Professor Olivers

March 17, 2014 3:56 PM
“Come along and keep close,” she said loudly to the group of first-years once they entered the Labyrinth Gardens. She hoped they wouldn’t stray away and get lost in the labyrinth at this hour, or at least if they did they would hear her voice and reconvene with the group before she noticed. If Florence had attended Sonora during her adolescence, she would have seen herself as a Pecari. Most of these students made classes lively, and though she was not particularly fond of first-years, she did like the ones who ended up being sorted into Pecari purely because of their personalities.

They were still relatively close to the labyrinth’s entrance when they stopped at a suit of armor next to a hedge. “This is the entrance to your new common room. Don’t be afraid to ask me or one of the older Pecari students for help getting out of the labyrinth or if you forget where the entrance is. Do not tell anyone the entrance to the Pecari common room or the password for integrity’s sake. The password for this week is Wingardium Leviosa. Start early on your Charms lessons." She winked with a little smile. "To enter, simply tell the password to the suit here.”

At the mention of the password, the suit of armor came to life and jumped out of the way to let them in. Florence led the little ones in and stopped in the middle of the common room to let them take a brief look around. The room had a warmth to it with its plush couches and chairs in various browns and golds. There was plenty of seating around the room along with tables and a fireplace. It was a place for the students to gather, relax, play games, or even study, though she doubted much studying took place here with such rambunctious students.

“Take a good look around and at the people next to you. This will be your home away from home, and your family away from your family. Get to know each other and learn to rely on each other whenever you need help.” Florence pointed over to the bulletin board over by the entrance with a dramatic sweep of her arm that made the stars on her sleeve look like they were going to scatter out of place. “Over there is the bulletin board where the new password will be posted every week. Other announcements, such as Quidditch signups and tryouts, will be posted there as well. Check the board at least once a week if not more.

“Curfew is at ten o’clock and no later. If you’re caught outside, you’ll be locked out and will receive a detention.” Florence was tempted to scare them into submission by mentioning the unknown creatures that lurked in the gardens at night, but first-years scared easily and she refrained with a little sigh. “I am a stickler for punctuality, let me make that clear now, so I will have no mercy on you if you do not keep curfew.

“Your Prefects are Waverly Canterbury, Clara Abernathy, and the newly appointed Wendy Canterbury. They will help you to the best of their abilities and feel free to contact them with any questions you may have. For any of you interested in Quidditch, the captain is Jade Owen. In a week or so tryouts will commence, so look for that signup sheet on the bulletin board I pointed out earlier. My room is connected behind that door over there. Just knock. If I am not in, then direct your question to one of the Prefects who will act accordingly. If anyone has any questions, please ask; otherwise, feel free to explore or settle into your new rooms.”

OOC: You may now begin posting on the other boards. Please remember that your character does not have access to other common rooms. Be sure to follow the posting rules and have fun!
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