Acting Headmistress Sadi Powell

September 26, 2011 12:56 PM

All Fifth and Sixth Years! by Acting Headmistress Sadi Powell

At dinner the night before it had been announced that all fifth and sixth year students would be excused from the first twenty minutes of their morning class the following day, and would be required to meet in the Cascade Hall once breakfast was formally over. They had perhaps already guessed that this was for the purpose of electing which students would secure headship roles in the following year. It had been two years since such a vote had taken place, as the current Head Boy and Girl had kept their positions for both years they were in the highest yeargroup at Sonora, and they had both done an exceptional job. They would soon, however, be graduating, at it was time for two students in the current sixth year to step up and fill their shoes.

Sadi waited patiently as the students gathered around, looking like she always did, in muted shades of brown for her robes, her hair tied back neatly, and an air of calm. She had thought that she'd already seen her last voting, in her final year as Headmistress, but as David Regal had still not returned to his position at Sonora (and rumours were rife that he might not be returning before the summer), Sadi once again was in a position to collect the votes. On the table beside her were neat piles of parchment forms, and some writing materials, in case students had not thought to bring their own.

When everyone was gathered, the Acting Headmistress did a quick check to ensure nobody was there who ought not to be, and then she cleared her throat, signaling it was time for the students to pay attention.

"Thank you for all being here. As the sixth years have probably concluded, this isn't anything that any of you need to worry about, although I do hope that you will take your responsibilities in voting seriously. I have here the forms - one for each of you - so you can anonymously vote for next year's Head Boy and Head Girl. Please do not discuss who you are going to vote for,” she didn’t doubt some discussion would take place after the event, but it was best that the voting reflected only the preferences of each individual. “The announcement of who has been successful in securing the roles of Head Boy and Head Girl will be made at the upcoming Midsummer ball. Now, if you could please take one of these and pass them along," Sadi handed the pile of forms to the nearest student. "Try and find a spot on your own, and when you've made your decision, fill the form in - if you need writing materials they are on the table here for your use – and then please hand the forms back to me."

(OOC: Form is here. Voting is In Character and as anonymous as you choose to make it. Votes from ineligible characters, random strangers, anonymous people, etc. will be ignored. Responding to this post isn't necessary, however voting is if you want your character to have their say.)
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