Headmaster Brockert

November 06, 2015 5:23 PM
Ugh. Opal was pregnant again . Really, Mortimer had thought all that his son and daughter-in-law were trying to was get a boy and they had gotten one. Why in Merlin's name did they need another child? The woman was a moron and not cut out in the least to have so many kids so close together. He didn't mind having grandchildren generally speaking but no, just no. Not them. Not her.

Of course, his face remained stoic. He never ever showed the slightest hint of emotion, especially in such a public place. Last thing one wanted was to give teenagers ammunition. Just because none of them had been responsible for last year's incidents, didn't mean that Mortimer trusted them in the least. Besides, he wasn't upset, just a tad annoyed. And he was sure he always seemed a tad annoyed. Because he usually was.

As the first years filed in, he stood and began to speak. "Welcome to Sonora for the new first years and welcome back for all older students. In just a minute,first years will be receiving a goblet distributed by Deputy Headmistress Skies, in order to sort you into your houses. You will turn the color representing your house which are blue for Aladren, yellow for Teppenpaw, red for Crotalus, and brown for Pecari. Afterwards, you may join your house table."

Much like two years ago with Owen, Mortimer took a slight interest in the Sortings this year, with his niece Angelique coming in. Two years from now his oldest grandchild, Emerald would be here and though he would only admit it to himself-because Mortimer never admitted how he felt when he did feel something-he was looking forward to it. He hoped Emerald would be an Aladren, like he had been. She was quiet and bookish and did not seem to have inherited her mother's total lack of intellect.

Anyway, he noted Angelique's sorting and though he didn't smile-that wasn't an expression that Mortimer's face naturally made and when he tried, he looked like an animal about to eat it's prey and besides, it kind of hurt a little to do so-he was pleased with it. Angelique might have been silly and spoiled, but at least she managed to get a perfectly respectable house.

Once the first years had found their new houses, Mortimer said. "Would Arnold Manger and Ji-Eun Park please come up and get your Head Student badges. In addition I'd like to call up Clark Dill, Jake Manger, Chaslyn Brockert, and Lionel Layne to recieve their prefect badges. Congratualtions."

After they had sat back down, Mortimer announced. "This year's Midsummer event will be the bonfire. Now we will sing the school song." Which none of you will ever remember, he silently added as sheets appeared in front of the assembled mass.

Every day we strive
Learning to survive
Life’s hardships and to solve its mystery.
Learning to defend
Our honour and our friends,
Flying high to meet our destiny
We will stand and face those who want to harm us.
We won’t let the world transfigure, jinx or charm us
I won’t fight alone, as long as you are with me.
Sonora be my home, my tutor and my spirit
Vasita quoque floeat; Even the desert blooms.

With that, food appeared, students were free to converse, and he was free to enjoy his meal.
11 Headmaster Brockert Opening Feast 6 Headmaster Brockert 1 5

Sammy Meeks

November 09, 2015 10:05 PM
Sammy was thirteen years old now. A third year. In the Intermediates classes. That was some sick stuff, bro. She didn’t particularly feel much different, aside from a few confusing impulses and emotions that she opted to ignore for now. Her clothes were fitting differently, though. Her chest hadn’t grown much--and, going off the genetics of her biological mom, she didn’t really expect it to--but she was beginning to figure out why guys and girls’ pants were sold separately. These stupid hips were not going into “boys” clothes anymore.

And she had broken the five foot barrier over the summer! If nothing else, the brunette was proud of that. She didn’t think she was ever going to be tall, but at least she wasn’t going to end up legally a midget. That was nice. (And if she ever figured out how to walk in them, high heels could probably do the rest for her.)

She spent most of the bus wagon-ride with her face in a notebook, sketching some ideas as they popped into her mind. Sammy wasn’t sure she was necessarily ready to share this information, but ever since the fashion show--the one she suggested--she’d been thinking about clothes. Her moms had always took a guilty pleasure in shows like Project Runway, mostly for the sass, but when they had it on over the summer, Sammy had taken a surprising interesting in them.

When the wagon arrived, she tucked her notebooks deep within her backpack and bounded eagerly for Pecari. She couldn’t wait to see Gia again after the summer. They hugged and chattered, and it reminded Sammy just why Sonora felt like home. Man, Gia was the best.

When it was time to go to the Feast, she somehow misplaced Gia and, while they were at the same table, she didn’t find her again until she and Jax were already seated farther down the table. Ah well, she thought casually. Plenty of time to hang out later. Sammy just made herself comfortable in her current position, waving down to them when she thought she had their brief attention.

She sat through the Sortings and announcements with mild interest. She was happy that Arnold guy who was nice to hear won Head Boy, but she didn’t really know most of the others. And a bonfire sounded pretty cool, but the end of the year was way too far off to make much of an impression on her. Sammy sang along to the song with moderate volume and enthusiasm, happy to be back but not a great singer. And then it was time….


