Alexis Ashwood

December 03, 2008 10:29 PM

Quick absence by Alexis Ashwood

I'm in the middle of heck week for Peter Pan at my community theatre. Apparantly, doing set crew is taking up more of my life than the actual acting would've! I'll catch up on posts during the weekend (praying I survive the week).
0 Alexis Ashwood Quick absence 117 Alexis Ashwood 1 5

Geoffrey Spindler

December 04, 2008 5:42 AM

We'll see you on the Pitch then... by Geoffrey Spindler

... then. You know, or else I'll have to get Lutece to take on Seeking.

39 Geoffrey Spindler We'll see you on the Pitch then... 79 Geoffrey Spindler 0 5


December 05, 2008 5:06 PM

I'll be there... by Alexis

Tonight or tomorrow. It depends on how battered and bruised I am from the platforms!
0 Alexis I'll be there... 0 Alexis 0 5