Jennifer Zucchero

December 14, 2006 4:40 PM
It was now a couple months into the school year, and Jennifer had finally managed to convince herself that she didn’t care that Jake hated her. At least, she assumed he did. After all, the two of them hadn’t spoken since their fight in muggle studies, and it was fairly obvious that wasn’t going to change for a good while. (Yes, she could go up and talk to him, but just look at what had happened the last time she’d done that. It was far better to just ignore him.)

She also hadn’t spoken to Lizzie since then. It wasn’t that Jennifer was angry with her, really, well, for the most part. It was just that Jennifer didn’t want to have to deal with any of it anymore. So she wasn’t. It was that simple.

And there was so much to concentrate on, it really was easy. Schoolwork had kicked up a notch, with it being fifth year, and by taking as many courses as possible (with the exception of divination, which was just a bit too sketchy a subject for her to handle), there hardly seemed enough time in the day for all the things that needed to be done. And, with the quidditch season starting, it was only going to get worse. She didn’t have time for boys, on the off-chance that Jake had at one point liked her back. It was best this way.

On the day of the first quidditch practice, Jennifer had headed down to the pitch a good half-hour before the time her announcement had said. Over the past three years, she’d discovered that it was a good time to think, and it gave her a chance to practice and be able to concentrate solely on the snitch, without worrying that someone was going to kill someone else.

By the time she felt that she’d gotten in a pretty solid practice, most of the team had arrived, so she flew down, dismounted, and put up the snitch, giving the few stragglers time to make it there. When at last the final person arrived, Jennifer joined the huddle that had started to form, clearing her throat until everyone quieted down, then starting to speak.

“It’s great to see you guys back again. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Jennifer Zucchero, although I will answer to almost all variations of that. For those of you returning, I know we’ve had some pretty crummy luck for the past two years, well, alright, I’ve had some pretty crummy luck for the past two years. You all have been amazing,” she grinned at them, then continued.

“However, this year is going to be different, if only because, in case some of you are oblivious and haven’t noticed the presence of smaller people here, we actually have alternates this year, Dolan, Lutece, and Oliver. And please, play nice with the firsties, particularly you two, Lily and Gwen. Yes, I know you’re beaters, and that violence is in your nature, but I will hurt you, understand?” She was being serious, at least a little, but it was also for the purpose of providing amusement to at least most of the team, since she was so much shorter than either of her beaters, and would have difficulty doing anything to them.

“Anyway, today’s just going to be a standard ‘let’s see what you remember’ day, per usual. Chrissy, Helena, and Geoffrey, go take Oliver down to the other end and run some passing, catching, and shooting drills. Lily and Gwen, you’ve got Dolan, I’m going to let out one bludger initially, both if things go well, and I just want you three to go and hit them at the chasers. Try to keep them away from the other end, alright?”

Letting the seven go off, the chasers with the official game quaffle and the one released bludger, she turned to her two keepers. “Lutece, today’s going to be more of what we were working on, a lot of the basics. If you start to feel confident, then we can have the chasers come try shooting, but for now it’s just going to be me and Earl. He’s probably going to be a bigger help than I am, since he actually plays the position, but I’m going to hang around to make sure none of the beaters decide to risk my wrath by hitting a bludger at him. Wouldn’t want you to get wounded in the crossfire.”

She cracked a smile, although she wasn’t joking. There were times when she wasn’t sure what to do with the animosity between certain members of her team, but now wasn’t the time to deal with it. She motioned for Lutece to mount her broom and fly up, and then turned to Earl once everyone else had gone up.

“I need to ask a favor of you, Earl,” she said, any joking from earlier vanishing. “Out of the three alternates, it’s most important that we get her trained well. Now, this is nothing against you, you’re a great keeper. It’s just…” she sighed, then started again. “If you couldn’t tell by the game last year, the medic obviously isn’t going to be very fair about letting wounded players come back. That’s why I was so ecstatic about getting as many alternates as we did, but we still don’t have another seeker. So, in case something happens, you’re going to have to take over that position in a game. I’m fairly certain you mentioned it being your favorite, so I don’t know how much of a hardship that would be.” She reached down to get another quaffle, called up her broom, and mounted, asking a quick “Ready to go?” before taking off to join Lutece.
0 Jennifer Zucchero Quidditch practice [tag: Crotalus team] 48 Jennifer Zucchero 1 5

