Echo Elms

April 23, 2007 7:56 PM

[Posted] Novelling Fury! by Echo Elms

It was just about that time of year again. February. Echo Elms grinned as he tacked his ad on the common room board. He hadn't been sure if he was going to do Novelling Fury! this year, but decided to give it another go. Brett was expecting him to and he knew he could count on him and Saul to help out with his advertising. Plus, maybe some people who hadn't gotten in on it last year had heard about it and were interested. So he'd try it again. In anticipation, he used the last day of his vacation to make up posters on the computer and printed them out.

This one said:

2nd Annual
Novelling Fury!
Informational Meeting
3rd Saturday of January
11am - Labrynth Gardens
Want to write a novel in 30 days?
It's insane. It's exciting. It's Novelling Fury!

He had decided against a sign-up sheet. Whoever came, came. Even if no one showed up it would be awesome because then he wouldn't have to embarrass himself by talking to people. But he thought people would come. He'd heard the Charms Club was really popular with the first years. Maybe they would be all into this, too.

He hoped so.
21 Echo Elms [Posted] Novelling Fury! 93 Echo Elms 1 5