Josh Santoro

October 06, 2007 4:57 PM

Working [Corridors] by Josh Santoro

It was Saturday and the end of Josh's first month back at Sonora. Every weekend, Josh made the effort to explore the school. Sometimes Matt was with him, but more times than not, Josh was alone. He prefered to be alone mainly because he could strategize without his brother constantly interupting him with chatter. Josh was the thinker of the two, he needed to know what he was dealing with when it came to planning. Matt was the one who excuted everything. As long as Josh explained to him exactly where to put everything. They made a great team. But in order for Josh to know the best plan, he needed to study the area.

So, every weekend, Josh pulled out sheets of parchments, selected a place in the school and sat down and studied the corridor intently. Every now and then he'd make a mark on the parchment and muttering quietly to himself. The sheets of parchments were filled with notes and drawings of random corridors, classrooms, and various other places amongst the school, including the Labyrinth. Most of the notes were in Spanish simply because it would be harder for most to figure out what it read and what was in English were just little notes that wouldn't have made any sense to anyone except to Josh.

It was an elaborate thing, he knew, to create a partial map of various places, marking the best spots and easy escape routes, but Josh liked to know everything. He needed to know everything so that when the time came, they knew exactly what to do. Matt always said he was a bit anal about it all, but when push came to shove, Josh never heard him complaining.

This Saturday was like any other for Josh. Homework long since completed, he set out with his bag full of all his plans. He decided to etch out one of the escape routes using a secret passageway. It was slightly dusty, which meant that it was rarely used, but still saw a face or two. Lighting his wand, Josh settled down into the dark passageway and pulled out a fresh sheet of parchment and sheets full of old and new notes.

He wasn't sure how long he'd been there, crouched in a corner, working over a parchement with half a scetch of the dusty passage way, when the sounds of footsteps interupted his thoughts. He knew he'd make for an odd site and wouldn't really be able to explain everything, but what he did on his own time was his own business and he couldn't get into trouble because of that, right? Raising his wand, Josh pointed the lit end towards the sounds of the footsteps, "¿Quién está allí?" Josh asked into the darkness.
0 Josh Santoro Working [Corridors] 0 Josh Santoro 1 5

Danae Dupree

October 16, 2007 2:32 PM

Walking by Danae Dupree

So far the weekend day was proving to be rather enjoyable, which was surprising as usually Danae spent it alone. Though, that was really like any other day minus going to classes. Today had started out like any other free day with finding a secluded spot to read in. She hadn’t been reading for long when Paul had shown up. She was rather surprised to find his company had been rather pleasant. She had always thought he was a bit strange in his behaviors. He always seemed to be uncomfortable and avoiding of others, but then she supposed she did as well. She was the only Pecari third year not to be friends with Elly and company.

Unfortunately, her day in the Gardens couldn’t last, because eventually hunger kicked in. Her stomach had given a rather loud rumble in protest for being ignored. Grabbing her book, she had slid off the bench and given her apologies to Paul. The cloud watching had been incredibly nice and she hoped to do it again or maybe play a game or something. It was nice to spend time with another human being.

Arriving in the hallway, she had started down the stairs towards the entrance to the dining area when she heard a voice call out, ’ ¿Quién está allí?’ She stopped in her tracks at the foreign language. It was similar to French, but not quite. It was more deliberate rather than slurred. Was it Spanish? Yes, she believed that was what it was. Finishing coming down the stairs, she found the end of a lit wand pointed at her.

Squinting slightly, she saw that it was Matt? Josh? She wasn’t sure, as they were identical and she didn’t know them well enough to tell them apart by any method. She had only talked to Josh once in Care of Magical Creatures. It was hardly what one would call a tying bond of friendship. Though, she had written in his yearbook and he in hers.

She offered a grin to whoever it was, giving a wave of her free hand. The other held the book that she hadn’t bothered to return to her dorm room, knowing she would undoubtedly need it while she ate. It made ignoring everyone else easier that way. Not that she was worried that anyone would talk to her, but rather it made her feel less lonely. It was the same escape she had at home when her mother wasn’t paying attention to her in the form of criticizing, something that she didn’t do to her younger sister, Lucie.

