Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau

February 22, 2013 9:53 PM

Reminder, Please Read by Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau

I’m happy to see the amount of posting that our first challenge has received and hope to see more as the following weeks before Midterm comes around. But I would like to put up this reminder to all authors. Please make sure that you are adhering to the site rules at all times.

You, as the author, know what is going to happen, but that should not be a part of your character’s knowledge as that would be God-Modding. Another form of God-Modding is allowing your characters to have certain abilities without limitations and boundaries. Meaning, your character is using magic that is above his/her skill set and using it with ease.

I know that defeating this challenge on your own would give your character an ego boost and walk around with pride, however, how your character interacts with the team and handles each challenge realistically is part of the points that you receive. If your character is a beginner but casts the spell without any issue, that isn’t realistic because the Boggart is not taught until the Intermediate level. So, the hosts of the challenge have every right to dock points from that post. Points/winners are decided on the quality, length, creativity, and realism of the posts, not who defeats the challenge within the shortest amount of thread time.

If you are unsure of what your character may know, I am a resource, other staff members are resources, or other authors in the chatzy are resources. Even reading other posts from other characters can help gage the level of difficulty the challenge is for the students. The Lexicon and Wiki are also great resources as it’ll let you know the difficulty of specific spells or potions (usually).

Please keep this in mind as we move on with the challenge. For younger students, remember, if an older student has trouble with a spell, you are likely to not be able to do it.
0 Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau Reminder, Please Read 0 Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau 1 5

Amity Brockert

February 22, 2013 10:45 PM

Question by Amity Brockert

If someone used the wrong spell, should they have been able to defeat the boggart?
11 Amity Brockert Question 233 Amity Brockert 0 5

Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau

February 23, 2013 1:42 PM

Possible Answer by Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau

Well… this is a little complicated to answer since we’re limited to what we know of the Boggarts. I want to say that it is plausible that any creature can be defeated using a spell that isn’t necessarily the one that is meant to defeat them.

It would strictly depend on what spell the castor is using and the strength of that castor. The main way to defeat a Boggart is with laughter and happiness, so if the spell the castor is using is based on these principles, then the Boggart is likely to be defeated. Otherwise, I can only assume that the Boggart might be momentarily stunned/injured/confused, but would not actually be defeated.

But, the strength of the spell is a big thing here just like any other spell. If you haven't developed your skill or are letting other emotions guide you, the spell won't be strong enough to really do much of anything.

I'm not sure if this helped you at all. And someone else might be able to provide a clearer answer than myself.
0 Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau Possible Answer 0 Headmistress Kijewski-Jareau 0 5