
October 29, 2009 5:55 PM

Just wondering... by Anonymous

I know the last question was similar to this but why are there so few classes?just wondering not particularly important!
0 Anonymous Just wondering... 0 Anonymous 1 5

Professor McKindy

October 29, 2009 10:55 PM

And answering! by Professor McKindy

Although it may seem like there are very few classes, each class is posted twice a term for each year--when you add that all up, it means that first years alone attend twelve classes! It might not seem like very much right now, but trust me--the schedule gets quite full as the year goes on. =)

We used to have a couple of electives, but staff and student interest in them was sort of low, so now they are only available as In Character (IC) independent studies. Maybe in the future, if there is a demonstrated interest, we'll have electives again.
0 Professor McKindy And answering! 0 Professor McKindy 0 5