“Um, hi…Josh?” She asked, hoping she picked the right name, but also hoping it was the one she was more familiar with.
0 Danae Dupree Walking 91 Danae Dupree 0 5


October 17, 2007 7:23 PM

Wondering by Josh

Josh was almost expecting the person to be a Professor because that was all the luck that Josh seemed to have. Squinting beyond the light of his wand and in to the darkness, Josh heard the familiar voice before he actually recognized her face. It was Danae Dupree. Last year they had spoken in Care of Magical Creatures when Josh had gotten Benitoro and nearly lost him when he lost his balance.

There was something about Danae that reminded Josh of his sister Sofia. Not that snobby bit of the personality that no one could trump Sofia with, but a sort of reserved, yet demanding attention sort of personality. It was almost like an oxymoron sort of thought and Josh was well aware of it, but it was how he felt when he was around her. Everyone else can see her as one thing, know her as one thing, but then when one actually spoke to her, she was completely different.

Never judge a book by its cover rule certainly applied towards Danae.

"Sí, soy Jose. Hola Danae." Josh answered, completely forgetting to speak in English as he had done so. He rarely spoke to others at the school aside from his family, so he hadn't quite developed the sense to make sure he was speaking the most appropriate language. Even his roommate spoke Spanish. Perhaps it was a sign that he was being too reserved.

He shuffled his papers around and out of the way incase Danae decided to just keep on walking. Josh wasn't sure if he wanted her to or not. He had enough jokes from Matt to know that if she stayed and someone they knew stumbled open the two of them in the dark, rumors might be had. But, if she left, Josh might miss out on an opportunity to be social.

"¿La exploración de la escuela?" Josh asked, before realizing what he had said...or rather, what language he had said it in. "I mean, are you exploring the school?" Though his English was clear and perfect, his accent was heavily pronounced when he spoke. Usually, over the coarse of a conversation, his accent dimished greatly.
0 Josh Wondering 0 Josh 0 5


October 17, 2007 9:46 PM

Waiting by Danae

Jose. It was Josh. She smiled a more comfortable sort of grin. Her posture became more relaxed. She had enjoyed working with him last year in class. She had also tried flirting with him. It was the first time she had ever done anything like that and had been pleased at the ability to make him blush.

A moment later, she tilted her head in curiosity as he continued to speak in Spanish. It wasn’t that it was impossible to translate, but more that he continued to do so. He quickly corrected himself though, but the accent stayed. She brushed back a piece of hair, tucking it behind her ear. She had to admit that foreign accents were enough to make a girl’s knees weak. She had no doubt that one day Josh would be a heartbreaker.

She shook her head no. “I was just going to get something to eat. I lost track of time in the Gardens. I was reading,” she moved her hand, showing the book, “and cloud watching.” She failed to mention who she had been with. It wasn’t a conscious decision to do so. “It’s a really gorgeous day out.”

She glanced down at the papers that he had shuffled earlier. Looking back to him, she asked, “So, what are you up to?”
0 Danae Waiting 0 Danae 0 5


October 22, 2007 8:16 PM

Wishing by Josh

Josh lowered his wand and set it back down on the ground. It was easier to see her this way as the light reflect off of her much like candlelight would have. Except, wand light didn't flicker like light from a candlestick would. He shuffled through his papers once more as Danae answered him. He was relieved that she didn't question him on his language mess up. He really ought to take more precaution on how he spoke.

He glanced at the book in her hand before glancing up at her face and then quickly looking away again and back at his papers. Danae made him nervous. He could hold a conversation with Elly no problem, but that was because she was dating Echo (or something) and even Mere was fine to talk to. It might have been because both girls were lively and spoke to everyone or the fact that Matt had eased them all into conversation the way he could with people.

With Danae, it was different. Matt wasn't around to keep the conversation going and Danae wasn't the sort to have the attention be on her. She was quiet and smart. "Yeah, when it's nice out, it means everyone else is busy having fun outside." Josh said in agreement to Danae. When it was nice out, he could work for hours without being interupted. Now, Josh loved the outdoors and anyone who said otherwise was sorely confused. But, Josh also liked working on projects and when he had a project on mind, he spent all his available time working on it.