Lutece Anthony

December 14, 2006 6:30 PM
Lutece was a bit horrified when she realised that not only was there already a Keeper, but that he was much older than she was. She was glad that Jennifer had decided against tryouts. Lutece honestly would have fallen off her broom and humiliated herself again if she had had to compete for a spot against an older guy. As it was, she carefully hid her horror and embarassment and mounted her broom, waiting patiently for Earl and Jennifer to join her. While she waited, Lutece moved around a little, trying to pick up the basics of this broom. Some of what she had read since the last practise had given her the idea that each broom was different in some way, and she didn't want to be taken by surprise.

When Jennifer came up to join her, Lutece smiled at the older girl. "I've been working on the throwing and catching stuff since last time, and I think I've gotten a lot better," she said, almost shyly. The last time she had seen Jennifer, Lutece was fairly certain that she had nearly given the captain a heart attack by nearly falling off her broom several times. She was determined that nothing of the sort was going to happen today, no matter what.

She had been practising, with borrowed brooms and balls, by herself in her free time. In fact, Cascade Hall, the Pitch, and the Library were really the only places she knew how to go to in this odd school. Well, and the Crotalus Commons. She still got hopelessly lost on her way to class, mostly because she was so busy thinking of ways to improve or learn more about Quidditch. She spent much of her time frequenting the Quidditch section of the library, trying to understand the terms and rules of the game. It was fascinating; almost like soccer, but so much more intense and competative. Everyone seemed really into it, too, and Lutece figured it was the best way to fit in here. All she had to do was convince her dad to get her a broom for Christmas. She had already sent a few catalogues his way via one of the school owls (another weird thing about these magic people was that they used owls instead of regular post), and he was very into sports, so he would probably cave fairly well. Especially since she had made sure that all the really good brooms were circled. Even if her father didn't understand what she was pointing out, one of the twins was sure to. They were nearly as fascinated with this new world as she was, and James at least was hoping to come to Sonora eventually.

Lutece snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Jennifer and Earl carefully, hoping she hadn't missed anything. She vowed to be much more aware--a Pitch was someplace where all your senses needed to be awake, at least if you were a girl who still didn't quite understand half of what was going on.\n\n
0 Lutece Anthony Keepers, I suppose 100 Lutece Anthony 0 5

Earl Valentine

December 15, 2006 10:25 PM
Earl almost skipped to the field, but he restained himself; skipping was much too girly. But he let himself grin broadly and walk quickly onto the field where the Crotalus team was waiting. There were a few reasons Earl was so happy. The first of course being that this was Quidditch. Who wouldn't be excited? The second was, that even though some of the team didn't like (like he cared) and that another person had signed up for his position, Jenny had still made him Keeper (not that he was nervous). Then there was the fact that his father had finally caved and had bought him a broom over the summer. Sure it wasn't the best out there (only a Nimbus 2000), but Earl was still thrilled at the prospect of not having to ride the old. dilapidated school brooms anymore. The last reason had nothing to do with Quidditch whatsoever, but it made him happy, nonetheless. Asher asking him to spend Christmas Break at her house was the highlight of his first few days back at Sonora, though he wasn't telling a soul about it.

He brought his thoughts back to Quidditch when Jenny started her speech. Earl tried to focus on what she was saying, but his thoughts were flitting between snowstorms and how his new broom would improve his abilities on the field, but he finally began to pay attention when he heard his name.

...for now it’s just going to be me and Earl.

Earl looked over at the first year who might have taken his job and lifted his new broom in acknowledgement. How could be afraid of losing his position to a first year girl? When Lutece flew off Jenny turned her attention to him and Earl put on his serious face when she asked for a favor. But as soon as he heard what that favor was he lit up and huge grin spread across his face.

"Sure! That'd be awesome!" The his grin faded and he stuttered. "Not that you getting hurt would be awesome; I just meant that I...yeah, I'll do it," he finally got out. He'd have to practice for that position too, and Jenny was a lot smaller than he was, but he could do it. he grinned to himself and followed Jenny up to where Lutece was.

His broom glided perfectly; no twitches and flying slightly to the left for him anymore. He did a few loops before gliding up to Lutece who looked deep in though, but snapped out of it fairly quickly.

