Elly Eriksson

February 05, 2007 6:20 PM

[third floor corridor] cont. from commons [tag Echo & Mere] by Elly Eriksson

Echo said he wasn’t hungry and ran upstairs to put his homework away. Just as Echo left, Elly turned to Meredith to ask if all boys were hopeless at noticing things like haircuts (Mere had three brothers so she would have a better idea than Elly did), but stopped when her friend spoke.

“Uh, Elly. I don’t know about you, but I’m not much for walking around school in my socks.” Elly thought she had a point. The girls often walked around their dorm with no shoes on, and sometimes the common room, too, but you could never be sure what was in the corridors. After all, a school full of underage witches and wizards was bound to offer some oddities between classrooms. Hopefully, they were about to investigate one.

Mere and Echo returned together. Elly caught the shoes flung at her (well she sort of caught them but managed to knock herself in the face in the process), and pulled them on, leaning on the armchair for support.

“Let’s go!” Echo exclaimed. Mere agreed, and Elly grinned like a Cheshire cat as she followed them out of the commons.

Elly hung back a little as Meredith led the way, explaining to Echo all about the portrait, like she had explained to Elly already in their dorm. They headed up to the third floor, and on the way Elly kept a look out for other unusual portraits or possible secret passages. There was a large portrait of a wizard who seemed to talking to his hand which Elly thought was big enough to be hiding a door, but otherwise she didn’t see anything worth mentioning.

When they reached the correct corridor, Elly skipped in front of the other two, loving how her new haircut made her curls bounce on her shoulders, and came to a halt just before the portrait of Georgette. Georgette wasn’t in the picture, though. “This is the one, right, Merry?” Elly asked, and although she tried to keep her voice neutral, she noted that it did sound a little higher than usual due to her excitement and anticipation.
0 Elly Eriksson [third floor corridor] cont. from commons [tag Echo & Mere] 92 Elly Eriksson 1 5


February 19, 2007 2:09 PM

Finally exploring. Sorry again for the wait. by Mere

Meredith led the way for most of the trip to the third floor. She did catch the smells of dinner as they passed Cascade Hall, but ignored it for the greater good of discovery. They reached the corridor with Georgette’s portrait and Elly ran ahead of her and Echo. Mere got a chance to see her hair bouncing all over. She did like it better short—not that she was paying that much attention. It was just something she noticed. She liked short hair. That’s why she kept her own hair cut short—yeah.

“This is the one, right, Merry?”

“That’s the one.” Mere jogged to catch up to Elly faster and looked at the large portrait hanging above them. “But she’s not in there.” Meredith frowned a little and touched the wall underneath the portrait. She gave it a hopeful push, but it was as solid as any other wall in the school. That didn’t prove her theory much. She needed Georgette to come back through the door.

“Maybe she’s in another portrait.” Mere suggested. “Let’s look around. I’m sure we’ll find her.”

Georgette had to be around there somewhere and she would definitely turn up. It was her painting. She’d have to come back sooner or later. Or one of the three kids might find her nearby. Mere didn’t move right away to look though. She reached one hand up to touch the canvas. She stretched up on her tiptoes to reach farther. Maybe the door might be…nope. Her fingers brushed over the door in the background of the picture and it was as flat and unyielding as the rest of picture. Meredith mentally shrugged and moved on slowly down the row of pictures in hopes of finding that woman and persuading her back to her own frame. She needed to get that door open.

OOC: Feel free to speak for Georgette if you find her or if she turns up. I figure we can leave her as an open character.\n\n
0 Mere Finally exploring. Sorry again for the wait. 0 Mere 0 5

Echo Elms

February 22, 2007 9:49 AM

The hunt is on! by Echo Elms

Meredith explained the whole deal to them--well, to him, since Elly was already in on it--and Elly ran off ahead of them, curls bobbing up and down with each step, and Meredith and Echo walking a little faster than usual to keep up and because they were finally, after a whole year at the school, on the hunt for a secret passage. It became too much when Elly reached the portait in question and when Meredith broke into a jog, Echo was not far behind.

The two girls crowded around Georgette's portrait and Echo hung a step or two back, looking around at the other area portraits. Man, he even passed this particular spot like at least once a week and never knew there might be a secret passage there.

“Maybe she’s in another portrait,” Meredith guessed and Echo immediately started the search. His insides sank, though, when, in the portrait behind him, he found the man portrait with the poofy grey hair. Einstein Hair had not bothered him this year, but last year...

"Looking for me?" Einsteinhead grinned. He was sitting crosslegged under a weird misshapen tree.

"No," Echo returned warily, "We're looking for Georgette."

