Professor Murphy

March 19, 2007 9:06 PM

Getting my feet wet by Professor Murphy

Rois Murphy stepped into Cascade with an exasperated look on her face. She was too old to have to endure such a ride like that Wagon one. At 56, Rois had long since retired from teaching and only came out of retirement when asked. This was one of those times.

Walking to the long table where she assumed the staff sat at (easy enough conclusion to draw when a few adults were seated there) and took a seat at the end. It would be a tough transition, she thought, having to fill the shoes of the Deputy Head. Well, not actually taking the job of Deputy Head, just the classes that she had originally taught.

Her crisp grey eyes looked around the school's hall. It was a rather remarkable place with the waterfalls flowing peacefully and the clatter of dishes from the few students who had remained. An wrinkled hand gently pushed her snow white hair out of her face as she took a bite out of her food. The one thing she truly missed about working in a school was the food. The food was always splendid. Though, her grandchildren always claimed she made the best chocolate chip cookies.

Looking around the table for a moment, Rois gently cleared her throat at the person nearest to her, "'Cuse me, can you pass the salt?" She asked, her heavily lidded Maine accent making itself ever present in her speech.\n\n
0 Professor Murphy Getting my feet wet 0 Professor Murphy 1 5

Professor Williams

March 20, 2007 12:46 AM

You know, I never really understood that phrase... by Professor Williams

Genevieve was swamped. The fact that her older sister Kaitlin was getting married was slowly becoming a crippling and, frankly, annoying constant in her life. All the time, Genevieve was owling caterers, dress designers; anyone and everyone that could have been in some way connected to a wedding was contacting Genevieve.

Kaitlin had high-tailed it to Jamaica with her fiance not long after announcing their engagement, leaving the Williams' staff in a frenzy to arrange everything. Genevieve was her sister's maid of honor, and of course, everyone turned to her for direction and organization. Not that she wasn't up to the task, oh no, Genevieve was probably the most organized person she knew. The only problem was, Kaitlin's wedding was in late May, and it seemed like the entire ordeal would never end.

That was why Genevieve was seated at the head table during midterm exhausted, her hair unstyled and curling at her shoulders. The night before had been particularly busy. Their mother had called and insisted that she and their step-father be seated at the head table for the reception and rehearsal dinner, but Kaitlin had insisted against the idea. There was a long and drawn out argument over the floo'd fire, but in the end, Genevieve had convinced the woman who had left their family for the new husband years ago that she would just have to deal with being seated with the other guests.

"'Cuse me, can you pass the salt?" Genevieve looked over at the speaker, nodded mutely as she performed the requested task, and went back to her goblet of Pepper-Up potion. She vaguely recognized in her slumber-like state that the face she'd just seen was not a familiar one.

"I'm sorry, I don't believe we've met," She finally said, attempting to make herself seem more awake than she really was, "I'm Genevieve Williams, Muggle Studies Professor."\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Professor Williams You know, I never really understood that phrase... 0 Professor Williams 0 5


March 20, 2007 8:54 PM

Me either, but it seemed fitting by Rois

Rois took in the appearance of the professor beside her. Had she felt comfortable in this place or knew the younger woman beside her, Rois would have clucked her tongue in disapproval at the woman's dissheveled appearance. Really, what sort of school was this to allow their Professors to walk around as though they didn't have a care in the slightest?

That sort of look didn't demand the respect every Professor needs from their students. If the Professor didn't care than why should they? That's how it always was.

Thanking the woman, Rois shook the salt over her food and took another bite. Oh, it was delightful! This food was wonderful! Almost made her want to come out of retirement permanently. Almost. Her husband wouldn't be fond of her going back to work after years of telling her to stay home and relax. Her heart wasn't the best, but she had loved her job. Still loved it. Even if she were only a substitute.