"So, uh...Lutece, is it? You ever play Quidditch before?"

0 Earl Valentine Hey...that means me! [tag:Lutece] 67 Earl Valentine 0 5

Leo and Gil Idoya

December 17, 2006 1:15 AM
"This really isn't healthy, you know."

"Callate, Gil."

"Look--see? I told you you should've signed up. Looks like Zucchero's at least taken on the firsties as alternates. She probably would have been more than willing to do the same for you. And that way you'd get to practice with the team, instead of lurking about and waiting for her to graduate..."

Leo sighed and slumped for with an unwonted disregard for posture, chin resting in his palm and elbow on his knee as he watched the Crotalus team--plus the few newbies Gil had pointed out--make their way onto the field. They probably wouldn't even notice the twins until they took to the sky; the twelve-year-olds were sitting in the stands, tucked into one of the corners, and at least one of them was trying very hard to be inobtrusive.

"...and by then they'll probably already have an alternate Seeker anyway, who'll be chosen over you even if you are older, because they'll have so--"

"He or she will have," Leo corrected automatically.

"Right. He or she will have so much more experience working with the team." Gil, apparently finished for the moment, leaned back a little and put his hands, callused from use, on his knees. He watched his twin carefully; Leo didn't even sigh or roll his eyes. In fact, he showed almost no emotion at all. It was Gil who let loose an exasperated sigh then. "Honestly, you're being ridiculous."

"Honestly, I'm not," Leo snapped.

"The Quidditch would do you good. You know you love it, even if you don't like to admit it--and staying cooped up in the library doing research for Abuelo and his little projects isn't improving your complexion any," the younger twin joked. Leo glanced downward at the hand laying absently across his other thigh; it was very nearly as brown as his twin's, with or without daily time in the sun. "What's he got you working on, anyway?"

Leo glanced reluctantly at his brother. "You know I can't tell you, Gil," he said regretfully.

"Sí, sí... yo sé. Pero..." Gil trailed off as his brother straightened a little. The Crotalus team, having been subjected to some sort of pep-talk from their coach, was taking to the sky. "...Pues, deseo que..."

"Pues, pues," Leo grumbled. "Callate, Gil. ...Por favor? Solamente quiero mirar."

Gil sighed again, but mostly repressed it; it escaped only as a gusty exhalation. "Bueno."

Leo was lying. He wanted to fly, and he wanted to fly badly. He was a good Seeker. But Seeking and Quidditch just didn't factor into the education of the heir of the Idoya patriarch. He was lying, and they both knew it.

OOC - Translations: callate - shut up; sí, sí... yo sé - yes, yes, I know; pero - but; pues, deseo que - well, I wish that; por favor? - please?; solamente quiero mirar - I only want to watch; bueno - fine.\n\n
0 Leo and Gil Idoya Observing. 0 Leo and Gil Idoya 0 5

Oliver Abbott

December 19, 2006 5:23 PM
Oliver was nervous. Very nervous. He was beginning to think that maybe he had been an idiot for signing up to play Quidditch. He couldn’t play Quidditch, he could barely ride a broom! What had he been thinking? ‘Stop it’ he told himself, ‘you’re better than that.’ At least he had his own broom and didn’t have to borrow one from the school’s dodgy stock.

Oliver’s parents had never let any of their children ride a broom, let alone own one. Luckily, Oliver’s Uncle Raymond was nowhere near so strict, and had let Oliver and his brother Julian ride his brooms whenever they went to stay with him. When Oliver had decided to go to Sonora, Uncle Raymond had brought over the broom that Oliver liked to ride – the Bluebottle T20 – and said he was to take it to school with him. His parents had only allowed him to take it because Oliver said he wanted to play Quidditch (his parents understood sports), so it would have been rude not to at least sign up. That said, Oliver didn’t really think he’d be allowed on the team in his first year. Admittedly, he was just an alternate player, a substitute, but if one of the chasers couldn’t play for any reason, then he really was going to be playing Quidditch for his house. That was a bit daunting when he thought about it.