"I know where she is."

"Sure you do," Echo hoped Elly and Meredith hadn't heard him. Einsteinhead was only good for wild goose chases. Echo moved on to the next portrait.\n\n
21 Echo Elms The hunt is on! 93 Echo Elms 0 5


February 22, 2007 5:28 PM

Woohoo! by Elly

“That’s the one,” Meredith confirmed. Elly watched as her friend frowned when she noticed that the portrait’s inhabitant wasn’t to be seen. Mere pushed at the wall below the portrait, which Elly guessed must be where the secret passageway was supposed to be.

“Maybe she’s in another portrait,” Mere suggested. “Let’s look around. I’m sure we’ll find her.”

Elly nodded and turned to see that Echo was already examining the other portraits, probably questioning them about the whereabouts of Georgette. Humming to herself, Elly strode lightly to the far end of the corridor, looking in all the frames as she went. She hadn’t seen Georgette on the way up, which, unless the lady was on the move, meant she wasn’t en route to the Pecari commons. Though on the other hand, if Georgette couldn’t be found on the third floor then the only way was back down. Elly rounded the corner of the hallway, and was greeted with a staircase leading down on her right, or another corridor on the left. Elly wasn’t sure, but she thought that led to the Divinations classroom. Elly chewed her lower lip while she thought, and eventually took a couple of steps towards the staircase when she noticed the portrait of Tabitha Tribble. Tabitha and Georgette often visited each other’s portraits didn’t they? Putting on her best smile, Elly pulled her shoulders back and approached Tabitha’s gilt-framed likeness.

“Good evening, Tabitha,” Elly said, hoping that cheerful politeness would be enough to persuade the lady to help if she could. “I was looking for Georgette, but she’s not in her usual place. I wondered if you’d be able to help me find her?” Elly smiled again and held her breath as she awaited Tabitha’s answer.

Tabitha was a stern-looking woman, though she often smiled at students who walked by. She considered Elly’s request for a short moment, her brow creasing almost imperceptibly before she answered, “I believe Georgette is currently visiting Tavarius. She should be returning to her own portrait shortly.”

Elly smiled her most brilliant smile. “Thank you, very much!” Elly managed to say before spinning on her heel and running back to find Mere and Echo. “She’s in the Hall with Mims,” Elly called cheerfully, “but she should be back soon!” Elly was having great fun and they hadn’t even found any secret passages yet.
0 Elly Woohoo! 0 Elly 0 5


February 26, 2007 5:45 PM

And now introducing the antagonist. by Mere

Meredith looked closely at each portrait she passed by. Most were pretty uninteresting. A gaggle of chatty women like the ones that came to her house on Sundays with Mama, or a quiet soul looking out over a lake. Some drew her attention like the boy and girl playing hide and seek outside what she assumed was their shack-like house in the not too far distance. But otherwise they were of no interest to her. She was focused on just the one woman, but her search was proving in vain. Georgette was nowhere to be found. At least not in that hallway. Elly obviously figured that out before her and was turning the far corner.

Mere didn’t let herself stop despite not finding anything and there being heaven only knows how many portraits in the school. She couldn’t. It wasn’t in her nature to give up. Sometimes she could be as stubborn as she was energetic. Mere turned back, repeating portraits she had already looked at mainly out of nothing else to look at on her way to Georgette’s portrait to see how the others faired. Mere leaned back against the wall beneath Georgette’s empty frame just as Elly came around the corner again, but quicker and even cheerier than before. Mere smiled at the news on Georgette’s arrival. Finally she could do her test!

“I really hope it’s soon.” Mere said, beginning to bounce with anticipation. “It ought to be soon. How long could anyone stand to talk to that old grouch Mims? Remember how upset he was when we won the House Point Competition last year?” She laughed and slid down the wall into her awkward looking, much like sitting on her knees except the entirety of the inside of her legs touched the ground sit, keeping her back leaned against the wall comfortably. Her position only looked awkward. Mama warned that she’d pop her knees if she kept it up, but Mere didn’t believe her. She had flexible legs.

Mere’s mood was as high as ever as she waited with her best friends for Georgette to come. Who knew how long that might really take though? Georgette sure looked up tight, the way she yelled about Mere touching the wall. Maybe she and Mims had a lot to talk about. But the point was that she was coming. They didn’t know exactly when, but it would happen and Mere would be ready waiting for that wall to open up.

