Kathleen McFarlan

April 20, 2007 3:47 AM

Bold as Brass (at least on the outside) by Kathleen McFarlan

Click, click, click. Katie's high heels beat a tatoo on the floor as she walked over to the staff table for her first meal at Sonora. The heels increased her height to a respectable 5’ 6” or so.

Small boned, like her mother, she didn’t look much older than the students she taught. Well, at 32, was that such a bad thing? Not really. Since her thirtieth birthday, she’d begun to suddenly like hearing that she looked younger than her age. Dancing and running kept her fit, meditation and gardening kept her sane especially those three years teaching at the Muggle university she’d just left.

Now she was back in her element. It was wonderful to do magic in the open again. She often wondered what would happen if she had suddenly whipped out her wand and announce to her frmer students that she was a witch while throwing spells all around the room. That would have been a sight for certain.

The food looked and smelled delicious, but Kathleen wasn’t really hungry. Restless, since she’d set up her office and quarters already and there was little to do in the classroom itself, she decided it was time to mingle and get to know her colleagues a bit better before tackling the students. No use waiting in her office for them to come to her.

Kathleen sat down and poured herself a cup of tea. The aroma was heavenly and one sip helped calm her “new girl on the block” nerves. May the Goddess forever bless the person who first decided to throw some dried leaves into a pot of hot water.

Turning to the person sitting on her left, Professor McFarlan allowed her dark green eyes to sparkle and flashed the same smile that always increased the galleons in the tip jar when, years ago as an undergrad, she’d tended bar at her Da’s nightclub as just “Little Katie McFarlan”

“Hello,” she said in a friendly voice. “I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Kathleen McFarlan, the new Astrology Professor.”

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Sadi Powell

April 21, 2007 3:08 PM

Just whistle a happy tune. by Sadi Powell

Back at Sonora again. Midterm had been a welcome break and in Sadi’s opinion it had passed all too quickly. She sighed; it wasn’t that she was unhappy to be back – she rather enjoyed staying at the school now she’d gotten used to it – but being here meant being away from her family. On the plus side, it did mean she could eat a fabulous meal without having to cook it. Sadi ladled a healthy helping of soup into the dish in front of her and tucked in, not really aware that someone had occupied the seat next to her.

“Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met. I’m Kathleen McFarlan, the new Astrology Professor,” said the newcomer.

Sadi looked up at the sound, mildly surprised to discover somebody sitting there. “Hello,” she replied, in an equally friendly fashion. “Sadi Powell, Ancient Runes professor. Welcome to Sonora,” she said, smiling.

Sadi quite enjoyed herself when new staff members joined their ranks, and it seemed to be happening quite frequently this term. Not only did the introduction of new staff members help Sadi to feel less like she was new there herself, but they brought with them the always pleasant prospect of friendship... or friendly acquaintanceship at least.
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Professor McFarlan

April 22, 2007 7:37 PM

Make believe you're brave by Professor McFarlan

A friendly face and a warm welcome, good signs. Hopefully, Professor Powell was in the majority. Rumor had it that Professor Chatterjee was well liked by staff and students alike and from his copious notes, it was obvious he completely devoted to his charges. Kathleen had to admit some concern that there might be a bit of resentment about her stepping into his place. She certainly didn’t detect anything like that in this woman’s warm expression, though.

In her mind’s eye, Kathleen pictured the small, earthen ware jug still sitting on her desk filled with Da’s home brew and the card attached to it. Her parents had sent it to her for luck. “Remember, Daughter, this will taste better if you’ve a friend with you when you break the seal.”

True friends were hard to come by where she last worked. The amount of secrecy she had to maintain to hide her magic meant that she had to keep a certain distance. Here, there wasn’t that concern, she could just be herself and that was luxury indeed.

“It’s good to meet you,” Kathleen returned the warmth she’d received. “Ancient Runes? That is a subject I’ve always been interested in by never had the time with my required studies to delve into.”

She glanced at the students. So many looked so young! Just babies, really. Hopefully she could translate her knowledge to their level without making it sound like she was “dumbing it down” and insult their intelligence.

“I’ve never taught students so young. Any advice for a newbie?”
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Professor Powell

April 23, 2007 11:56 AM

Is it working? by Professor Powell

“It’s good to meet you,” Kathleen said, and Sadi felt the sentiment was genuine. She was happy to discover the new Astronomy professor seemed pleasant enough; Sadi was rather fond of Declan and had been sorry to see him leave. Though she had her sympathies for Professor McFarlan too, as filling the position previously held by a staff member so appreciated by his students was surely a daunting task.

Sadi’s smile deepened as the new professor claimed her interest in runes. Ancient Runes were, and had always been, Sadi’s primary interest and, second to her family, the loves of her life. She refrained herself from talking about the subject she taught, though. Firstly because she was eager to allow Kathleen to direct the conversation, and secondly because once she got started she knew she would find it difficult to stop.

“I’ve never taught students so young,” Professor McFarlan said, directing the conversation into (as far as Sadi was concerned) safer waters. “Any advice for a newbie?”