Making his way towards the rest of the team on the pitch, Oliver noticed that he recognised a lot of the faces from his common room, and his roommate, Dolan, was there, too. Broom held safely in his hand, he started to relax and their captain started talking. Oliver nodded his head at the others when Jennifer mentioned him. The she told Chrissy, Helena and Geoffrey to work with him. Oliver stood still, feeling a bit stupid, not knowing who Chrissy or Helena or Geoffrey were – he hadn’t seen where the captain was looking when she said their names. He readjusted his glasses and pushed his blond hair away from his eyes, hoping that one of the chasers would call him over or something, and he would follow them.
0 Oliver Abbott Newbie chaser 99 Oliver Abbott 0 5

Helena Layne

December 20, 2006 11:08 PM
Helena's policy on group situations had been shaped by her mother, who, for a usually social person, had the odd quirk of going shy during formal events: smile, nod, and say nothing unnecessary. A Quidditch practice hardly counted as a formal event, and she didn't think she had her mother's problem of hardly being able to talk at one, but the theory behind it worked. She smiled and nodded to the other returning members whether she'd ever spoken to them or not, smiled and nodded to the firsties she knew not at all, and waited for Jennifer to get things underway.

She listened to the opening talk with an expression of polite attention that only broke when she gave the Beaters a wary glance when their names were mentioned. Lily she knew only by reputation, but Gwen was as close to familiar as someone she'd never exchanged two words with could be. The fourth year had Anne's face, if you bleached it and took off most of the edges - which wasn't too surprising, really, since the Aladren Chaser and the Crotalus Beater were cousins. That had never stopped Helena from feeling uneasy around her, though, or made her able to say why.

She went to join Geoff - she still had trouble not giggling when she thought about him and how different what little she knew of him was from her brother - and Chrissy when they split into position groups, still smiling politely. Geoff wasn't too bad, being only a year older, but Chrissy had intimidated her from day one, and the fifth year's elevation to prefect status didn't help. She had decided before she even reached the Pitch that her solution to the problem would be to throw herself in one hundred plus percent and hope for the best.

Now, if she could just do it...

Just say something. The odds, as Geoffrey would say, are against either of them trying to bite. "Hi, guys," she said finally, hoping it didn't sound too lame to be stood. "Um - " She didn't have much call to ask about their summers, small talk was a waste of time anyway, and suggesting that they start might be seen as stepping out of her place. She saw the first year she thought was Oliver. "I'll go get our firstie," she finished, then, without waiting for approval, went to do just that.

"Hi," she said, making an effort to look and sound welcoming. "I'm Helena, one of the Chasers. Are you Oliver?" Except for Earl and maybe Lily, everyone had a nickname; Chrissy was really Chrysanthemum, Geoff was Geoffrey, Gwen was some Welsh version of Guinevere Helena didn't think she could pronounce, and Jennifer, like Helena herself, was called any and everything that could be derived from her name. The first years, if they were staying, definitely needed nicknames. Oliver could be Ollie, Lutece would have to be Lulu, and Dolan...was a problem for the Beaters. Shifting her grip on her broom, an early birthday gift from her parents, she waited on Ollie to confirm his identity. \n\n
16 Helena Layne I guess that makes me an oldie Chaser. 88 Helena Layne 0 5


December 22, 2006 10:25 PM
"Yes, I'm Lutece," the girl responded to Earl, trying her best to seem mature and at ease. It was a little bit difficult; the broom seemed to be twitching occasionally. She didn't think she was doing anything wrong, although Lutece was so green she probably couldn't tell if she was. She had read in some of the books, though, that school brooms were notoriously bad. It kind of made sense; school equipment at her old school had been substandard as well. There wasn't really much point in giving new equipment in excellent condition to a bunch of kids who would probably wreck it anyway. "Jen practised with me a bit before, and I've done some solo work, but I've never actually played in a Quidditch game before."

She didn't like admitting that, but it wasn't as if she would ever have influence over Earl anyway. Older people, especially older guys, didn't usually listen to younger people. She could learn from him, too, which was vital. Lutece wanted to excel at Quidditch. Usually under motivated, when it came to sports, Lutece was the personification of competitive spirit.

