Josh Warren

November 04, 2007 2:50 PM

Trying to be social... [Tag: Rorrie] by Josh Warren

If Josh had to spend another second doing homework he was going to explode. The constant feeling of hunger in his stomach wasn't helping much either. He gave a shout to Raye and made his way to the Cascade Hall. If there was one place, other than the Quidditch Pitch, that he could pick as his favorite spot, this might just be it... There were waterfalls on the walls! That still struck him as awesome... Josh took a seat and began pulling plates of his favorite foods towards him. At least here he didn't have to deal with pb&j for dinner every night.

Josh vaguely wondered how Laine was doing... She usually kept busy by snapping away with that new camera Mom and Dad had sent her. She loved taking pictures and, surprising as it may be, she managed to make those pictures turn out really well! She had sent along some photos of Uncle Mike at the arcade that had really brought out the kid in the grown man. He was actually pretty proud of her for what she did. Renaye thought it was annoying when Elaina would be snapping away in her face, and he could understand that, but he saw the pictures once they turned out, and there were some really good ones of Raye there. She had gotten her green eyes just right.

Josh looked up as he heard someone enter the Hall. He was always looking up nowadays. His mind was stuck on that one pretty girl he had talked to in CoMC. Rorrie seemed really fun, and smart, and just purely awesome. This time though, apart from the other times he looked up to see if it was her, it actually was her! Josh smiled lightly and waved her over. He'd like to get to know her better, if he could manage to find his voice...
0 Josh Warren Trying to be social... [Tag: Rorrie] 0 Josh Warren 1 5

Rorrie Hudson

November 05, 2007 6:11 AM

How can I help? by Rorrie Hudson

Rorrie entered Cascade Hall, not so much because she was hungry, she just wanted a walk around. She loved it in here. It was probably her facorite spot in Sonora. Rorrie looked around for a framiliar face and was relieved when she spotted one, one that was waving her over to join them! She grinned over at Josh and made her way over. Taking the place beside him, she said,


Rorrie knew that Josh loved Quidditch and that the recent game had been Pecari versus Aladren. Rorrie thought it would be cool to learn about Quidditch, she just didn't think she would ever like it as much as Josh did. Nevertheless, it would be nice to learn something new. She use to play soccer back home. It was her favorite sport. Just too bad that no one really played around here...

"So did you go to the Quidditch game?" She said, hoping to start a convorsation, at the same time pulling a plate towards her. "I heard it was really fun! I hope I get to go to the next one, but I'd probably need someone to give me a play-by-play or something..."

There it was. She was hoping Josh would pick up the hint and offer to go with her. She thought he was one of those guys where, if you got to know him, he could be really sweet. You just needed to get him talking. He and sister seemed pretty different to her. Renaye seemed like she was outgoing and Josh... wasn't. But she couldn't help but want to talk to him...
0 Rorrie Hudson How can I help? 0 Rorrie Hudson 0 5


November 05, 2007 10:26 PM

You just did! by Josh

OOC: Okay, I know Josh and Renaye didn't post at the game, but I meant to have them there. RL was hectic... Does that still count, or no? I don't know, let's say it does xD

Josh returned Rorrie's grin as she took the seat next to him and returned her greeting with a quiet, "Hey."

"So did you go to the Quidditch game?"

Josh nodded. "Yeah," he said, "The one with Aladren and the one with Crotalus. I was looking for you at the Aladren game, but I didn't see you there. My cousin is on the Pecari team, so we went to support her. Too bad they lost though..."

Josh thought about how Irene had really wanted to be on the team. He wanted it for her too, but some things just didn't happen. It didn't seem like a big deal, or she didn't act like it was. There was always next year. But that wasn't good advice for him to give when he could barely keep his feet legally planted on the ground. One year was a long time to wait for something you loved. He should know. He wouldn't be able to play a real game of Quidditch until the summer league started up again!

"I heard it was really fun! I hope I get to go to the next one, but I'd probably need someone to give me a play-by-play or something..."

Mentally, Josh was smiling, though he kept his face completely normal.

"Well," he began, feeling blood rise to his cheeks. It was always to easy to tell when he was blushing, thanks to his contrasting black hair and light blue eyes. "If you want, I could save you a seat at the next game. I mean, I know a lot about Quidditch, so I could help you, or, you know, explain what's happening. Or just tell you the rules. Just... If you want..."