And it did. Suddenly Mere couldn’t feel her back leaning on anything. Her blue eyes widened from the sudden loss of balance and she tumbled backwards seeming to be on a ramp downward. She heard a woman’s voice before tumbling and knew it was Georgette. It worked! She was right! Her excitement only fed her dizziness so when she finally landed, sprawled on the ground, she had to calm down to stop the room or wherever she was from spinning. When she regained herself she was facing another wall. Before taking in her new location, she went to that wall that she assumed she fell through and pressed on it. It was solid. Georgette must have closed the door again. Oh boy. Elly and Echo would have to convince her to open it. Mere had to force herself to stay put just in case her friends managed to get Georgette to listen to them. She sat again this time just in front of the wall, and looked around with excitement. She hoped Echo and Elly would hurry.

Back on the other side of the wall, a woman in a long, elegant red dress with her hair pinned up in lovely dark brown curls, and a tall glass of wine in her gloved hands opened the door to her portrait and walked in, shutting it behind herself quickly.

“Now who’s dirtying up my wall?” she spoke in an authoritative tone. “More students? And Pecaris no doubt, just like the last one. Oh Tavarius is right about the whole lot of you. Shouldn’t you be eating with your other disrespectful friends about now? Leave my wall alone.” She made her way to her plush armchair and draped herself into the seat staring sternly at the tall red headed girl and the boy in front of her portrait. She couldn’t lounge and enjoy her lovely Red Zinfandel in peace? \n\n
0 Mere And now introducing the antagonist. 0 Mere 0 5

Echo Elms

March 09, 2007 4:55 PM

Eep! by Echo Elms

Echo was waiting, too, sitting across the hallway from Meredith. He was thinking about food. Rolls, to be precise. The dining room was serving spaghetti tonight, among other things, and that meant there's be those rolls with the garlicky coating on the outside. Those where excellent and if he'd known it was going to take this long for Georgette to come he'd have run down and got six of them -- two each would be enough to hold them over for at least an hour.

And then Meredith disappeared.

Echo sat up and looked up and down the hallway and pushed to his feet. He almost didn't want to ask, afraid that maybe he fell asleep for a minute and Meredith had gone to get rolls, didn't he remember? That was about when he met Georgette.

“Now who’s dirtying up my wall?” the haughty painted woman huffed, "More students? And Pecaris no doubt, just like the last one. Oh Tavarius is right about the whole lot of you. Shouldn’t you be eating with your other disrespectful friends about now? Leave my wall alone.”

Echo still didn't see Meredith anywhere. He tried to think polite thoughts. "Ma'am?" he said, and got stuck, "uh," he wondered if he shouldn't have let Elly say something instead, "My name is Echo and this Elly. We had Meredith, a friend, with us but, um, she's... not here."

Well that sounded dumb. He was done. He looked at Elly and willed her to take over.\n\n
21 Echo Elms Eep! 93 Echo Elms 0 5


March 10, 2007 5:54 AM

Uh-oh. by Elly

When Elly had rejoined Meredith and Echo, Mere said, “I really hope it’s soon. It ought to be soon. How long could anyone stand talking to that old grouch Mims?” Mere laughed and Elly smiled with her. She had to agree – Mims was terribly dull, wildly unsightly, and for some reason he didn’t seem to approve of Pecaris.

All they had to do now was wait for Georgette to return. Meredith knelt against the wall below the portrait, whilst Echo sat on the floor against the opposite wall. Elly paced back and forth between them, absently fiddling with the ends of her ringlets, which were now at a particularly convenient fiddling height. Elly was beginning to think that maybe they should have got some food first. She heard a stomach rumble, and couldn’t determine whether it was her own, or Mere’s or Echo’s. She thought that it probably wouldn’t hurt if one of them popped down to the hall and brought up some bread rolls or something for a quick snack. If Georgette came back while one of them had gone, the others could just wait. Elly stopped pacing and turned to Meredith to voice her suggestion. She hadn’t got any further than opening her mouth in preparation to speak when her friend disappeared before her eyes, apparently falling right through the wall behind her. Elly glanced bewildered at Echo, who, judging by his repeated glances up and down the corridor, was equally as confused as Elly was herself.

“Now who’s dirtying up my wall? More students?” Elly’s attention turned back to the portrait, which now contained the very elegant but obviously annoyed Georgette. Elly felt Echo join her as she prodded the solid stone wall where only a moment ago one of her best friends had been. “Leave my wall alone.” Georgette instructed, and Elly hastily pulled her hand back.

“Ma’am?” Echo began addressing the portrait, sounding very unsure of himself. “My name is Echo and this is Elly. We had Meredith, a friend, with us but, um, she’s… not here.”

