The Party Planner

October 25, 2013 3:59 PM

Something's Coming... by The Party Planner

In mid-October, along with assorted notices about club meetings and Quidditch practices, lost property and the commons password, one new notice appeared. It was small and understated, and stood out merely because it was written on black parchment appeared. On the noitce were two gold, glitter stars in each top corner, and a spider-web doodle around the bottom. On the black parchment was a note hand-written in gold ink. The letters had obviously been written with care, but by a person who probably did not naturally have neat handwriting. It read:

Next Friday night, in celebration of Halloween, there will be a party in the Pecari commonroom. members of other Houses are not invited and not welcome. Food, drink, music and festivities. Strictly no homework. Come in costume or suffer the consequences. You have been warned.

There was no further information provided - no name, yeargroup, or any other obvious indication of who the party planner might be. In a House such as Pecari, there could be endless speculation. All that was left to do was for Pecari students of all ages to work on costumes in preparation for the occasion, and to look forward to the House party.
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