"I was the second best goalie in my soccer league, though," she added proudly. Second in an 11-14 league wasn't bad, especially since the best was Amanda Morris, who was a huge ninth grader. Lutece looked around at the other people on the pitch, and decided she was pretty well off. There were no Bludgers near her, she wasn't going to kill her eyesight looking for some microscopic golden thing, and she didn't even really have to know how to catch and throw, so long as she could block. Nodding to herself, Lutece was reassured that Keeper was definitely the position for her.\n\n
0 Lutece Yes, I believe it does 0 Lutece 0 5


December 22, 2006 11:26 PM
Earl sighed. He was sorely hoping for Lutece to have been born into a Quidditch obsessed family where she'd learn how to be Keeper when she was two. As this was not the case, Earl was actually going to have to teach her how to be a keeper. Though he lightened up considerably after hearing that Jenny had worked with her and that she had been a pretty good soccer goalie.

"Soccer, eh? Well, that's definitely a start. Keeping's almost the same thing, but you gotta be able to maneuver your broom pretty well. And you can't just throw your body in front of the quaffle like in soccer, although it works "sometimes. Just blocking it will send that quaffle straight down and very likely into the other team's waiting hands." Earl was getting antsy with all this talking so he began to circle Lutece in lazy loops as he talked.

"You need to be able to catch the quaffle and throw it to one of the chasers. You also need to realize that in soccer, you only have to guard one goal. In Quidditch, there's three." Earl stopped circling. What else was there to talk about? He couldn't think of anything, so he turned back towards Lutece.

"You ready to start?" Earl asked.\n\n
0 Earl I believe so too. 0 Earl 0 5


December 23, 2006 8:55 AM
Lutece began getting a little nervous as the older boy circled around her. She understood about the three goals well enough, and the importance of throwing and catching. Why else had she been practising so much? Yes, they were mostly ground practises because she didn't have a broom, and Lutece was pretty sure she didn't have the authority to borrow one from the Quidditch Coach, but that was no reason to treat her like she didn't have eyes. Anybody could see that there were three bubblewand-stick-things that worked as goals. At least her hand/eye cordination had improved drastically since she had worked with Jen. Lutece had never had cause to work on it before, but as usual, when she put her mind to it, things improved. She drove her mother absolutely mental with that because the woman could never understand why Lutece's grades weren't considerably better because she was such a quick study. But grades weren't important like soccer (and now Quidditch) were.

Thankfully, Earl stopped circling. He asked her if she was ready to start. "Yes," she responded, manuvering her broom a bit so that she was moving around in her own small circle. Lutece was fairly anxious to get started. It had been forever since she did anything but some throwing and catching drills, but since a lot of her work as a goalie had been instinct to begin with, Lutece wasn't especially worried that she would be out of practise. She tended to do a lot with intuition.\n\n
0 Lutece Such a <i>lovely</i> enter key I have... 0 Lutece 0 5


December 23, 2006 3:13 PM
Earl nodded, trying hard to hide his enthusiasm for finally being able to play Quidditch. After spending all summer in a muggle neighborhood without the game, he was free to play at last. He let loose a smile as he sunk to the ground to get a practice quaffle and brought it back up with a flourish.

"All right. Uh, how 'bout I throw the quaffle at the goals and try to block them. Then when I think you've got the hang of it, we'll switch. That sound good?" Earl didn't wait for her to agree, but motioned for her to head towards the goals. He backed up his broom a bit, aimed at the center goal, and then tossed it towards the right. However much he regretted having to give up some of his keeping time to the firstie, he needed some practice with throwing. It all worked out.\n\n
0 Earl It is quite lovely... 0 Earl 0 5


December 24, 2006 11:03 AM
Lutece flew in front of the goals when Earl suggested it. She had tied her hair back this morning so it didn't get in her way. She was majorly ready for this; Lutece loved soccer. Granted, it wasn't exactly the same, but Quidditch looked to be even better. Three goals, on broomstick? Lutece looped back and forth in front of the three bubblewands, waiting for Earl to throw the quaffle at one of them.