He trailed off. Train. Wreck. Way to go, Warren. She would probably think that you're brainless now. She'll laugh in your face and go find someone who she thought really knew about Quidditch. He knew Quidditch! Josh mentally crossed his fingers, praying for her not to laugh...
0 Josh You just did! 0 Josh 0 5


November 21, 2007 11:57 AM

Oh! That's it? by Rorrie

"Yeah," he said, "The one with Aladren and the one with Crotalus. I was looking for you at the Aladren game, but I didn't see you there. My cousin is on the Pecari team, so we went to support her. Too bad they lost though..."

Rorrie let out a laugh. "Not for me! I'm sort of in Aladren, so..." Rorrie really wished she knew more about Quidditch. It seemed to ber the thing that everyone was into, and here she was, without so much knowledge. Her perfect situation would be for Josh to help her out a bit with it. They could hang out at the games and he could let her in on the whole Quidditch thing. So when she dropped the hint, she was hoping he would pick it up.

"Well, if you want, I could save you a seat at the next game. I mean, I know a lot about Quidditch, so I could help you, or, you know, explain what's happening. Or just tell you the rules. Just... If you want..."

Rorrie smiled as he sort of stumbled through his offer. She couldn't help but notice as a pink shade crept into his cheeks. "I'd love that," she said, "Maybe after flying lessons we could practice or something. I use to play soccer back home, but no one really plays around here..."
0 Rorrie Oh! That's it? 0 Rorrie 0 5


November 22, 2007 3:06 PM

I guess so. by Josh

Rorrie was really cool. Josh decided this as she not only refrained from laughing at him, but took him up on his offer! He found himself looking foreward to the Quidditch games even more than he usually did. It was fun to watch, but it was even better to watch in good company... well, company that wasn't his family.

"I'd love that," she said.

Josh smiled back at her. "Okay," he said, "Cool! Quidditch isn't really that difficult to understand once you get the basics down. It's the little details that take a while to really understand if you haven't grown up with it."

"Maybe after flying lessons we could practice or something. I use to play soccer back home, but no one really plays around here..."

Josh looked over, slightly thrilled that he was able to help out here. He had put the poster up with Renaye in the Crotalus common room for the soccer scrimage. Maybe it just didn't go up in Aladren common room. Maybe she hadn't seen it... Either way, he was happy to inform her,

"Actually, my cousin Irene, her boyfriend," he paused slightly. The word felt odd in his mouth. Irene had grown up with him like a big sister! There was no way she could have a boyfriend. It was just too weird. He was okay with it because he made her happy, but that didn't make it seem any less foreign to him. Not mention that he felt the resonsibility, as the only boy relative at Sonora, to stick up for her. He just didn't want to see her hurt. Josh blinked as he realized he was in the midst of explaining the soccer scrimage. "Yeah, he's a soccer fan and he was starting up a scrimage team. I can let you know when it's happening, that way you can play too."
0 Josh I guess so. 0 Josh 0 5


November 22, 2007 3:14 PM

At least you don't demand a lot. (nm) by Rorrie

0 Rorrie At least you don't demand a lot. (nm) 0 Rorrie 0 5


November 22, 2007 10:47 PM

Ahhhhh.... Ignore that ^^. by Rorrie

The smile that appeared on Josh's face told her that he got the answer he was hoping for. That's good, because she did too. "Okay," he said, "Cool! Quidditch isn't really that difficult to understand once you get the basics down. It's the little details that take a while to really understand if you haven't grown up with it."

Rorrie nodded. "I've seen it in books and stuff, but with the four different balls and all the different things happening at once, it's a little hard to concentrate on one!"

In response to her comment about soccer, Josh looked over at her. "Actually, my cousin Irene, her boyfriend," Josh paused. Rorrie's first thought was that he didn't like the guy. Rorrie had met Irene, she seemed perfectly nice. She guessed that Josh might just be looking out for her, but maybe he had different reasoning. She decided not to pry. Whatever it was, it was his business, not hers. "Yeah, he's a soccer fan and he was starting up a scrimage team. I can let you know when it's happening, that way you can play too."

