Jennifer Zucchero

June 23, 2008 9:07 AM

Quidditch Team Roster by Jennifer Zucchero

It had been difficult, but Jennifer had finally managed to make a decision about the quidditch team. All things considered, she didn’t have very much to complain about; it was far better to have too many than almost not enough, like she’d heard Teppenpaw and Aladren had both had. And a talented of alternates meant good things for the upcoming years after she was gone.

Yes, there were bound to be disappointments, but that was something that most people had to learn to deal with early on, and the sooner the better, really. And the students who didn’t make the actual team deserved answers if they wanted them. So, though it might have been simpler to hide in her room from any and all vengeful youngsters (in case Chrissy’s portrayal had been accurate) after posting the list, she instead stayed down at one of the tables in the common room and worked on her latest transfiguration assignment.

Crotalus Quidditch Team

Seeker/Captain: Jennifer Zucchero

Chaser/Assistant Captain: Geoffrey Spindler

Chasers: Oliver Abbott, Helena Layne

Keeper: Earl Valentine

Beaters: Lily Collins, Josh Warren

Addie Laurent
Renaye Warren
Alexis Ashwood
Zane Cooper

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