Rois turned her attention back to the young woman beside her. Ah, Muggle Studies...that explained it. "I'm Rois Murphy. I'm stepping in for Care of Magical Creatures until further notice. Lovely to meet you, Genevieve."\n\n
0 Rois Me either, but it seemed fitting 0 Rois 0 5


March 22, 2007 12:41 AM

True, true... by Genevieve

Genevieve knew she looked in slight disarray, but her situation was such that all her energy was being put forth into merely keeping awake, not into worrying about how she appeared. Besides, it was midterm, and the majority of the student population had gone home, and if they were staying at school, they were too otherwise preoccupied to give their Muggle Studies professor too much thought. She swirled the remaining Pepper-Up potion in her goblet, before finishing it.

The Daily Prophet sat, unread, next to her plate. A favorite publication of the young redhead, the Prophet usually gained the majority of Genevieve's attention at breakfast times. That particular day, however, the Prophet was still in the spot where she had placed it after an owl from the US branch of the paper's circulation office brought the British paper. Genevieve had been a loyal reader of the paper since she was a child. Her father's fault, she supposed, being from Dublin and an avid reader himself.

She nodded along as the other professor introduced herself, but then something she said struck her. Care of Magical Creatures? What was up with Kiva that she needed a substitute? Genevieve kept the thoughts to herself, however. Everyone had their own person lives, she supposed, and Kiva was no different.

"The pleasure is mine," Genevieve replied cordially, feeling the uplifting effects of the potion, "So, Rois, how did you come upon this position?" \n\n
0 Genevieve True, true... 0 Genevieve 0 5


March 23, 2007 8:59 PM

I could always use another saying by Rois

Rois smiled politely at the woman beside her. Despite her messy look, she was quite attractive. Rois, who always liked to think up life stories of the people around her (a hobby her and her husband had picked up on over the years), tried to imagine a life for this woman.

Married? Rois saw no ring on her finger, so unless she was terrified of losing it, Rois didn't think the woman was married. Possibly a long time boyfriend, she seemed a woman to have a significant other in her life. Children? With her frail body, not likely. Muggle Studies...Muggleborn? Or parents who were in love with Muggles.

Rois admired the woman's hair. Her father had had red hair, having been of Irish decent, but Rois's hair had been a nice strawberry blonde. Long and on the thin side, but always had a nice bounce and full of shine. Her husband always told her it was her hair that caught his attention first.

Of course, Rois always insists to the family that it was her brains that he fell in love with. At 18, the two had met at the local University of Magic in Maine when a group of students got together to watch the Moon Landing at a Muggleborn's house. They became close friends shortly there after. A few years later, at a rally against the Vietnam War, Desmond had proposed to her. Desmond, a muggleborn, was drafted into the war, so they married quickly.

Neither looked back.

The young Witch's question, brought Rois out of her revere. "Oh, I was flooed by the Teacher's Magical Association asking if I could substitute here for the Care of Magical Creatures class. They informed me that there is no specific end date to my stay here, but I told them not to worry. This is my first time here in Arizona, such a lovely state."\n\n
0 Rois I could always use another saying 0 Rois 0 5


March 27, 2007 12:18 AM

How about something like: 'When in Rome...'? by Genevieve

Genevieve nodded, listening to Rois, "Well, I'm very glad you got the oppourtunity be here, Rois. Sonora is a great place to teach- but do keep an eye out for the fifth year Craven Twins. They might have outgrown some of their old prankster ways, but they're still troublemakers for sure."

She smiled at the older professor, wondering about her. The Pepper-Up potion was working wonders for her attitude- suddenly she was not only perky and awake, but for the first time in as long as she could remember, Genevieve felt no stress. Just sitting in the Cascade Hall talking to his woman didn't involve caterers, dress designers, or event coordinators. It was the longest period of time Genevieve had gone in a while without being hounded by family or others involved with Kaitlin's wedding.

"You know, I apologize for looking so disheveled," she finally said, taking out her wand and gesturing towards her hair, which neatly bunned itself, "But my older sister Kaitlin is getting married, and I'm her maid of honor, and, well- I've just had a hectic time. I'm not even going home for Christmas this year."

