Professor Aaron McKindy

June 10, 2011 6:35 PM

Hey you, Pecari! by Professor Aaron McKindy

For a lack of better things to do and the hope of avoiding eye contact with Declan Chatterjee, Aaron had paid more attention to the Pecaris than usual during this particular feast. It was at times like these, with no option but to attend the Feast but nobody in particular he wanted to socialize with, that he missed Niobe and Sadi the most. He had a tentative fondness for Amelia Pierce, but with everything that had been going on in the last term, Aaron hadn’t ended up talking to her very much. When he was feeling less embarrassed/sorry for himself, the man decided, he would make an effort towards establishing some sort of friendship with her.

All things considered, that could take awhile.

For the purposes of appearing to have had a normal summer, instead of one riddled with the side-effects of a newly-broken marriage, Aaron wore his usual pink-bubbled tophat on his head coupled with a pair of crimson dress robes that had been adorned with a large silver dragon that slithered back and forth upon further investigation. It had the added bonus—or downside, depending on who you were trying very, very hard to avoid eye contact with—of making him one of the more visible people in the room. When it came time to summon the Pecaris, though, his visibility was certainly useful. The tall, black-haired man stepped away from the staff table, casting a minor Sonorus on himself before booming out the call for first year Pecaris. Once all the appropriate students had gathered around him, Aaron removed the charm and continued to speak in a slightly-above-normal voice. Cascade Hall was fairly loud, as it was usually during the Feast, and he needed the first years to hear him.

“Hey guys,” the gray-green eyed Italian said, smiling down at the clustered eleven-year-olds. “I’m Professor McKindy; I teach Charms and I’m also the Head of Pecari House. I’m going to show you guys around the school in a second, and how to get to our commonroom,” actually, at the moment, he was waiting for the Crotali to be led out so he could start the walking tour, but that was okay. “Remember, if you get lost or need help, you can always stop an older student or ask me. I have an office connected to the Commons and you should be able to reach me quickly. Similarly,” Aaron added mildly, “I will be able to reach you quickly. Just in case, you know, the Commons mysteriously turn colours or your roommate’s bed turns into a toad or something.” The Pecaris had been relatively well behaved last year (thank Merlin), but you really never knew.

“All right then!” Aaron said, once he was sure the kids were ready. “Now pay attention and follow me!”

|OOC| This thread will be continued in the Pecari Commonroom. You can respond to here if you want, but you don’t have to post here to post in response to the second thread, and you don’t have to finish your Cascade Hall posts before you respond to either. If your character has a question for Aaron, please tag me in your title so I can get to you ASAP!
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