
March 12, 2014 12:41 AM

An Owl for Jade Owen by Stan

The night of the Welcoming Feast, Florence’s scruffy little owl made his rounds delivering letters to the new Quidditch captains. Most of the captains had graduated the year before and made Stan’s job a little more difficult. But Stan, short for Stanislavsky, was a faithful bird and not as temperamental as others Florence had come into contact with. After the feast, Jade Owen would find her letter on her desk. It would hardly be a surprise to the former Assistant Captain, but Florence didn’t doubt it would be nice to have it in writing.

Captain Jade Owen,

Congratulations, you have been promoted to Quidditch Captain. This year, you will be responsible for putting up sign-up sheets, holding try-outs, reserving the pitch for your team, and hosting practices throughout the year. You will, of course, have the help of an assistant captain. I would recommend Rupert Princeton.

From what Florence had seen in the past year, Rupert was one of the most positive and enthusiastic Quidditch players she had ever seen in a school setting and he certainly wasn’t shy about it. There were several other Pecaris she could have recommended, but Clara had been an alternate the year before and Florence couldn’t pick one of the Anns to make assistant. She thought Jade and Rupert would work well together anyway, though it was up to Jade to decide.

If you would rather another assist you, or don’t feel you can perform these duties as Captain, please owl me so I can make sure the right people get their badges before the season officially begins. You may tell your assistant of his or her promotion yourself. Congratulations and good luck.

Coach Florence Olivers
0 Stan An Owl for Jade Owen 0 Stan 1 5

Jade Owen

March 22, 2014 5:18 PM

Hailing Rupert Princeton by Jade Owen

In relatively high spirits, having caught up with Waverly and apparently avoided another high-and-mighty outburst from Jorge (which Theresa had received in her stead, Jade had noted from further down the table, and done pretty well in holding her own against the miserable little gargoyle), Jade returned to the commons after the summer break and found a letter waiting for her. She only paused for a split second to wonder who might be writing to her, until she realised it must hold the official announcement of her promotion to Captain of the Pecari team. Waiting not a moment longer, she tore open the envelope and grinned in obvious glee at the manner of address: Captain Jade Owen.

The delighted seventh year read that short, first sentence a couple of times over before progressing onto the body of the missive. She had given a lot of thought over the summer to who she might choose as her assistant, provided the Coach (she had been uncertain whether they would have a new, permanent coach this year, or if Professor Olivers would continue to hold the position alongside her other duties) would still allow team Captains some element of choice in their assistants. While he wasn't actually the next oldest player on the team, Rupert continually presented himself as Jade's ideal first choice. For a start, he was a tolerable human being, but he had also done a stellar job of protecting her from Bludgers and providing some much-needed relief from Amira's oppressive presence. Admittedly he was a Princeton, but he could hardly help his relatives (Jade had James for an older brother, so she understood the dilemma), and being opposite his kin hadn't affected his performance before, so Jade could only hope it didn't continue to be a problem (though she did note that the majority of Pecari team members had family playing on other teams, so in and of itself that particular point was less relevant in informing her decision). Besides, Clara sort of sucked and the Anns freaked her out.

So it was with great excitement that Jade read Rup's name as her suggested successor. She agreed instantly, and wasted no time in searching him out. "Hey, Rupert," she called across the commons joyfully upon viewing her quarry. She considered shouting the news out to him for all to hear, but then realised that Annabelle or Annette might actually be hoping to be selected, and she did feel bad that they might be let down on that score (she herself had felt absolutely awful when Amira had been named Assistant instead of her), so she employed discretion and made her way over to the Beater, instead. "Congratulations," she said upon reaching him, with a coy smile. "You're going to be Captain of the Pecari Quidditch Team when I graduate. Neat, huh?"
0 Jade Owen Hailing Rupert Princeton 221 Jade Owen 0 5

Rupert Princeton

March 24, 2014 1:02 PM

Responding enthusiastically. by Rupert Princeton

Being filled with good food and surrounded by good company, Rupert had enjoyed the feast as he always did. He spent most of it watching his peers, too tired to really engage in a meaningful conversation. The excitement of coming back to school usually kept his spirits up throughout the trip, but Leo's attitude had spoilt his mood and drained him in his attempt to keep his two brothers from arguing. Dealing with Leo had become more and more bothersome the past few months and Rup had taken to avoiding him when he could. His older brother had, in return, shown an interest in joining Rupert's exercises over the summer, and though the two were preparing for opposing teams, they grew closer during the course of their practises. It would have been a dreadfully boring summer otherwise and Rup was glad for it, though that still didn't mean he wouldn't hesitate to hit a bludger his brother's way if the situation called for it.

The position of captain was undoubtedly Jade's and Rupert had wondered whom she would choose to be her assistant. Clara was not the obvious choice, having been an alternate the year before, but she would make sense as the next oldest. Either of the Anns would be an ideal choice as well; there was no way for Rup to tell exactly who Professor Olivers would recommend. There hadn't been any sign of a new coach at the feast, so Rup assumed Professor Olivers was still the stand-in. Rup couldn't deny he was hoping he would receive the position, but he had tried not to get his hopes up during the extensive summer.

When he entered the common room, Jade was already there distracted by a letter. Rup smiled at her whether she saw him or not, and was making his way up to his room to change into something more comfortable when she called his name. He turned and smiled again, but his eyebrows rose at her greeting. "Jade, that's the best news I've heard all night," he said, his smile widening as the news sank in. "Brilliant!" He offered his hand to shake hers. "We'll make one hell of a team, won't we?"
40 Rupert Princeton Responding enthusiastically. 248 Rupert Princeton 0 5