Elly blinked at Echo. He looked to her, apparently done with the talking. Elly took a deep breath and tried to look polite and innocent as she spoke to Georgette. “Please,” she said, “I don’t know whether you’re aware, but it seems that the bit of wall beneath your portrait isn’t as solid as it appears. Our friend, Meredith, she just fell through and I think she must be on the other side.” Elly swallowed hard – her mouth was dry. This wasn’t what was supposed to happen. “Could you please open that door at the back of your portrait again? That seems to be what opens the wall, too.” Elly was desperately hoping that Georgette would believe them. What would they do otherwise? Go to Headmaster Bulla? Would he believe them? Elly crossed her fingers behind her back, silently begging Georgette to develop a sense of adventure.

0 Elly Uh-oh. 0 Elly 0 5


March 13, 2007 7:46 PM

Aw, not enjoying yourselves? I certainly am. by Georgette

Georgette could have laughed out loud at the two ridiculous students before her but she would restrain herself because laughing out loud was quite beneath a woman of her stature. She simply let her dark eyes glide from one to the other. The first seemed none too bright while the second seemed courteous enough, but she was not a quick believer. Georgette had to question her intelligence as well.

There was very little that Georgette wasn’t aware of. She knew of nearly every portrait within the walls of Sonora Academy and the secrets they hid. She had been there long enough to achieve that. It seemed as if another set of students came with the aim of finding these secrets. Hah! She gave them weeks before they gave up completely like the rest. As the girl paused her words, Georgette took a faux shocked look and spoke with pure sarcasm.

“Really? She fell through the wall and you believe she is on the other side? You’re brilliant. I never would have thought of that. You must be top of your class.”

Rather than laughing out right, a dainty chuckle escaped her as she covered her mouth with one gloved hand.

“Not aware of my own wall? Why on earth do you think I want to keep pesky students away? Of course I know what lies beyond my own wall, but that is for me to know and for you to mind your own business.” She took another sip of her wine. Her eyes fell back on the girl as she continued her speech. Goodness, how that girl could go on.

“So you know how the door works, eh? Well congratulations. Most students don’t notice. I seem to only attract the annoyingly perceptive or irregularly lucky ones.” A thought struck her and she spoke again. “But I may open my door again so you can find your little friend, but you’ll have to earn it. Impress me. Any way you think you can. Go on. Your friend could be lost for quite a while if you don’t hurry up.” Georgette smirked lightly and took yet another sip. What might the silly young students think would impress her? This ought to be entertaining for a while.\n\n
0 Georgette Aw, not enjoying yourselves? I certainly am. 0 Georgette 0 5

Echo Elms

March 18, 2007 8:57 PM

Well ... I was. Not so much now. by Echo Elms

Impress her? Yeah, right. Georgette didn't seem the impressible sort and even if she was Echo didn't think he was likely to do anything impressive-like.

He looked at his sandalled toes and tried to think. Georgette was a proper lady. What would a proper lady be impressed by? If Meredith were here she could do her crazy acrobatic thing. Brett could juggle a soccer ball for two whole minutes -- or, at least he'd managed it once or twice. Echo... could climb his elm tree in the backyard of his house from a sprint. Actually, he did it better from a sprint than from a standstill. He could also find his way from the elementary school to his house without getting spotted by any adults -- neither of which were very provable to Georgette right at this moment.

He and Elly could both do a good jump from a swing, if Georgette could follow them into the labrynth gardens... but she couldn't unless they took her portrait off the wall. And he didn't think she'd be too pleased with that.

He could draw some of the transfigurations diagrams from memory. He wrote a novel in 30 days and it may have been the worst novel ever written, too. He knew how to install a doorbell and make soap -- or at least he did once and he sort of remembered it. Elly knew how to sew wand cases. She was a whiz at field hockey. Meredith knew how to cut hair -- but, once again, she wasn't here.

He could discuss the finer points of Nate the Great, not that anyone ever wanted to, and decipher and imitate Brett-speak. He did pretty good at DADA and Charms. He could make a wand point North. But, then, who couldn't? First years?

It would take more than spells to impress Georgette he decided. And it couldn't be something outdoors or physical or anything. It was like in folktales when the characters have to impress something with their knowledge, by reciting a poem or song, or with a riddle no one can solve.

He looked up uncertainly and glanced at Elly and back to Georgette. "I can recite The Jabberwocky by Lewis Carrol," he volunteered. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
21 Echo Elms Well ... I was. Not so much now. 93 Echo Elms 0 5

Elly Eriksson

March 19, 2007 5:52 PM

Wait, this could be fun ;) by Elly Eriksson

Georgette didn’t seem impressed by Elly and Echo’s efforts. In fact, Elly got the distinct impression that Georgette shared Mims' dislike for Pecaris, and that kind of prejudice certainly didn’t help their sticky situation. Yet on the other hand, some of the portrait’s cheeky mannerisms and playful suggestions were distinctly reminiscent of those attributes for which Elly and her housemates were notorious. Elly wondered whether Georgette had been a Pecari herself, once upon a time.

