
March 17, 2008 7:07 PM

A ball query TAG: Any girl by Mortimer

Mortimer fluffed his feathers out importantly as he had four scrolls of parchment attached to him. He preened one of his dark feathers as he waited for his master to tell him where to go. He was his master’s favorite pet, he was sure, as his master hated owls, had only one other raven which he left at home, and a puffskein which he hardly paid attention to except to cuddle it every so often. But Mortimer was entrusted with the delivery of his master’s letters.

“Give these to the first girl you see in each house,” Said his master. Mortimer cawed once to let him know he understood and took off.

Delivered to the first girl he saw in each house was an identical scroll of parchment.

Dear Lucky recipient,

You are hereby asked to go to the ball with me, Josiah James Ashwood. Why go with me? Well I am a very kind and caring person, I have red hair, the ladies have told me I look great, I’m a pureblood (but not a snob, really!) and I’m a jokester. I’m always ready to lighten the mood. I’m from Teppenpaw. Oh and I’m free, without any date, ready for any girl who wants to say yes to this! Just send me an owl. (Oh and if you are taken, can you pass this note to a non taken girl? Please?) You’re beautiful

Josiah Ashwood.

Messages delivered, Mortimer flew to the owlery to catch up on the avian gossip.\n
0 Mortimer A ball query TAG: Any girl 0 Mortimer 1 5

Holly Greer

March 19, 2008 2:56 PM

Well this was unexpected (Tag: Next) by Holly Greer

Holly was a little taken aback when a raven - not an owl, a raven - came at her with a parchment scroll. It had no name on it, so she opened it, to see if she could figure out who it was supposed to go to.

Met with a salutation addressed to a 'lucky recipient', she frowned doubtfully and read on. As she did so, her eyes grew progressively wider and her expression progressively more incredulous. Some guy she didn't even know was asking her out by mail.

Still . . . Chelsea was going with an older guy. Holly assumed this Josiah person was older than first year since she didn't recognize the name from her classes. And Raoul hadn't asked her. She'd been secretly hoping the French boy might, but so far, nothing.

The question was, though, did answering the letter seem too desperate? Holly was only newly twelve (as of March 21st) so she didn't really need a date. She wasn't even a teen yet, so it was hardly unexpected that she wouldn't be dating.

A date would be nice to have though. Mom always had a date when she went to big parties, even when she wasn't married at the time (and sometimes she didn't go with her husband when she was). Having a date just looked better all around.

Well, one in the fist, two in the bush, and all that. No reason to spurn a perfectly good invitation. Plus, he was a pureblood, so Chelsea and Anabel would probably approve of him. Besides which, that raven had been carrying several scrolls. There was no reason to think Josiah would even pick her. She was, after all, just a first year. He hadn't made any restrictions based on age, though, so she took out a sheet of paper and wrote a response back to him, using his own letter as a model.

Dear Lucky Recipient,

I hereby accept your invitation.

She stopped. Wait. Read that again. He was a jokester? Oh, this was not good. That would not do at all. She was much better off waiting for Raoul. She tore off the top of her reply so that the page was blank. On the remainder, she wrote: ATTN: Single Girls

Holly tacked both Josiah's scroll and her call for attention together to the bulletin board. The rejected top half of her reply letter was crumpled and tossed in the trash.
1 Holly Greer Well this was unexpected (Tag: Next) 123 Holly Greer 0 5