
October 13, 2007 11:39 PM

WotW- Returning custard (TAG THE GIRL EE!!!!) by Josiah

Josiah hadn’t done much since he got back to Sonora. He stayed in his dorm room most of the time, reading. His mother instructed him to learn all he could about their family history, and the histories of the other pure blood families. So far he had read Lifestyles of the Witch and Famous, Tracing your Family Blood Line (unless you‘re half blood or muggle born, in which case we can’t help) and, his least favorite as it was the most bigoted thing he had ever read (even if his father did highly recommend it) The Pure of Us, a brief summary of family histories of only the purest of families He literally felt sick after reading that last one. He noticed how small it was, and that his family had been mostly omitted. Half the Silverleafs had too. He was surprised, despite the fact that his aunt had married a muggle, he thought his family was still mostly pure. He made a mental note to ask Chipper about it when he came home for the holidays.

Finally, after what seemed like the thousandth book, Josiah was finally sick of it. It was all full of a bunch of bigoted pure blood families. He couldn’t stand it. He hadn’t talked to any of his friends. He had only briefly talked to Hyana, and that was at the feast. He hadn’t seen Jae anywhere, he hadn’t seen Elly really either. Hikaru disappeared, probably left, and he hadn’t really gotten too close to Law yet.

If it wasn’t for the fact that he wasn’t sure if he yet liked their Charms professor, he would have put up sign up sheets for Charms Club again. As it was, he was waiting to decide if he was even going to have another Charms Club. He knew that Irene, Elly and Hyana might get mad at him if he didn’t. His mother did yell at him for letting in muggleborns, but he didn’t care about that. Maybe he could talk to his HoH?

He threw the book he was reading (The Ashwoods, a brief history) on the ground, smiling self satisfied as the natty woman on the front cover wearing her pristine white gown and meticulously clipped red hair screamed her protest at the sudden jarring. For good measure, as he walked out of the room, he stomped on her, chuckling as she threw curses and oaths his young mind didn’t even comprehend at him.

Josiah’s stomach growled at him and he realized it was just past one o’clock. Past lunch time. He had been reading through lunch? What was he? An Aladren? He stopped just before the door and smacked his head, hard. There were two balls of fluff purring away on his pillow. Did he really forget Custard? Sure, Teppers was getting used to his friend, but Josiah needed to give Elly back her pet. He tromped over to his bed once more (making sure to grind his foot onto the cover of the book) and retrieved the cream-colored ball of fuzz. He gave the little guy a squeeze. He was going to miss the puffskein, but he’d get it back during midterms.

Making his way to the Cascade Hall, he spent his last minutes with the vibrating puffy ball of fur in his hands by hugging it tight to himself. He finally made it and, after grabbing himself a leftover piece of toast and an orange peel that someone left on the table, he looked for Elly. He had found that Custard thought orange peels were a treat, so he let the little guy eat some while he looked, munching on his toast. Finally he caught sight of bright red hair to rival his own. After double checking it wasn’t Alexis, he hollered “ELLY! ELLY OVER HERE! ELLY!” at the top of his lungs, bouncing up and down waving. He knew the girl could see him now, he had grown three inches over the summer raising him up to five foot two. He was proud to be taller than some kids his age, but he knew that there were others taller than him. He didn’t care. Three whole inches! It was awesome. He kept bouncing up and down shouting Elly’s name until she reached him.

“Hey, I brought you a present” he said when she got to him, holding out Custard, who had finished its food. The puffball, which was already vibrating, looked like it could bounce right off his hand. He grinned at her, winking, “He had fun staying at our house, but I think his mom might want him back now.” He added.

OOC: Sorry if you put custard in any of your posts, I can say this is before that or you can ignore me, either way : )
0 Josiah WotW- Returning custard (TAG THE GIRL EE!!!!) 0 Josiah 1 5

the girl EE

October 21, 2007 12:37 PM

Okay, there's no need to shout! by the girl EE

Wanting to finish reading the next chapter of her Defence against the Dark Arts book before the lesson in the afternoon, Elly had taken her textbook down to lunch with her, and had a slow meal, reading while she ate. Even after her pasta salad had been consumed entirely, Elly remained seated; there were only a couple of pages left to read, then she could relax for what was left of the break.

Before she managed to finish reading, though, Elly’s attention was caught by a call that rang out through the Cascade Hall. She looked up sharply to ascertain whether she was in any sort of trouble – though she couldn’t remember having done anything wrong recently – to discover Josiah, waving his arms and shouting out her name. Grinning even while she sighed in exasperation, Elly closed her textbook, deciding that she could get by without knowing what the last page said (she could always ask Mere or Echo about it anyway) and headed over to the loudest Teppenpaw in the school.

“Hey, I think there are some people in Australia who didn’t quite hear you,” she said, gently cuffing Josiah over the head with her textbook. She didn’t berate him further, though, because she’d already spied Custard nestled in Josiah’s grasp, and with a squeal of delight she retrieved her puffskein. “Hello Custard! You beautiful puffball. Miss me?” She planted a soft kiss on the creature before placing it up on her shoulder, where Custard perched, purring in delight, nestled in amongst Elly’s copious copper-coloured curls.

“He had fun staying at our house, but I think his mom might want him back now,” Josiah said.

“Thanks,” Elly said to Josiah, her smile wide and goofy. “I hope he hasn’t been any trouble.”
0 the girl EE Okay, there's no need to shout! 0 the girl EE 0 5