He threw the first Quaffle to the right, using the trick that every six year old tried. People almost never threw (or kicked) where they were obviously aiming for. Lutece moved her broom over with her knees, getting squarely in front of the red ball and catching it neatly. Although it hadn't exactly been a difficult throw, she was still proud of herself for catching it. With any luck, Earl wouldn't mind practising with her too much. She threw the ball back to him; it wasn't the best throw in the world, but one of her personal best. Even though she was on a broom and not the ground, the ball only wobbled a little bit. The practise and research she had done had payed off after all!\n\n
0 Lutece Albeit broken... 0 Lutece 0 5

Chrissy Mathers

December 30, 2006 7:00 PM
The badge that she had to wear everyday was like a heavy burden displayed on Chrissy's body. The very idea that she had been made Prefect still bothered Chrissy. In fact, as she walked down to the pitch for the Quidditch practice, Chriss was contemplating walking directly up to Jennifer and throwing the badge at her feet because it belonged more to her than it did to Chrissy.

There were numerous times when Chrissy felt like pinning the darn thing to Jenna's robes and claiming her to be the rightful Prefect, but Chrissy knew that she'd end up getting the badge back. Stupid badge. Still, she couldn't help but feel a little proud that she had been the one chosen to wear it or the fact that she had received a letter from her mother who had told her how proud she was of Chrissy. That was a rare letter indeed.

Chrissy listened to Jennifer as she began the practice. Despite having lost the year before, Jennifer wasn't a terrible Captain, even if she felt she was one. Living in the same dorm and knowing the girl for the last five years, Chrissy could figure out her moods rather easily. Last years loss had taken a toll on Jennifer. "Just be glad none of them are Earl." Chrissy muttered under her breath when Jennifer warned Lily and Gwen to not harm any of the first years.

She sighed quietly, another chaser they would have to work with. Chrissy felt so old next to the other chasers. Geoff was only a third year and Helena a second year. Now there was another first year. Chrissy wasn't even sure if she'd be able to have a single conversation with the first year.

Helena joined them shortly before leaving again to grab the first year. Chrissy only had enough time to really give her a small smile before shaking her head and waiting for the newest member to join them. While waiting, Chrissy laced up her boots and grabbed her gloves. "Geoff, think we ought to start with passing or do you think we should make sure the kid can fly first?" Chrissy asked, looking at the boy she was directing her questions to.\n\n
0 Chrissy Mathers I don't even want to know what that makes me 0 Chrissy Mathers 0 5


January 02, 2007 9:46 PM
It was a pretty easy shot, but Earl was glad Lutece had caught it. if she hadn't, then she might have need way more help than he could give her. She threw it back and Earl had to jut forward on his broom a little to catch it, but for a first timer, it wasn't all that bad. Good. Earl nodded to Lutece, showign that she had done well and continued on with the practice.

Earl thought for a moment before zooming up and trying to toss the ball from above into the center hoop. He wasn't the best chaser, but he learned a few tricks from his chaser aunts and his years on the team. This was a bit trickier for the first year, but it wouldn't be that difficult. He just wish he were a better chaser. It would make things a lot easier on him.\n\n
0 Earl Was that your fault? 0 Earl 0 5

Oliver Abbott

January 03, 2007 2:47 PM
Luckily, Oliver didn’t have to stand feeling (a probably looking) stupid for too long, because a girl came over to him, and said introduced herself as one of the chasers. Oliver let out the breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding, and smiled at Helena.

“Yes, I’m Oliver,” he replied to her query. He suddenly felt an overwhelming need to excuse the poor performance his nerves told him was about to occur, so he blurted, “I’ve not played Quidditch before, but I’m a good rider and I’m good at other sports, so I think I’ll be alright.” Stop there, that’ll do, his brain said, and Oliver thought it was a good idea to listen. So he didn’t say anything else, but just smiled at Helena, hoping he didn’t look too dorky in his beige sunhat and sunglasses. Most people wouldn’t have said it was a particularly sunny day, but Oliver couldn’t help it if his eyes were sensitive to the sun.

Oliver cast a furtive glance to the two people Helena had been talking to before she came over to him. They looked to be older students – in fact, the girl, he was pretty sure, was the new prefect. Unfortunately, they weren’t standing very far away, and Oliver overheard the end of her sentence: … or do you think we should make sure the kid can fly first?”