Sammy eagerly set to acquiring her favorites, knowing by now the ins and outs of the House Elves’ cooking. Mama knew what mama likey. In her quest, her hand landed upon a plate at the same time as someone else’s. She was hungry, sure, but still polite, and retracted her hand. “Go ahead, you first,” she smiled. She gestured slightly to her already overflowing plate. “I’ll be okay while I wait.”
12 Sammy Meeks Third time's the charm! 310 Sammy Meeks 0 5

Chuck Fintoc

November 15, 2015 10:41 AM
Chuck was starting Intermediate class this year and he knew it wouldn’t be easy but neither was it something that particularly bothered him because he had never been one to worry. He would simply do the best he could and treat the new term like the new adventure that it was. Although in his first year he’d been clueless and new and in his second his step sister Emmy-Lou had joined the school, this year was likely going to be the strangest because Daniel was starting. Daniel was his closest cousin in terms of age and growing up with him meant they were basically brothers so it was a weird thought that his home life was beginning to follow him to Sonora. He wasn’t sure whether to be pleased that Dan would receive the opportunities of a proper education, which was something even Chuck never took for granted himself, or worried that some of the more traditional yet seemingly radical to him pureblood society types would rub off on the impressionable young kid. Since it wasn’t in his nature to fret, Chuck went with the former of the two options, knowing that he’d still keep an eye out for his young brother-cousin-frenemy.

The announcements were never of much concern to him but the midsummer event being a bonfire did sound much more his thing than in previous years. Chuck joined in with the singing but he wasn’t all that keen, the whole time wishing he could somehow speed it up and get to eating. He didn’t have to wait long though because soon enough the food appeared and he was loading up the plate. Pretty much all his aunts were great cooks but Sonora feasts never failed to excite him, largely because of the huge variety and superb quality of the dishes that the homely meat-filled meals at the ranch couldn’t even compare to.

He reached for a dish, hardly watching what he was doing as his eyes scanned around for some cold ham. He realized a little late that he’d been going for the same plate as another student and they were already offering him first dibs.

“Thanks,” he grinned as soon as he noticed that the other hand belonged to Sammy Meeks. She was in his house and year and was the sort of girl that you couldn’t possibly dislike, at least he couldn’t but no doubt the more prejudiced purebloods would have different ideas. Ever since meeting her at the Opening Feast in their first year, he had found her a most amusing classmate to be around. And now she seemed her comical self as she gestured to her plate that was somehow already much fuller than his own. How she managed to eat so much and not show it puzzled Chuck but he laughed softly as he helped himself to the dish they’d both gone for then nudged it closer to her.

“I have to admit, the best part of being back is probably the food,” he commented, half joking half serious, as he served himself from the plate of ham he had located. There were actually a good number of things he loved about being at Sonora, including the people. With everything there were pros and cons but by now Chuck was used to being away from home for long periods of time and had his ways of dealing with the lack of cattle and horses and mountains to roam. “The Elves here really know their stuff. I wonder if I’d be able to take one home for Christmas.” Clearly he was no longer remotely serious but the thought of kidnapped a Prairie Elf was rather amusing. There were House Elves at the ranch but they didn’t do a great deal of cooking, more required for general housing keeping whilst the Fintocs worked outside.
8 Chuck Fintoc Charmed by food. 309 Chuck Fintoc 0 5


November 20, 2015 12:47 AM
Chuck Fintoc was a super cool dude. He had been Sammy’s first ever magical friend after they met at the Opening Feast of their first year, and while they didn’t hang out nearly as often as they should have--seriously, what was the deal with that?--she definitely still considered him one of her friends. So while Sammy absolutely adored food and in fact her life mission was basically acquiring, masticating, and digesting, if she had to take a back seat and share the love, she was glad it was with Chuck.

“I have to admit, the best part of being back is probably the food,” he commented, and while she couldn’t exactly tell for sure if he was being serious or not, the brunette took him at his word as she nodded her agreement, her eyes widened by the seriousness and magnitude of her feelings. “The Elves here really know their stuff. I wonder if I’d be able to take one home for Christmas.

Chuck was, by all sensible perception, probably joking, but the humor was pushed out of her radar by the utter coolness of the idea. “Oh my god,” Sammy replied, leaning forward eagerly.”Do you think they’d let me have one if I told them it was my birthday? Or what about on my actual birthday? That was be so cool-... Oh.” She paused suddenly, her tone switching. “I guess that wouldn’t work anyway, ‘cause my family’s Muggles. Dang.”

In her excitement over the Elves, she’d forgotten about the plate they’d both previously reached for, and, noticing it now where Chuck had left it for her, she acquired her meal, slopping most of it down on her plate but taking a rather huge chuck directly to her mouth. “So how was your summer?” she asked through the heap.
12 Sammy We need some Lucky Charms over here! 310 Sammy 0 5