Professor Flatt, the Elder

April 08, 2009 5:29 PM

Sonora Academy Recruitment by Professor Flatt, the Elder

Hallo Miscreants-

It's that time again; the time where we prep for a new school year and usher in flocks of wide-eyed, addle-brained first year beastlings. It's a time I imagine we all enjoy, regardless of whether we are bringing new characters into the site or simply aging older ones. There's just one thing, though.

We need to have enough quality applications to move forward and currently, we would like more.

Here are some suggestions for ways to advertise:

1: Livejournal communities. Every two weeks, I regularly post an advertisement for the new term on fifteen different communities. Now, these are ones that I've found, but I know there are people who live and breath LJ like no one's business; I am not one of those. So if you do- advertise there!

2: Fiction hosting sites with forums. There is an abundance of fanfiction sites that include forums. Fiction Alley and its subsidiaries, Ashwinder, the millions of Yahoo Groups in existence, etc. If you write at one, or read one, or post at one- then advertise! Include it in your signature if you'd rather be more subtle; or go for directness and post away!

-> In addition, you can leave reviews for authors you enjoy, whose writing is of a good quality, and suggest they take a gander at Sonora. Spread the word.

3: Real life interactions. Granted, I know that many of us may not have real life connections who are as gung-ho about Harry Potter or writing, but if you know any, tell them. Even if they're new to the HP universe, if they've played any table games before, or just enjoy writing, Sonora's a great place to incorporate both.

We want the new term to start as scheduled- but more importantly, we want a new term with dedicated, quality writers who won't necessarily disappear after the third post into the dark void of nothingness called writer's remorse.

Oh- and encourage male characters. I have more fun with my male characters than the females any day. Call it living vicariously.

PS: I have a handy advert all prepped and ready, html coded and all, for any of you who might want one for forums/journals/whatever. Just e-mail me and I'll send it your way.
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