“I’m afraid not. I only teach third years and above,” she explained. “Though I do tend to find they’re far more capable than I had first imagined,” she said seriously. “You’ll find a niche without too much difficulty, I should imagine,” Sadi offered, smiling encouragingly. Professor McFarlan looked as least as young as most of the other professors at Sonora, and was definitely a generation at least younger than Sadi herself. It was a shame in some ways that the faculty were more around the age of Sadi’s nieces and nephews than her own, yet she had also discovered that the older she became, the less that similarity of age was an important factor in friendship formation. “The only advice I do have is not to venture too far into the garden labyrinth until you’re familiar with it,” she said, smiling.
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Professor McFarlan

April 24, 2007 12:21 AM

Fake It Until You Can Be It by Professor McFarlan

The only advice I do have is not to venture too far into the garden labyrinth until you’re familiar with it.

She’d seen the impossible maze from her window. She was waiting for the snow to melt to venture out and explore them. Funny, coming from frozen, snowy Iowa, she’d looked forward to desert warmth and found a frozen, snowy school. Oh well, perhaps the wintry charms were removed shortly after midterm so she wouldn’t have to wait until late March doff her winter robes.

“I’ll be sure to take that advice to heart.” Kathleen laughed. “I’ll remember what you said about the kids as well. Thank you.”

Relaxing in good company, she sat back a bit more comfortably in her chair and sipped her tea. Sadi Powell was certainly an amiable colleague and there seemed to be the possibility of becoming a good friend. Well, time to test the waters a bit. Share a little, ask a little.

“I’ve taught only young adults before. A small Muggle university in Iowa. I did it to get away from being known by everybody on the British Iles as Seamus and Mary McFarlan’s baby girl. We’re close and I miss them and my brothers terribly, but so many people refused to treat me as an adult even after I got all my degrees. I suppose it would have been different if I’d settled down, got married, and had a couple of babies by now, but life got in the way of that.

“Anyway, I fell in love with the States, the Midwest especially, so I slipped into anonymity teaching Astronomy to Muggle students. They’re not so different than us, but I did miss living in a Wizarding community, so I applied here.

“Well, that’s the short story.” Kathleen smiled self-consciously, she could chatter on for hours once she got going if she didn‘t watch herself. “Maybe someday you’ll want the long version. But now, what about you? Have you been teaching here very long? Do you have any family close by?”

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Professor Powell

April 24, 2007 4:22 PM

Face your Fears. by Professor Powell

The new professor seemed to relax into the conversation, so Sadi felt comfortable to return to eating her soup while they chatted. Kathleen started to talk a little bit about her past. Sadi knew exactly what she meant about not settling down. When asked about herself, Sadi sat back at smiled.

“Well I did settle down eventually,” she said. “I’ve done a lot of field research, travelling Europe and South America.” Sadi could feel the energy that talking about her work created starting to pulse through her, and consciously stopped herself from going into a full-on rant all about her life story. “And eventually I met the right person and now my husband and daughter live in Colorado. That was the very short story, the long version is available, recommended to be taken with at least one hot beverage.”

Had she been teaching long? Not at all. “I only started teaching last year, actually. This is my first teaching job,” she explained, somehow feeling more confident about admitting this than she had anticipated being. Headmaster Bulla having enough faith in her abilities to name her Head of Crotalus was almost certainly the reason for her confidence boost. “I love it here at Sonora. The longer I stay, the longer I want to stay. I just wish I got to see my family a bit more, that’s all.” Sadi’s other concern was that she hadn’t made any fast friends at the school, but she was getting there, slowly but surely. Perhaps one day she and Kathleen could here the long version of each other’s stories.
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Professor McFarlan

April 25, 2007 12:34 AM

...And They Will Flee by Professor McFarlan

Kathleen loved watching her companion’s face light up as she spoke briefly about her research project. It was obvious she loved her chosen field as much as Kathleen loved hers. Maybe someday she could ask her for a tutorial. She knew enough of the subject to realize it would be an asset to her meditations especially when she was seeking direction.

Sadi Powell’s face softened when she spoke of her family. It was obvious she loved them deeply. She knew what it was like to miss loved ones, but Goddess bless her, it must be so much harder to try to balance what Professor Powell had on her plate. She was about to express sympathy for her dilemma when she noticed the time. Sh---ugar! Watch it, Kat, you’re among younger students now..

“I am so sorry, this is incredibly rude, but I really must fly.” Kathleen set her cup down and stood up. “I’d like you to know two things before I go. First, I’d consider it an honor if you’d call me Kathleen. Second, if you’re ever in the mood to exchange the long versions of our stories over a cuppa, my door is always open. I’ve coffee and a small selection of herbal teas.”

Feeling much braver than she had when she walked in the door, a bit of mischief escaped to her smile. “And if your in the mood for something stronger, I used to tend bar at my folk’s place eons ago. I can still make a mean Irish coffee. “ Glancing at the time again, she bade her new friend goodbye hoping she wouldn’t take offence at her sudden egress.

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