Genevieve had planned on spending the midterm break with one of her younger brothers at his mountain lodge near Copperhead, Colorado. However, going skiing during the break, something Genevieve would have loved doing normally, probably would have been ruined for her by the onslaught of people owling, on the floo, and all other kinds of communication. A holiday destroyed like that was beyond terrible- Genevieve just prefered to stay at Sonora and work on the wedding plans as well as ideas for her next semester of Muggle Studies.

The experience with her older sister, if anything, had taught Genevieve that she was going to have a very small and very simple wedding when she married. She was just about to voice this opinion, when a diverse quartet of owls flew into the hall and planted themselves around Genevieve's place at the head table. All sat about impatiently, clicking their beaks and demanding her attention. Looking apologetically at Rois, she excused herself quietly and quickly read, responded, and sent off each owl in turn.

"Terribly sorry," she apologized again for the interruption, "See what I mean? Wedding plans- everyone always wants something from me. Anyway, I'm sorry, I've forgotten what we were talking about..."
0 Genevieve How about something like: 'When in Rome...'? 0 Genevieve 0 5


April 03, 2007 9:19 PM

Ah, but I haven't a clue as to what Romans do by Rois

Rois chuckled pleasantly at the woman's warning. "Oh, I've taught for so long and at so many schools. There always seem to be a handful of students to keep an eye on." Rois commented through her chuckles. "Have no worry, dear, I may look old and fragile, but I'm a Mother, GrandMother, Wife, and a Substitute, I can take on the worst of them."

Rois looked around at the hall once more. It was still marvelous to look at. Sonora had been one of the top schools for those who were gifted and Rois had always heard good things about it. Though, her teachings were usually only for the lesser known schools, but Rois had been perfectly alright with that.

"Oh, congratulations to your sister." Rois said, looking at Genevieve approvingly. "Though, I can't say that I understand why that makes you hectic, but things have changed since the days of my wedding. Or my daughter's for that matter." Rois said rather amused by it all. "I'll be popping home for Christmas with the family. They would never let me live it down if I didn't. Christmas is when we are all together, and it's a sad story to miss."

Roise gave Genevieve her privacy when the owls arrived. Rois may have been curious about things, but she certainly wasn't about to look nosey. "Oh, it's certainly alright, Dear. Weddings are important to a girl and your sister obviously leans heavily on you for support. Nothing can be done for a sisterly bond such as that."\n\n
0 Rois Ah, but I haven't a clue as to what Romans do 0 Rois 0 5


April 09, 2007 9:26 PM

Well, that's problematic. by Genevieve

"Thank you, but sometimes I wish she didn't rely on me so," Genvieve smiled faintly, "Our father wants nothing more than to finally get to throw his daughter a huge wedding, but the problem is, Kaitlin doesn't want to plan it. So, being the responsible sister and maid of honor, I've more or less planned the entire thing. Our mum wouldn't have a thing to do with it, so that's helped me little..."

As she trailed off, Gen yawned. Despite the Pepper-Up, she still retained that ever so slightly lingering feeling of fatigue. She shook it off and smiled a little more brightly this time at the older professor. So Rois was already a mother and grandmother? It was situations like this one that made Genevieve feel pressured into getting married quickly. Of course, like any young girl, she had planned out her wedding when she was 8 or 9 years old, but her opinions of weddings had changed drastically in the time since then.

Genevieve, in all truth, imagined herself as a mother. She was sure that Muggle Studies wasn't her true calling in life, but rather, teaching in anyway was her passion. Talking and learning along with her students was really the thing she knew she could do the rest of her life. Thus, the jump from other peoples' children to children of her own wasn't that far. All she had to do first was meet someone, which was nearly impossible for a teacher that spent her time boarding at a school.

"That's wonderful about visiting your family during the break," she finally said, opening up the Prophet and scanning the front page. Photos accompanying the front page news moved about, some jostling crowds of protesters, some triumphant looking political leaders. Genevieve nonchalantly spoke, tilting the paper so that Rois could see, "Looks like the Prime Minister of Britain and the President here are at some kind of United Magical Nations together... Huh." \n\n
0 Genevieve Well, that's problematic. 0 Genevieve 0 5