Headmistress Powell

May 01, 2009 1:20 AM
It was a beautiful evening. Sunlight streamed in through the windows of the Cascade Hall, creating a dazzling display of ripples and rainbows as the final rays of the day were reflected by the waterfalls lining the room. Sadi had made her way to Sonora in her usual fashion: Apparition. She was wearing her customary plain brown robes and her graying hair was fastened, as usual, in a neat knot at the nape of her neck. She stood quietly in the far corner of the room as returning students noisily made their way into seats, and the first years were gathered by the door. The new students were greeted by Deputy Head Professor Flatt, and Sadi honestly wasn’t sure which party looked more nervous out of the first years and Henry. She understood the anxiety; she herself was concerned that she might make some terrible mistake during her first day as Headmistress. Hopefully those present would forgive any stumbles.

When all the wagons were empty, Sadi joined her colleagues at the staff table (although she stood in front of it, rather than sat behind) and called for attention. “Settle down, please,” she said, gentle but commanding, as always. When there was enough quiet to be heard without the assistance of charms, Sadi graced the students with a smile. “To our older students, welcome back. To our first year students, welcome to Sonora Academy.” With Henry’s assistance, each new student was handed a goblet full of a clear, bubbling liquid. When swallowed, this potion would turn the drinker’s skin the corresponding color of the House to which they now belonged: blue for Aladren, yellow for Teppenpaw, red for Crotalus, and brown for Pecari.

Most students enjoyed watching the sorting of the first years. Sadi couldn’t deny that the event had held her interest more thoroughly when she’d been Head of Crotalus, and so could identify her future students, but it was nevertheless an entertaining event. Therefore she waited patiently until all the students had settled once more before returning to her address.

“As always, the prairie elves have provided us with a magnificent feast,” she said, hoping to reel in the attention of those whose minds had wandered. “However, before we eat, I would like to make a few short announcements. Firstly, I would like to draw your attention to some changes in staffing this year. Professor Flatt,” Sadi gestured towards her colleague, now seated at the staff table, “will be supporting me as Deputy Head. I ask that you afford him every courtesy he deserves.” The worry about what would happen to the school if the government-appointed Deputy were to be unhappy remained unspoken. “Secondly, I would like you all to welcome Stella Nelson, who will be your new school Counselor. If you are having troubles of any sort, students are welcome to make an appointment to see the counsellor at any time.”

"Next I have a notice for the older students. You may have noticed that Professor Huntley is not with us this year. This is because Sonora Academy will, for the time being, not be offering elective classes." Call it pressure from above, cost cutting, lack of student interest, call it whatever you like - the situation remained the same, and was only made worse when one considered the school's inability to maintain all staff members from one year to the next. "If any students in fourth year or above wish to continue learning either Muggle Studies or Ancient Runes as independent studies, please see me."

“There have also been some alterations in Heads of Houses. Professor Flatt will be leading Teppenpaw, and Professor Taylor will take charge of Aladren House.” Sadi decided that the reasons behind this decision (namely to keep assorting governing bodies content) didn’t need to be shared. “Crotalus students may welcome Professor O’Leary as their Head, and Pecari House will be under care of Professor Baer.” Again, the reasons were not explained, though this time in sensitivity to Professor Baer; Sadi felt the transfiguration professor would be more adept at dealing with the boisterous Pecaris than the obstreperous Crotalus girls.

“Your Head of House will support and guide you during your time here at Sonora, and they are assisted by prefects and the Head Boy and Head Girl.” Bringing us nicely on to the next announcement, Sadi thought, as she reached into the pocket of her robes and brough forth a small box. “Could this year’s Head Boy, Geoffrey Layne, and Head Girl, Briony O’Leary, please come to collect their badges.” Sadi smiled at each seventh year, handing over the large badges bearing the school crest, and accepting the temporary badges they had been wearing until now. She replaced them in the box, where they joined four prefect badges. “Could this year’s prefects please join me to collect their badges. Congratulations to Lucas Smythe of Aladren, Josiah Ashwood of Teppenpaw, Lutece Anthony of Crotalus, and Irene Liddowe of Pecari.”

Sadi distributed the badges with a smile and ‘well done’ for each student. She put the lid back on the box and returned it to her pocket as she waited for the applause to die down before attracting attention for the last time that evening. “Thank you for listening for so long. I have no more announcements to make, so you are free to enjoy your food.” With a wave of Sadi’s hand, each and every table was suddenly groaning under a multitude of dishes, plates and jugs, each filled to the brim with one or another of an impressive variety of foods and drinks. Enough, indeed, that no student had yet found the feast lacking, and no student was ever likely too.

As everyone began eating, Sadi made her way to her own seat, and sunk into it, relieved that the hardest part of her day was over. She poured herself a small measure of good wine, and sipped from her goblet.