"I'm making a map." Josh answered her, showing her a bit of the picture of the hallway they were in. Some spots (like the exits) were more defined that the main hallway in itself. "I've been working on it for the last two years. It's a work in progress." Josh explained, looking rather proud of himself as he did so.
0 Josh Wishing 0 Josh 0 5


October 23, 2007 9:43 PM

Wanting by Danae

Danae wondered why Josh wasn’t out with everyone else. Weren’t all his friends outside then? Didn’t he want to join them? Though, she had been outside where she had no friends, but then she had been in a semi-secluded spot in the Gardens. Of course, she had thought it was completely secluded until Paul had found it. Not that she had minded for there were always worse that could have showed up. Besides, he had a nice, quiet nature.

It was also one of the things she had liked about Josh when she had met him last year. It was refreshing. Most of her time was either around the most outgoing Pecari of all or the angriest Pecari of all. Unless school was out, then it was her psychotic parents, her princess sister, or her devil brother. The only difference was that at school, she could get away at least some of the time, like now.

She looked at the progressing detail of the map, then shifting her gaze back to Josh, she gave a grin. “That’s really cool. I would never have thought of doing something like this.” The fact that he had spent the past two years working on it showed just how dedicated he was. “Will you promise to show it to me again when you finish?” She gave another smile, but this one was a little flirtier, which showed off the dimple in her cheek.
0 Danae Wanting 0 Danae 0 5


October 25, 2007 3:56 PM

Willing by Josh

Josh was glad that most of his notes were in Spanish. For some reason, the idea of Danae knowing what they said, that was into pulling pranks, embarrassed Josh. He didn't think Danae would be all that impressed in knowing that Josh and Matt went around planning and pulling off pranks throughout the school. Josh didn't find anything wrong with it, of course, considering they were fun pranks that never hurt anyone, but... girls (especially someone like Danae) didn't seem to appreciate the humor of them.

"It's a fun project." Josh told her, continuing with his map. "I get to find all these neat places in the school that most people probably wouldn't even notice and, if I'm in a hurry, I know all sorts of secret locations that'll cut my time so that I can get to class without notice." Josh told Danae, frowning slightly when something looked a bit off on his drawing. While erasing it, Danae stated her desire to see the final product.

Ears burning, Josh pretended to be deep in concentration for a moment before answering her. "I may never finish. You could be waiting a very long time." Josh commented, looking up at her only to discover she was smiling. Josh swallowed a nervous lump in his throat before speaking, "But, you're more than welcome to help me on it if you want. Matt says it's a waste of time, but I like doing the work. It's always good to know every angle just in case."
0 Josh Willing 0 Josh 0 5


October 25, 2007 5:48 PM

Warming by Danae

Danae wouldn’t have minded waiting for a long time or at least until they graduated to see the project, but Josh spoke before she could vocalize any of these thoughts. Her eyes widened slightly. Was he serious? He didn’t mind? She would have an actual friend to hang out with? Her grin became wider, which lit up her whole face.

She got down on her knees near Josh. The thought of food long gone. Some of her chestnut colored hair fell forward. She brushed it back behind her ear. It was really long and was always doing that. If she really was going to get to help Josh, then maybe she should tie it back, so she could do more work rather than playing around with her hair, but first she had to tell him that she wanted to. Shyly, she said, her gaze focused on him, “I don’t think it’s a waste of time. I’d like to help.”

She gave a small smile before quickly glancing down at the map. A pink tint came across her face. Why was she blushing? She wasn’t supposed to be blushing. Covering for the fact, she admitted, “I don’t know how well I can draw, but I’ll try my best.” Danae had never actually drawn before. It wasn’t one of the pre-approved recreational activities that their parents allowed for in the minute amount of free time they were given between their lessons at home.
0 Danae Warming 0 Danae 0 5


October 25, 2007 7:50 PM

Worrying by Josh

He hadn't actually believed Danae to take him up on the offer. He assumed she would tell him that she would just see the finished product and be on her way again. Matt often did that. He'd hang around for awhile before telling him to just come and get him when Josh was done.

Bella and Julia did the same.

They knew that Josh was a nitpicker when it came to his projects. A perfectionist of sorts. He could take forever just for the simplest of things all because they didn't meet his expectations. The only one he knew that was patient enough to wait it out was his mother.

"¿Realmente?" Josh asked her, his eyes widening as she sat down beside him. In his startled moment, Josh slipped back into speaking Spanish. "¿Usted no se hará aburrido?" He glanced down at the randomness of his work. To him, it was order, but to anyone else, it would be chaotic.