Oliver focussed his eyes on the broom still clutched in his hand, and tried not to blush. He cleared his throat and looked back at Helena, pretending he hadn’t heard anything, and waiting for her to lead him back to their teammates.
0 Oliver Abbott An experienced chaser? 99 Oliver Abbott 0 5


January 05, 2007 3:51 PM
Earl seemed to have approved of the way in which she dealt with the last Quaffle. Approval was always good. Granted, he wasn't praising her to high heaven, but it was still good. And if he had been, Lutece would have cynically expected him to want something from her. Flattery actually did get somewhere with some people, but not with her. Granted, Lutece might pretend to go along with it, but her blue-green eyes would always be searching for some hint as to what the person in question could be planning. People were always planning something, and everything they did meant something. Not necessarily what you thought it did at first, either. It was a psychological thing, at least according to James. Nobody argued with James when he started spouting stuff like that.

Unfortunately, Earl then decided to make use of the three-dimensionality of the Pitch, and go above her to try a goal. Drat. Oh, drat. Lutece had forgotten about that! She wasn't prepared to save from an overhead shot. Honestly, she didn't really know how to deal with an overhead shot. It didn't really come up much in soccer. She tried to make her broom go backwards, but it sort of slid to the right instead. Luckily, the Quaffle hit the tail end of the broom because of the sliding to the right, and Lutece was able to turn around and grab it. She threw the Quaffle up towards Earl and adjusted her position so that she would be ready for a try from above, below, or on level next time. Or at least, as ready as she could be.\n\n
0 Lutece Nope. My laptop's just old. 0 Lutece 0 5


January 06, 2007 12:18 AM
Not bad. Earl thought as the quaffle hit the back of Lutece's broom enabling her to catch it. Granted, it was a relative accident, but if he hadn't had a million 'accidents' in his first year, he'd probably not be on the team today.

Earl caught the quaffle and began circling part of the pitch at a high speed. She'd need to be able to catch a quaffle moving at high speeds. He threw the ball as hard as he could towards the goals trying to put a spin to it, but not sure he did much more than kick it a bit off course.\n\n
0 Earl Too bad... 0 Earl 0 5

Lily Collins

January 06, 2007 11:41 PM
Lily was totally psyched for Quidditch this year, although nobody would know from looking at her. She maintained a cool front as she usually did, unless she was really really angry. This year, not only did she hoped for Crotalus to get their first win but Lily wanted her first injury to another team's player. She simply couldn't let Lexi and Gwen have all the fun.

As Jennifer's talk finished up, Lily eyed Dolan. She had no desire to make things hard on him, there was simply no reason to as he had never done anything to annoy her. It was just Earl she had a problem with and people on some of the other teams.

"Okay," She addressed her fellow beaters. "I was thinking, for stratgy, it's as simple as this. We try to take out as many people on the other team while protecting players on our own." No matter how dirty it makes us feel, Lily mentally added, giving an instinctive but unnoticeable shudder. After last years game, she'd felt the need to shower for reasons other than smelling nasty. This year, she hoped another team's beater would eliminate Earl, while she and Gwen were otherwise occupied and the firstie could take over. "This worked wonderful for Teppenpaw last year." She looked at the fourth year. "Do you have any other ideas before practicing this by whacking the bludger at the Chasers?" \n\n
11 Lily Collins Beaters! (Tag Gwen and Dolan) 45 Lily Collins 0 5


January 07, 2007 3:19 PM
Earl didn't comment on her lack of a catch. Lutece flushed a deep red as she shifted and her broom slid left again. How could she have forgotten that a Quaffle could come at her from anywhere? She was sitting on a broom about twenty billion feet up in the air! This was not soccer!

And yet, as the red ball flew at her, faster than anything she'd seen yet, Lutece knocked it down with an arm. Drat. She was supposed to catch it, not knock it down! Sliding half off the broom, she kicked the Quaffle back at Earl with her left foot. It sort of thunked, but seemed to be going towards him well enough.

Lutece needed to wake up. This was Quidditch, not soccer. Quidditch. Magical. Not Muggle. Magical. You catch the ball. You do not kick it. Catch.\n\n
0 Lutece Shhh! *shifty glance* Don't let it hear you! 0 Lutece 0 5

Helena Layne

January 07, 2007 7:04 PM
Helena took quick stock of the first year. The hat and glasses made him look like he was about to go vacationing on the beach, but it wouldn’t be polite to say so, and doing so would probably end in discovering that the first year had some rare disorder that required them. She listened as he began explaining about his past experiences with riding and sports but lack of direct Quidditch expertise and nodded as he finished, giving him a warm smile. There was no point in making him feel worse than he probably already did.

