Grail Markner and Kavin Analai

December 09, 2006 7:13 PM

Looks like we know each other... by Grail Markner and Kavin Analai

Kavin sat quietly in the Cascade Hall after getting some spaghetti for his lunch. His dark brown eyes gave a short glare to anyone who tried to come near him. Kavin didn't want to talk to people. Kavin actually hated talking to people. Whenever he did, he found it was normally junk that came out of their mouths. And Kavin would rather listen to nothing than listen to a load of junk. Silently, and sitting all alone, Kavin cut his spaghetti and began to eat it.

This was something Gray noticed when she walked near Kavin's table. Actually, she felt she should give the credit to Ariel for noticing. The insanity was chattering in her head (giving Grail a major headache) when Ariel shouted out, "Hey! Grailie, look at that kid!" And Grail noticed him. Sure he was giving people mean looks, but she figured he was shy or something. Afraid of people maybe, like Adam, just wanted to seem tough. So Gray immediately told Ariel to shut up, and walked over to the first year boy.

"Hi," Gray smiled gently, sitting next to the boy. Kavin noticed, but did not talk. Just kept eating. Maybe she would go away. But Gray was too persistant. "I noticed you were eating alone, and I just came over to say hi..." Kavin winced, he hated it when people did that. It was like they were trying to feel sorry for him. But he still didn't speak. Still, Gray tried harder. "You're a first year, right? I think I saw you in my house, Aladren? I'm Gray Markner, a second year..." But Kavin wasn't listening anymore. Instead, he gave a wide eyed look at the girl.

"Gray Markner?" Kavin spat out. Let's see, second year, Aladren. She fit the vague description Kavin had. This had to be her.

Gray nodded. "Yeah, that's my name. Why?" She hoped he hadn't heard of her screw-up last year during Quidditch against Pecari. Or antything about her being insane. Not that many people actually knew yet. Or so she hoped. Still, the blonde Aladren, gave this boy a worried look. And waited for him to talk again.

Thankfully, Kavin was able to talk again. "Gray! Yes! I've been looking all over for you!" This made Gray become even more confused. Who was this boy, and how did he know her? Gray knew she'd never met him before. "I'm Kavin Analai!" Grail thought a second, no, the name didn't ring any bell. Thankfully, Kavin continued talking for her. "My dad knows your mom! You have a new little sibling, right!? That's my dad's! And one of your sisters are too! Dad told me to look for some girl here called Markner, and here you are! I found you!"

Now Grail was really confused. Sure, Gray knew Merlin was only her half brother. And maybe Alais too. But... still. This was too weird, this guy was looking for her? "Huh? I mean... wha--" But Kavin cut her off again.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he said, still smiling (which was strange for him, unless he found a new one of his half-siblings). "My dad also said he was the one who brought you here, thats how he met your mom in fact. I'm trying to make sense to you. My dad, Adrian. Remember him?" Gray was thankful the boy seemed slightly empathic, unlike many boys. And she did remember the wizard that brought her to Sonora and bought her the supplies she needed last year. Adrian was his name too...

"Yes, I think I remember your dad," Gray nodded. "But this is still confusing. So you're saying my sister and brother are that guy's kids too?" This was getting really weird.

Kavin nodded. "Yeah. So the baby is a boy? What's his name?"

"Merlin..." Gray muttered. "But wait, why would your dad... and my mom...?"

Kavin sighed. "My dad's a bit of a... well. He's been with millions... he probably has a ton of kids all around the world." He never liked explaining his dad to people. It made him sound like a bad guy. "Right now all he knows of are me and my two half-sisters. Uh, and your two half-siblings."

Gray frowned. So some guy used her mom? That nice guy who helped her out with the whole magical concept last year used her mother? And made her have Alais and Merlin (not that she didn't love the two). That made her extremely angry. And now one of this guy's love children was deciding to lay all this on here at once? Nice... this was enough to make the girl more insane. But, instead of releasing this anger on the boy, something else got her. "So you're a wizard. And you're dad's a wizard. So that means Alais and Merlin are..."

"Magical as well," Kavin nodded.

Gray grew angrier. That meant that Alais was coming next year! And Merlin... And her mother knew! "Well..." she began, trying to stay calm and sort this out. But Gray didn't have the chance, because someone else had tapped her on the back. Grail didn't want to shout at this person that Kavin was looking up coldly at, so she took a deep breath before she turned to see who it was.\n\n
0 Grail Markner and Kavin Analai Looks like we know each other... 0 Grail Markner and Kavin Analai 1 5