If she were to stay with him and help with the project, Josh was going to have to explain some of what he was doing. If she knew what it was for, she might not stay. It was a risk he would have to take. "Explicaré...este es...perdóneme..." Josh paused and shook his head. He was speaking in Spanish again. "The map is used to help locate the easiest ways to get around." Josh explained, pulling out different papers to show various parts of the school. "The notes are references to specific objects or marks so that we can locate them in a hurry or by wandlight."

Josh pulled out some more papers. "Most of the notes in Spanish indicate spots where people can hide." He paused here and looked at Danae. She was sitting awfully close. "You should know, the main reason for the map is for escape routes. Matt and I...have a habit of pulling pranks."
0 Josh Worrying 0 Josh 0 5


October 25, 2007 8:37 PM

Wavering by Danae

Danae raised an eyebrow in amusement. Josh was speaking in Spanish again. If she were going to hang around him, she wondered if she would begin picking up on it. She supposed she might, especially if he spoke it a lot. She waited for a few moments to see if he caught himself. She didn’t want to say anything that might embarrass him. Besides, she kind of enjoyed listening to him.

Luckily, he did catch himself and then explained in English what he was doing. She nodded. Everything he was saying made sense. Getting to somewhere quickly meant the least amount of time wasted. As he showed her more of what he had done, she was impressed. She shouldn’t have been surprised, because he had said he had worked on it for two years, but the work was still admirable.

Though, when he told her why he was putting in all the work, it stunned her slightly. A memory came to mind. “Last year’s trick in the hall was you, wasn’t it?” She asked. She wasn’t completely sure, but it made sense after he said that they pulled pranks. She didn’t know if she should get involved in this afterall. She wasn’t against what he was doing, but she knew her family wouldn’t approve and Devian might even say something if he found out. That decided it. “I’m in.”

She was tired of trying to live up to her siblings. Let Devian say something. This was for her. It looked like fun and she needed that. Not to mention, it wasn’t like she would be pulling the pranks. That was Josh and Matt’s thing. She was just helping with the map.
0 Danae Wavering 0 Danae 0 5


October 26, 2007 11:31 PM

Wasping by Josh

"¿Qué?" Josh asked, looking surprised. For some reason, Josh didn't think that Danae would connect the dots. No one had suspected the two of them of that prank since they had kept their nose clean for almost a full two years of their education. In fact, there were many more suspicious characters than the two of them that were running around the school causing all sorts of trouble.

"Er..." Josh froze, he and Matt had decided to keep it completely to themselves. If they told, word might spread and the Professors might find out. Of course, Jake and Bella suspected, but they never did much more than make suggestions. And neither of them would rat out their siblings. But Josh didn't know Danae and, as far as he knew, she could very well run off and tell the professors. Although, it was her word and they may not believe her. "Yeah." Josh finally answered. It was too late now as it was. She already knew they were into pranks and even if he denied the prank from last year, he was sure she wouldn't believe him.

"I'm not supposed to tell, so let's just keep it between us, okay?" Josh asked her, pleaded even. He didn't want Matt to get in a huff about him telling. Matt was already teasing Josh about the possibility of having a crush, he didn't need him teasing him about being whipped or anything else. Josh wasn't even sure how Matt will take knowing that Danae was helping at all. It was only the map part and Matt wasn't even willing to help, but Matt was odd and his mind worked in a way that Josh understood but couldn't explain.

"You don't have to be a good drawer. I'm alright, I use a ruler mostly cos I'm, well, I'm a bit of a perfectionists, but you can help me with labeling and noting everything. I sometimes note what sort of pranks would work best in certain areas, just to give us some idea for later."
0 Josh Wasping 0 Josh 0 5


October 27, 2007 10:19 PM

Writing by Danae

From the expression on Josh’s face, Danae knew that she had guessed right and his ‘yeah’ only confirmed it. She wondered why he was so worried though. There really wasn’t anyone for her to tell. She didn’t have any close friends and she wasn’t a tattletale. Besides, the incident had been last year. She placed her hand on his arm in what she hoped was a calming gesture. Looking him in the eye, she said, “I promise I won’t tell.” She was good at keeping secrets. All the Duprees were really, but that came with the territory.

At his words, Danae gave a slight giggle. Sheepishly, she apologized, “Sorry. There’s just something about how the professors would love to see this type of work and it’s for pranks.” She took some of the papers, careful to keep them in order, so she could see how he was labeling everything. She wasn’t sure how much use she would be, especially as he had said he was a perfectionist, but maybe he would appreciate the company.