0 Headmistress Powell Let the Opening Feast commence! 0 Headmistress Powell 1 5

Clarissa Marigold

May 06, 2009 2:25 PM
Clarissa Marigold walked into the dining hall late. Everyone looked up at her when she came in. Clarissa blushed. Then she heard her name being called. She lined up in a queue where a tall guy was standing. The first years were chatting amongst each other, then Clarissa realised they were drinking from a goblet. She listened for her name as others were called out to drink.. Bridjalyn Tuppin, Jose Hernandez, Insomnia Zannicci... Clarissa Marigold. She stepped forward and sipped from the goblet. All of a sudden Clarissa turned a bright blue meaning she was in Aladren house. Clarissa followed the other blue first years to the Aladren table and sat down to listen to Headmistress Powell finish her speech. Then there was food! Hot cross buns, icecream, chocolate, all delicious! Clarissa filled her plate with all sorts of delicacies and new things to try. Her appetite seemed to be larger than usual.
0 Clarissa Marigold Meeting new people 0 Clarissa Marigold 0 5

James Anthony

May 10, 2009 10:43 AM
It was James Anthony's second year at Sonora, and as the boy made his way into the Cascade Hall, separately from his fifth-year sister, he was glad to be back at the school. The summer had not been a fun one, between Lutece sulking around the house (or Flooing in and out, depending on her mood), their parents officially being separated, and his twin sister wanting to have nothing to do with him, the blue-eyed boy had been forced to spend his own summer holed up in his room, studying. On the plus side, he felt confident that he had now mastered Algebra and Algebra-based physics, with the help of one of his dad's Trekkie friends. James himself was not a huge Star Trek aficionado, but he did appreciate that his father was perhaps the geekiest person on the planet, and took advantage of that.

Either way, it was back to Sonora. He had made a few acquaintances over the summer and was keen on getting back. Maybe the whole making friends thing would go a bit better this year. Although the bespectacled 12-year-old was a self-proclaimed nerd, James was not inclined to sit around with his books in Aladren all day, refusing to make friends. After all, having a social life was very important, and the connections he made here could easily pass on to the rest of his life. That sort of thing.

Seating himself with an empty seat on both sides of him, more to encourage people to come talk, James rested a cheek on his open palm as he listened to the Headmistress speak. He hadn't been a fan of Bulla much; the old guy had his head stuck way too far up the narrow canal of tradition, from what James could see, and the younger Anthony was no more a fan of that than his older sister. Having said that though, James didn't know the new Headmistress, so the change could have been for the worse. He would have to wait and see. It was exciting though, to hear that Professor Taylor, the Charms teacher, would be taking over as Head of House for Aladren this year. She was James's favourite professor, and an absolutely brilliant woman. Much better than the previous Head, who'd disappeared halfway through to have a baby anyway.

Lutece, prefect? James's light brown eyebrows stood in shock at this news. He hadn't thought his sister was nearly smart enough for that sort of thing. And she barely had any friends! Well, no matter. If Lutece could make Prefect her fifth year, it just proved that it would be easy for James to do the same. The school probably looked for leadership things, helping first years and stuff, club involvement. Doable. James wanted to get involved in a club or two anyway, and the Opening Feast was a great way to start off the leadership circuit. Even though he was only a second year, the boy was confident that he knew more about Sonora than most of the firsties. Start from the bottom, work your way up.

Luck! A little blue first year girl walked over and took the seat next to him. Blue, of course, because of the whole bit with the goblet of potion. To the second year's utter amusement, the first year seemed entirely perplexed by the sheer amount of food on the table. Better now than never, he supposed.

"Hey there," James smiled genially at the girl as she piled food on her plate. Most of it looked like pure sugar. Silly first years, but he supposed they would grow out of it at some point. "if you eat all that much sugar, you're going to crash," he informed her, not patronisingly. "and you're probably going to have a late night of it, meeting your roommates and such. I'm James Anthony, by the way. Second year Aladren." Another friendly smile.
0 James Anthony And we're happy to meet you too! 126 James Anthony 0 5

Clarissa Marigold

May 12, 2009 2:26 PM
"Hello James," Clarissa replied brightly looking up, studying his face. "your in a year above me, right?, That's the second year, I probably sound stupid but this place is amazing, much bigger that i imagined". she thought he looked kinda geeky and he was talkking to me, a first yearer, he either had no friends or they were in the wagons that were running late. Clarissa considered the food on her plate, as James had said it was quite unhealthy but she thought she might as well spoil herself on her first day, after all she didn't want all the food to go to waste! However, she added a few crackers, some fruit and looked at the main course options. As everyone else was gorging themselves on lasagna she thought it was probably a safe bet. Clarissa scooped up a healthy sized portion and deposited it on the side of her plate, placing iceberg salad on the other side as a final addition.
Having finished making her selections, Clarissa returned her attention to the boy. "So, what's the best thing about being at Sonora then?"
Clarissa was being polite, but didn't want to encourage the second year too much as at her previous school she'd made friends with a girl who was quite neeky and unpopular and as a result Clarissa had been left out by everyone else as well. Clarissa smiled politely at James whilst chewing on some lettuce and looked around to see if any other first years were about.
0 Clarissa Marigold Talking to a second yearer 0 Clarissa Marigold 0 5