Georgette said that Elly and Echo had to impress her so they could get to Meredith. Elly had a strong suspicion that she was bluffing; she couldn’t very well keep Mere captive behind her wall. For a start she’d get hungry, then she’d miss lessons, and Bulla certainly wouldn’t stand for that. Elly was pretty sure that Georgette’s game was up as soon as one of them decided to go to the Headmaster. Still, Elly didn’t think that threats would work well with this woman, so perhaps it was better to play along for now.

Elly thought about how to impress Georgette. She was good at potions, but she couldn’t very well set up a cauldron right in the hallway. Besides, second year potions probably weren’t very impressive to someone like Georgette.

She could do a handstand up the wall, but seeing how touchy Georgette was about her wall, Elly didn’t suspect that would go down very well.

Echo glanced at Elly, and she sincerely hoped he was having better luck with his thoughts than she was with hers. “I can recite the Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll,” he said. Apparently not, then.

Suddenly it dawned on Elly what they needed to do. “I’ve got a better idea,” Elly interjected before Georgette had chance to reply to Echo’s bizarre suggestion. “How about I impress you with my deviancy?” Elly said, smiling coyly up at the portrait. “If you don’t let us explore what’s behind your portrait, allowing us to come and go as we please, then we’ll tell everyone in the whole school there’s a secret passage here, and you just need to insult the portrait for it to open.”
0 Elly Eriksson Wait, this could be fun ;) 92 Elly Eriksson 0 5


March 31, 2007 12:13 AM

It certainly could. by Georgette

Georgette mused as the two children pondered ways to impress the sophisticate. Once again, the first one proved his intelligence (or lack thereof.) What on earth was a Jabberwocky? She was about to voice the question when the more entertaining one spoke out again. Georgette raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow towards the girl and listened to her claim. Did she think she was clever? Trying to threaten Georgette in such a way? The portrait couldn’t help but be just a little more than slightly amused though. A small sincere smile played at the very edge of her lips, but she held it back.

“I see. However, should you tell the other students that there is a passage here, who would believe you? You can’t be older than a third year. So you might have the attention of some younger students, but how far will they get? Just because they come around does not mean I have to open my door and I certainly don’t have to stay here to put up with any rude students. They’ll come by and find a solid wall and an empty frame and think you are delusional or just flat out liars.”

“Not to mention you all have a curfew and then I’ll be safe to return to my portrait and sip my wine,” she took a drink, “in peace. I’ll only have prefects to deal with and they were made prefects for a reason. They ought to have more sense and manners than the others like yourselves.”

“Now what was your threat again?” She let a smirk play on her lips, still waiting to be fully impressed. She could admit though, the girl was on the start of something. Perhaps the boy would follow along? She eyed him again. Or perhaps not. In the back of her mind she still wondered what Jabberwocky could be.\n\n
0 Georgette It certainly could. 0 Georgette 0 5


April 07, 2007 3:56 AM

Stop spoiling our fun! by Elly

As much as she hated to, Elly had to admit that Georgette still had the upper hand. Elly has been so sure that her plan would work, and the portrait had just knocked it down. Yet unless she was mistaken, the grouchy woman did seem to be having a good time; there were a couple of times during her response that Elly was sure she had smiled. Elly had by this point come to the conclusion that Meredith must be safe, because as much as she apparently disliked the students (except prefects of course), Georgette didn’t seem the type to just let them suffer under her actions. Therefore, seeing as she didn’t have any other brilliant ideas, Elly thought it may be as well to just play things out, maybe get to know a bit more about Georgette for when they may meet in future occasions.

“Fine, you win again,” Elly replied cheerfully. She sighed and sat on the floor in the center of the corridor looking up at Echo and Georgette. “I guess we’ll have to run with Echo’s plan instead. I’m certainly looking forward to hearing him recite,” Elly said, smiling widely at Echo.

In all honesty, Elly had lost the thread of what was going on. She wasn’t sure whether or not she liked Georgette, but knew that having the portrait on their side rather than against them would be of a greater advantage, so her instincts were telling her to just play along. She felt sorry for Meredith – hopefully she was okay – but there wasn’t an awful lot to do about that just now.
0 Elly Stop spoiling our fun! 0 Elly 0 5