Was he serious? There's a soccer team? Here? Rorrie grinned. "Are you kidding me? That would be fantastic! You are officially my favorite person now," she said. "Soccer was my thing, but since we moved I hadn't had chance to play because we were unpacking. Then my letter came. I'm muggleborn so, as you can imagine, it was a little bit of a change for me. It would be so great to be out on the field again... Did you sign up for the team?"
0 Rorrie Ahhhhh.... Ignore that ^^. 0 Rorrie 0 5


November 24, 2007 6:05 PM

I didn't see a thing... by Josh

"I've seen it in books and stuff, but with the four different balls and all the different things happening at once, it's a little hard to concentrate on one!"

Josh nodded. He could understand that. He had grown up with Quidditch so, for him, it wasn't a problem. But for someone who had no idea what Quidditch was before they got to Sonora, he would imagine it might be a little confusing if you didn't have someone to expain it. "Yeah," he said. "But once you get the pieces you can put them together for the big picture. You'll catch on, you're a smart girl." Josh had spoken without really thinking about what he was saying. It was true, but he wasn't one to really just come right out iwth stuff like that. He looked down to his plate, trying to play it off like it was just a normal comment.

"Are you kidding me? That would be fantastic! You are officially my favorite person now," she said. "Soccer was my thing, but since we moved I hadn't had chance to play because we were unpacking. Then my letter came. I'm muggleborn so, as you can imagine, it was a little bit of a change for me. It would be so great to be out on the field again... Did you sign up for the team?"

Josh couldn't help but let a smile spread on his face as she told him he was her favorite person. She may have been just kidding, but it was kind of cool to hear anyway. He looked back over at her when she was talking about unpacking. He answered her question before asking his own.

"Yeah, my sister, my cousin, me, we all signed up," he said. "But what's this about unpacking? Did you just move?" Josh had never really moved houses. His parents' home had been in the same spot for years now. The problem was that they were always staying with someone new. It wasn't until Irene had moved in with Uncle Mike that they actually stayed there more. Mom and Dad thought it would be nice if she had some family to "bond with." Josh had been to so many places around the world, but he never really enjoyed them. Last year they were in Sweden for Christmas becuase his parents had a broom engineering meeting. They said they wanted them to be together for Christmas, but then they ended up only being there for Christmas morning before heading out for another meeting. Renaye had not been happy. In fact, she had been screaming at Mom and Dad, and though Josh had only sat in the other room listening, he agreed with all she said. All three Warren children were sick of being carted around from country to country. Mom and Dad may want to see them for the holidays, but they wanted to see Irene and Uncle Mike. They saw them more than they saw their parents anyway.
0 Josh I didn't see a thing... 0 Josh 0 5


December 06, 2007 7:31 PM

You catch on quickly. by Rorrie

Yeah," he said. "But once you get the pieces you can put them together for the big picture. You'll catch on, you're a smart girl."

Rorrie felt some of the blood rush into her cheeks. Josh didn't seem to think it was that big a deal so she just smiled and played it off, mirroring his reaction. Josh told her that his twin and Irene had all signed up for the soccer deal. Rorrie really was looking forward to the soccer games. She hadn't played in so long... She just hoped she was still up to it. She hadn't played since... wow... the year before Sonora. She had never wanted to play before becuase of the summer. Summer meant short sleeves and short sleeves presented a problem. But it had been a year since that. She was going to play soccer.

"But what's this about unpacking? Did you just move?"

Rorrie let out a hollow laugh. "For the seventh time," she said. "We've moved all over since I was one. I'm muggleborn and my dad is in the Coast Gaurd. I've never stayed anywhere for more than three years." Rorrie began to list the states:

"I was born in Rhode Island, moved to Louisianna, moved to Iowa, to Illinois, to Virginia, back to Illinois, and then to Michigan, where I currently live. I just found out about Sonora and everything a month after we moved in. So you can imagine moving, again, and then a few weeks after moving in, 'Hi! You're a witch!' It was... hectic, I think would be the word..."

Hectic was right. It took the remainder of the summer to convince her mother to even allow her to go to Sonora. She was bent on keeping her home and she would hire a magic tutor to teach her the spells. Rorrie had eventually told her, in raised tones, that this was the only time she would get this opportunity. She was a witch and Mom would just have to accept it. Rorrie knew her mother. She didn't want to keep her from going to school because she would miss her. She just didn't want to accept that this was who Rorrie was now. Rorrie could only imagine what it was going to be like when she got home... She would have to be ready for a whole slew of scrutiny.
0 Rorrie You catch on quickly. 0 Rorrie 0 5