Clara Abernathy

August 30, 2013 10:28 PM

Ready for fishing? (tag Lucian) by Clara Abernathy

Clara woke up the morning of her outing with Lucian more excited than usual. She had been thinking non-stop about his comment at the return feast about how it was a lot more fun seeing each other in secret. She had to admit the more she had thought about it, the more she really liked the idea of the quiet their seeing each other secretly brought them. They didn’t have to worry about anyone harping them about their betrothals or upcoming ones. His sister didn’t accost them and try to make them feel bad for liking each other. It was hard for Alex to pull her guilt trips if she didn’t know they were meeting or where. There definitely was an advantage to this secret dating idea. Clara had sent Lucian a note the night before reminding him of the meeting and where. She figured if she sent her owl to his dorm room and not anywhere public it was highly unlikely that his sister would catch wind of it and ruin their outing. The note she sent was a tad cryptic, but she was sure he would know what it meant. It had read, “Lucian, Twelve noon, room 1...big surprise!”. She made it as short as possible to minimize it being understood by anyone other than him. She sent Pepper with the note instructing her feathered buddy not to wait for a reply. She gave him a treat before sending the snowy owl on his task.

She took a shower washing out her unruly mop of curls, hoping the water relaxed them even just a little bit. She threw on her terry cloth bathrobe after stepping out if the shower and wrapped her hair in a towel. She opened up her wardrobe and began sifting through her clothing hanging inside. She found her ruffled, purple cotton skirt that hit just above her knees and frowned slightly at the skirt. She wasn’t sure if that was the one she really wanted to wear. She hung it back on the rail and kept digging. She came across her spaghetti strapped sundress with matching cardigan and eyed it curiously. It was a dark blue dress with large white hibiscus flowers all over it. It stopped just above her knees and had a short matching solid blue cardigan to go with it. She remembered Lucian saying that he wouldn’t mind it if she dressed a little more girly so it looked like the sundress was her outfit for the day. She also dug out her black leggings to wear underneath it just in case. Since she had begun blossoming over the summer, Lucy had taken her shopping for bras. Clara still had a small problem trying to put it on right, but she managed to do it and was glad that the straps for it would be hidden by the cardigan. Once she had her clothing in place, minus the cardigan, she unwrapped her hair and brushed it out. She rubbed some styling mousse through her hair and French braided it down her back. She hoped that the mousse would keep her hair in place.

After checking out her reflection in her wardrobe mirror, Clara hung up her wet towels and cleaned up her mess from getting ready. She slipped on her cardigan and grabbed the picnic basket she asked the prairie elves to help her put together on her way out of the Pecari common room. She went into the school and made her way carefully towards the MARS rooms. She glanced around and after not spotting anyone nearby she made her way into the water room. She glanced around very pleased with the scenery around her and set the basket down on the patch of grass closest to the water. She could not believe her luck at finding it so pretty. Half hidden in the corner by where the door to the room sat stood a small fishing shack. Inside was an assortment of fishing poles, a couple of tackle boxes and a couple of fishing nets. There was a large stretch of grass that reached across the full length of the room. Down from the stretch of grass was a stretch of what appeared to be dry/wet sand. The body of water stretched out before her was a beautiful blue, crystal clear lake. The water lapped on the beach in soft, small rolling waves. It made her glad that she had worn her beaded sandals with the sundress and leggings. She pulled out the plaid blanket she had packed in the picnic basket and laid it out on the grass. She set the basket down in the center and slipped off her sandals, placing them on the edge of the blanket by the grass. She arrived fifteen minutes early so that she could set everything up for them. She double checked the stuff in the basket and decided that they could use this outing to celebrate the Quidditch win. Her head was still spinning from that match between their houses, not to mention the knock to the back of her head she got from the Pecari goal hoops catching Francesca‘s attempt at a goal. She still couldn’t believe she had done that. She was a little bummed that her house lost against Aladren, but she was glad that Lucian’s team won. She absently rubbed the back of her head and shook her head. Not her most shining moment. She could only hope Lucian wouldn’t laugh too much about it.

While she waited for Lucian to arrive she sat down on the blanket and sat back resting her weight on her elbows. She watched the waves crash against the beach and thought about her trip to one of the beaches back home in California. Her dad and her drove down the coast to Half Moon Bay and spent three days exploring the seaside town and the beach. Her dad tried to teach her how to skip stones across the water and after half a dozen tries and half a dozen sunken stones later. Clara realized she stunk at skipping stones. She saw a few stones scattered around and decided what the heck. Sure, she might stink at it, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t give it another whack. As she gathered up a few of the stones, she could have sworn she heard the door to the MARS room open. She glanced over her shoulder, but couldn’t quite see who walked in (if anyone had). She shook her head and went back to the task at hand. She found about four decent rocks that could work for skipping if she could get it to work and headed down towards the water. She weighed the first rock in her palm and gave it a quick flick towards the water. She watched it skip once (maybe) and then sink. She shook her head slightly and grinned. “Just as bad at it as I remember,” she joked to herself, weighing another stone. She gave this one a toss, flicking her wrist as she tossed it towards the water. This one didn’t even skip, it immediately sunk under the water. Clara laughed to herself as she weighed a third rock. She had no idea why she was even doing this, but kept trying skip them anyway.

She tossed the third rock towards the water laughing as it too sank beneath the water. She turned slightly to see someone standing behind her and smiled at her company. “Truly pathetic…I know,” she joked, still holding the last stone in her hand. “It appears that my only talent with rocks is to make them sink. My father would be soo proud.” She couldn’t help laughing some more over how pathetic her skipping skills were. Still holding the rock she did a slow spin in her sundress, leggings, cardigan and bare feet. “What do you think?” she asked, cocking her head curiously to one side.
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