggravated by stupidity. Had Sorrel been there, he would have made some comment about having a problem if the girl got stuck with her, but - as his twin sister was absent - that would be bitching behind her back, rather than winding her up to her face, and they only went in for the latter.

"Oh, I do beg your pardon, milady," he said, bowing aside, as she snatched the tablecloth. Honestly, there was no need for such a lack of manners and respect.

"Bravo," he said sarcastically, snatching back the table cloth as she finished. Perhaps if he'd stopped being snickity with her for a minute, or vice versa, the two could have got along quite amicably. However, Ash wasn't the sort to give a lot of ground on a normal day, let alone a day when he was pissed off, wound up and then given attitude on top of it. And thus he replied, as he laid the table cloth back out, "Yes, well, five minutes in the sun ought to do it. Now where did your work go?" he asked, scanning the tablecloth minutely, "Oh! I think I see it, yes, there we go..."

He drew himself up, the insecurity he was feeling inside not flickering in the slightest across his smug face. He was well aware that, if he didn't pull this off, he was going to look like a massive twat.

"Exsorbeo," he said, trying to mimic Bulla-plop's intonation and wand movement. Two of the girl's drips vanished with a squelchy sound before it guttered to a stop.

"That's your pants spellwork's fault," he said, before she could laugh at him, "They're not all together," he explained, indicating the drips. "Try getting it properly wet," he instructed her, shoving the table cloth into her chest.

0 Ash Yet seems you're being punished for it (what stuff?) 0 Ash 0 5

Asher Tallow

August 03, 2005 5:46 AM
Replying with More like thirty seconds would do it, while rather snap-back-at-you-ish, had the unfortunate end result of being self-deprecating, and so Asher opted for biting down (not literally, of course, she was not into maiming herself just to prevent speaking aloud) on her tongue and glaring, arms crossed. Beneath the crook of her elbow, hidden from view, two fingers crossed as he went about with his half of the assignment.

When his charm sputtered as pathetically as hers had done, Asher felt a surprising surge of good-will. He was as bad as she was! And he was a second year, so he definitely didn't have her excuse of newness, although, really if she considered that train of thought any further, having grown up in a pureblood household, her wand experience should be much more than it was. Charms like 'A-coor' or 'A-quor' whatever it was-

She slammed down on that run away thought; that's how the stupid charm went! 'A-quor!' She'd get it for sure now.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say," she said with a roll of her eyes, much more excited by the prospect of doing the spell correctly than whatever creative way her partner had for blaming her.

She threw the tablecloth back on the floor, gave it a small kick to fluff it up. Feeling unusually confident by her memory's kind, uh, remembrance, Asher brandished her wand before her, gave it a slight twist from the wrist, and proffered the tablecloth an afternoon shower. "A-quor."

Well, she tried to, that is. Instead of a generous mini-geiser of water as she had intended, a fine mist had spritzed out from her wand, half of the spray landing on her arms and half on the tablecloth. While now certainly damp, the cloth couldn't be said to wet- not sopping, dripping wet like she had wanted. She gave it another kick before bunching it up in her arms and depositing it on the desktop.

"This has no point anyway," she grumbled, picking apart the hem of her t-shirt and certainly not caring whether her ever so darling partner was listening or not. "Who's going to go around walking in a desert? A crazy person that's who, and I'm definitely not crazy, so obviously, Bulla's the crazy one- hey," she broke off abruptly. Taking a stroll through the desert definitely fell under the title of 'insanity,' so if Bulla knew how handy that stupid 'A-quor' spell was from personal experience, then. . .

But she'd only dealt with Bulla for the past term; what she needed was someone who had known the professor for longer, someone who might have noticed any other signs of insanity. Someone like, say, her partner.

Forcing her mouth to soften into somewhat less of a scowl, she asked, in a falsely casual tone, "Bulla ever mention doing things like jogging through a desert before? You know, crazy things like that?"

Considering that Asher's attempt at subterfuge was akin to stuffing an elephant into a porcelain shop and releasing a bucket load of mice- and then hoping that nothing would be broken, it was fairly fair to presume that her intentions were entirely obvious.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Asher Tallow Same could be said for you. (problems with transcripts) 1466 Asher Tallow 0 5