Between today, Friday 11th, and Sunday 20th we are running a little challenge. We're setting four categories and any threads started between these dates are eligible to win prizes in the form of house points.
The categories are...
- Funniest thread - Thread most likely to end in disaster - Most splendiferous use of vocabulary - Most romantic/touching thread
The rules are.... - Threads must be started between the dates of the writing challenge - Threads do not have to be completed in this time, but only posts written during this period will count in the judging/prize-giving - A thread may only be entered for one category (though you can decide the category upon the deadline date - you might think you're starting in category d but veer suddenly towards category b....) which means that you must agree with your co-authors on where to enter it - Each character can enter each category once. An author can enter a category as many times as they like with different characters, and the same character may be entered in as many categories as they like with different threads.
To be eligible, please post a link to the thread below, under the relevant category. Prizes will be determined by the number and quality of the posts in the thread and will be announced in the final week of term.
We don't want 'winners by default' so GET WRITING, SONORANS!
Most romantic/touching (nm) by DH Skies with Thad Pierce, Alicia Bauer
Splendiferous Vocabularies (nm) by DH Skies with Thad Pierce, Theodore Wolseithcrafte
Heading for disaster (nm) by DH Skies with Lucrezia, Cepheus Princeton
As I haven't gotten objections to my classifications, I'll make them officially declared. Alicia and Thad's MARS thread is tagged for the vocabulary contest.