Rorrie Hudson

January 08, 2008 7:15 PM

Owls and their bad news... [Tag: Josh Warren!] by Rorrie Hudson

Dear Rorrie,

We have just gotten notice from Dad's work and we are being trasferred to Washington D.C. I know we just moved here, but that's where he is needed. You are going with us! I don't want to hear anything from you because I know how you get. You always get all upset and emotional when we move and it's not a big deal. You're just going to have to get over it. Your sister never complains and she's the younger one!

We are going to be packing up for Washington in the next few weeks and we will be moving by the time you get home from school. I am sending a letter to your Headmaster, informing the school that you will no longer be attending next year. Don't plan anything for the end of the year because you may need to come home early. We'll find a different school, but to be honest, I don't like the idea of these "magic schools." We will find a good school near us. And, Rorrie, you better not be in an attitude when you get home. Moving is not your choice. We're the parents and if we want to move we're going to.

Mom, Dad, and Olivia.

Rorrie glared down at the letter, positively fuming. "You always get all upset and emotional when we move and it's not a big deal." Not a big deal? It's a huge deal! Moving every other year and uprooting her life is a very big deal! Telling her not to be upset about leaving her friends and the life she had come to love at Sonora was insane. She had friends here that she didn't want to leave behind. And they might pull her out early, right before the dance! Did they really not care what she thought? No. She had stated that in the second paragraph with her "It's not up to you," stuff. But they need to think about how this affects the family. She might not be able to control where they lived, but they should at least contemplate the concept that they were literally tearing her away from every place she had ever been attached to. Don't they get how that affects her? Sure, they might, but it's not like they care...

Rorrie was going to miss her friends so much... And she was thinking about asking Josh to go to the dance... if he didn't ask her first, that is. But now she couldn't go at all! This whole thing was really sucky. Another thing that had her ticked: they weren't even going to put her in a magic school again! What the heck?! They can't have her begin to learn this and then go back on their decision. Could they even do that? Was there a wizarding law? Something? Anything? Rorrie barely noticed as someone took a seat next to her. It wasn't until they spoke that Rorrie looked over. She smiled, glad to see a framiliar face.

"Hi Josh," she said, folding up the letter.
0 Rorrie Hudson Owls and their bad news... [Tag: Josh Warren!] 0 Rorrie Hudson 1 5


January 11, 2008 10:38 PM

Reporting! by Josh

Josh wandered into Cascade Hall, intent on grabbing a quick bite and heading back up to the common room to talk with Renaye, and Laurie, if he could find her. However, when he entered the hall he found Rorrie, staring at a letter in her hands that didn't look like a loving letter of "We miss you!"'s. He walked over to her, the question of the ball rolling through his mind. He had considered just not going, but he realized that sitting in the dorm was much less entertaining than the party of the year raging just inside the mansion.

"Hi Josh,"

"Hey," he returned. "Letter from home?" This may not be the wisest thing to ask at the moment, but if she wanted to tell Josh, then maybe he could help. She was his friend and if she was in a tough spot, he wanted to help her out of it. That is what friends do. In fact, his mind had just been made up on the spot. As the realization hit him, Josh said, without thinking,

"Want to go to the ball, um, with me?"
0 Josh Reporting! 0 Josh 0 5


January 12, 2008 12:37 PM

Replying... by Rorrie

Rorrie's smile faltered when Josh asked about the letter. She could still feel that bubble of anger in her stomach and if she drew too much attention to it, she would end up yelling. She'd had such a great year this year! Why did they have to do this and take it all away?! It was a disaster... Rorrie sighed.

"Yeah," she said, "We're moving again. Washington D.C. And they're telling me I can't--"

"Want to go to the ball, um, with me?"

Rorrie froze. Her ultimate response was "Yes!", and just two minutes ago it would have been, but the letter changed everything... She let out a sigh, not knowing how to say this to her friend.

"I can't Josh, I'm so sorry... The thing is, we're moving and my parents don't want me to do anything right now in case they pull me out early. I would love to, but I can't..." She lowered her eyes to the table, biting back tears. She hadn't cried in a long time and she wasn't going to start in front of Josh, in the middle of Cascade! It was just another house. No big deal. But as many times as she told herself that, she felt more and more upset by it.
0 Rorrie Replying... 0 Rorrie 0 5


January 13, 2008 1:27 PM

Responding by Josh

Josh had completely missed whatever it was she was saying before he had asked her his question. His mind was concentrating on getting the words out of his mouth. So now Josh awaited her response, not really realizing he was holding his breath.

"I can't Josh, I'm so sorry... The thing is, we're moving and my parents don't want me to do anything right now in case they pull me out early. I would love to, but I can't..."

Wait, what? They're moving? Again? But they had just moved to Michigan! And he hadn't even taught her about Quidditch yet! No way. It was another moment before Josh realized she had said no to his question, having only picked up on 'We're moving.' Man... Now who was he going to hang with at the dance? And her parents had said she couldn't go because they were going to pull her out early? How absolutely stupid was that?

"Whoa," Josh said, "You're moving? No way! But you just moved to Michigan. And what about you? They can't just pull you out of another school! I mean, they've got to know that this affects you, right?"

Josh let out a breath and ran a hand through his black hair. This sucks... He didn't want to lose his friend and he knew that she didn't want to leave, otherwise she wouldn't be that upset about the letter. The dance seemed so trivial now, compared to what she had just told him. He opened his mouth to ask more about the move, but he shut his mouth quickly at the sight of Rorrie, looking the saddest he had ever seen her. He placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey," he said, not really knowing what to say. He wasn't very good with upset girls... "Hey, Rorrie, don't worry about it. It'll turn out fine, really. I'm sure there's people where you're moving and you'll make friends no problem." He offered her a small smile and placed his fingers under her chin, tilting her head up. "You'll do great."
0 Josh Responding 0 Josh 0 5