“It’s okay,” she said reassuringly. “That sounds like a good start. I’m sure you’ll be fine.” She hesitated, not sure what he meant by ‘rider’. She had heard of people riding horses. It sounded ridiculous to her – why would anyone want to ride on something that could think for itself? – but she had seen Muggle pictures of people doing it. “The other Chasers are Chrissy and Geoff, a fifth year and a third year. I’m a second year. We can teach you the game as well as anyone.”

She hoped she sounded more sure of herself than she was. Despite playing together, she had never really gotten to know Geoff, and Chrissy frankly intimidated her. Helena liked to think well of people, but she didn’t know how willing the fifth year would be to put up with the first year’s learner’s mistakes. “Come on. I’ll introduce you so we can get started.”

She smiled up at the two older students when they got back to them. “Chrissy, Geoff, this is Oliver Abbott, our new understudy.” Understudy probably wasn’t the right word, but it was the best she could come up with. There was a reason she’d never even considered sharing her compositions with the wider world. “Oliver, this is Chrissy Mathers and this is Geoff Spindler.” \n\n
16 Helena Layne I was thinking an institution, but that works, too. 88 Helena Layne 0 5


January 09, 2007 5:25 AM
Dolan's attention was caught by an older girl, who, by the way she addressed him, was one of the team's beater, and, by default, his senior in both school and sport. She spoke to the beaters with an air of a veteran, and he paid attention. He was inexperienced, he knew that full well, and he knew his place on the team was to learn and help and take orders. For now, at least, until he could improve for the team.

His shoulders tightened and his hands flexed. He nodded thoughtfully as the girl finished talking. Normally, he wasn't a violent person... but in the air over a quidditch field, anything was possible. In the air, he was quite capable of viewing the other players less as people, and more as pieces to deal with. Then again, that idea wasn't far off from his world view.

He looked up at the air where others were already practicing, eager to join the fray.\n\n
0 Dolan Yay for Beaters! 0 Dolan 0 5


January 12, 2007 10:24 PM
Gwen started the Quidditch practice off smiling normally and paying attention to Jennifer, but had began looking preoccupied well before they were given their assignments. Why would Jenny think she was going to hurt the firsties? None of them had surnames she felt like reacting badly to, and it wasn't their fault they were too gullible to see through Jordanna. The only person she really wanted to hurt was Nicoletta, and Nicoletta wasn't here; her Earl-issues were almost an afterthought. Maybe Jenny was talking about Earl, trying to be subtle about telling Gwen and Lily they couldn't hurt him. Hurting him was more Lily's thing than hers, but Earl and Jenny might not realize that, and it wasn't like she wouldn't take the opportunity if it presented itself...

She was still mulling it over when they split up and she wound up, one way or another, with Lily and a little boy logic suggested was Dolan. Gwen honestly didn't think she was violent enough to make Jenny think it necessary to warn her, even with Cate's amusing little nickname for her in circulation. It could be a way of telling Lily not to hurt the first years without being rude about it; it had been phrased as a joke, after all. Or maybe people really did think of her that way, between her father and her issues and Morgaine, and there was nothing to be done about it. She broke her reverie when Lily started talking.

She found herself smiling slightly at the fifth year's plan. "Sounds like a plan to me," she said, tucking a strand of pale hair that had fallen free of her ponytail behind one ear. "The simplest plan holds together best at the time of engagement." She'd heard that, somewhere, or maybe she'd read it. There was also a possibility she'd just made it up. She gave the first year a different smile, one that was less amused and more proper. "I'm Gwen," she said. "She's Lily. You're going to look down and pay attention now." She turned back to her positionmate. "Are we actually going to let the Bludgers reach them, or are we going to swoop in at the last second and save them?"

She didn't vocalize her reason for asking, though she personally thought it was a very good one. If she killed the pureblooded House prefect or a Spindler, her father would, understandably, be furious. If she killed Helena Layne, Helena Layne's brother and Gwen's own cousin would most likely make her wish Alasdair had gotten hold of her. Good reasons to want to leave the Chasers alive, but not ones she was going to tell to Lily. She thought the fifth year sort of liked her, but she doubted Lily would find her reasoning respectable. \n\n
0 Gwen We are pretty awesome... 63 Gwen 0 5