Leaning against the wall, she checked over the papers, she almost wished that she had some brilliant ideas for pranks that she could write down for him. Her mind just didn’t work in that manner and even if it did, she wasn’t sure she would be brave enough to try it. Of course, being caught in the middle of one wasn’t good either. Glancing over at him, she said, “Hey, Josh, if you do anything like last year, can you let me know not to be there?”
0 Danae Writing 0 Danae 0 5


November 04, 2007 9:48 PM

Wiggling by Josh

Josh glanced down at her hand on his arm. He was used to people touching him. His family was constantly hugging and kissing one another...or knocking each other around in friendly tossles, but it was oddly different to be touched by a female who wasn't related. He struggled to look away from her hand only to find her looking directly at him. Already he could feel the blush making it's home on his cheeks.

Josh blinked at her giggle before glancing down at his work. "What do you mean?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her. "I do the same sort of work for my lessons as I do on this. I just happened to like doing this more." He was serious as he said this. He knew, of course, that most students did the basic of basics for their homework (his brothers included), but, much like his sister, Josh did the extra work to make the end result something he could be really satisfied with.

If he thought about it, it just went to show that he didn't have much of a social life at all.

He shrugged and went back to his work while Danae looked over everything. Eventually, he'll have to go over all the work he had done over the years and figure out a way to put it all together so that it made some bit of sense to someone other than himself. Of course, added to that, he would have to work on protection charms so that he didn't have to worry about someone stumbling upon his work and asking all sorts of questions about it.

"But then you miss the thrill of it." Josh commented as he worked. "Watching it all take place is the best part of the prank." He looked over at her and grinned. "Hey, you know any protection charms? I need to find a strong enough charm that'll prevent people from discovering"
0 Josh Wiggling 0 Josh 0 5


November 06, 2007 8:19 PM

Wagering by Danae

Danae flushed in embarrassment at his question. “I’m sorry,” she apologized, backtracking a bit. “I didn’t mean to imply that you didn’t. I just meant that professors would like to see this type of work in general.” She actually found it admirable that he put in as much effort into his schoolwork. She always tried to do her best, but she would never be able to achieve the same level of perfection that her brother did.

’But then you miss the thrill of it.

Glancing up at his comment, she replied, “Oh, I was just thinking I didn’t want to be in the middle of the prank. As for watching, I figured you would be watching with Matt.” There was no jealousy or malice in her voice when she told him that. She just figured that it was a male bonding thing.

Protection charms? She chewed on her lip, as she thought about it. “Well, you could use some form of concealment charm, I guess. You could charm it to look like a blank piece of paper or some homework.” She was going to suggest invisible ink too, but she thought it might have a limited life on it. Not to mention it was easier to reveal than a concealment charm.
0 Danae Wagering 0 Danae 0 5


November 07, 2007 8:46 PM

Whispering by Josh

Josh tilted his head slightly to the side at her apology. Perhaps he had sounded angry when he corrected her on the detail of his school work? If he had, it had been unintentional. He was simply stating a fact. Although, Josh couldn't really blame her if he had, he wasn't the most socially ept person in the world and Danae always made him that slightly bit of nervous where he could be considered 'awkward'.

"You don't have to apologize. I'm sure the Professors really would like to see everyone other than the Aladrens committed to their school work." Josh stated, erasing something from the parchment and turning it to start at another angle.

"Well, we don't actually do pranks that are solely meant for one person. Or even something that is directed at a person. We like to do it so that it effects people indirectly. Like the prank last year." Josh explained. Their pranks, though juvenile, weren't created to something where one person would feel it was directed at them, rather, something that everyone (or, at least, the students) could have some fun with. "Anyway, I can't make any guarantees that you won't be in the vicinity when it happens."

He didn't comment on whether or not he'd be with Matt. More likely than not, he would be if only because it was something they created together. But that wasn't to say that they couldn't share that moment with someone who was in on the joke or not share it together at all.

"Concealment" Josh was thoughtful for a moment. "I'll have to look into those and figure out which ones we can work with. Matt will have to be the one to set it though. He's the one who's better with the wand work." Josh admitted, looking slightly embarrassed as he did so.
0 Josh Whispering 0 Josh 0 5