Amy Fox

January 30, 2007 8:56 PM

Notice About Individual/Small Group Flying Lessons by Amy Fox

After last year's flying lessons Amy had quickly learned that allowing older students to attend the first year's lessons was a terrible idea. So, after much consideration, and a lot of convincing, Amy had decided to allow the older students to sign up for their own flying sessions. She was sure she was going to regret it, having mentally noted all of the negative aspects of the situation.

But, in the end, she had decided to go with it. Perhaps she might even find a few diamonds in the rough and enjoy herself.

Not likely, Amy thought as she magically sent the notices to each of the commons. The notice read:


If you are interested in learning more flying maneuvers, feeling that you only learned the minimal basics during your first year lesson, then this is for you.

Add your name and year to the list and I will contact you about an available time to set up a lesson.

Individual lessons are preferred, but groups of two or three will be accepted.

Amy Fox
0 Amy Fox Notice About Individual/Small Group Flying Lessons 0 Amy Fox 1 5

Echo Elms

February 01, 2007 12:38 PM

Me! ... I think. by Echo Elms

Echo wasn't sure how he felt about individual lessons, but he definitely wanted more flying practice. He'd been planning on going to the first year lesson for a refresher, but then found it wasn't open to 2nd years...

But individual lessons. That sounded so... serious. Like you were really getting into it. Like you shouldn't sign up unless you were going to play Quidditch for the glory of Sonora. That Quidditch signing up thing hadn't happened for Echo, and it wasn't going to happen -- definitely not this year, anyway. Next year wasn't looking so good either.

What the hey? Maybe there was a cross country flying club and he just hadn't heard about it. That would be an awesome sport. And flying was as much transportation as sport anyway. Maybe it wasn't just for future Quidditch stars. Yeah, that was it. The sheet only said it was for students who were interested in learning more than they did last year. Echo pulled a ballpoint out of his pocket -- the clicky kind -- and neatly stuck his name on the sheet before he could talk himself out of it again.

Echo Elms, 2nd Year\n\n
21 Echo Elms Me! ... I think. 93 Echo Elms 0 5

Elly Eriksson

February 02, 2007 10:22 AM

Me too! by Elly Eriksson

Elly was regularly checking the notice board in the commons these days, in case the new Pecari team list was posted. She didn't think she'd make the team - there weren't any spare positions, after all - but some of the other houses had reserve players, and Elly thought she might get one of those. Especially after last year's championship game, Elly thought Pecari could do with a few reserve players.

When she saw the notice for individual or group flying lessons, Elly barely had to give any thought to it before deciding she would sign up. She was a fair flyer, but the first year lessons hadn’t left much room for skill improvement, and Elly didn’t have her own broom to practice outside of Sonora. The more lessons she had, the better flyer she would become, and the more chance she would have of getting onto the house team. Plus, she really enjoyed flying anyway – it was such a freedom to get on a broom and just take off. Elly pondered that perhaps if her mother got on a broom she wouldn’t be so stuck up. The problem with that, of course, was that she was already too stuck up to contemplate getting on a broom anyway.

Elly peered at the list and noticed Echo had already signed up. That was perfect! They could have lessons together, and maybe Mere could join them, too. After all, Coach Fox could be a little intimidating, and Elly would feel far more confident if her friends were there, too. Elly retrieved the biro from behind her ear, and added to the list so it now read

Echo Elms, 2nd Year + Elly Eriksson, 2nd year
0 Elly Eriksson Me too! 92 Elly Eriksson 0 5

Echo Elms

February 02, 2007 1:49 PM

*blush* by Echo Elms

Echo Elms checked the sign-up sheet as he wandered through the common room. He wanted to see if anyone else had signed up or if he was the only taker on the private lessons deal.

He wasn't.

Echo Elms, 2nd year + Elly Eriksson, 2nd Year

There was this thing about that symbol "+" that made the hair stand up on his neck. Plus was like initials carved in a tree with a big heart around them -- EE + EE = LOVE, displayed for all Pecari to see. And a piece of paper was sort of like a tree. It was -- he checked real close -- it was definitely Elly's own handwriting, too. That was like, whoa. But not like for real. But someone might think... or not. But... still. Elly put a "+" between them.

Echo reflexively decided that this was one of those things he should not mention to anyone ever. There was going to be major teasing involved if anyone -- particularly Saul or Brett -- found out. Especially if they found out that he noticed. Brett already thought he was crushing on her.

He wasn't crushing on her. He was just sort of smiling at the prospect of... her crushing on him? Oh, give it up. She was not.

Echo hurried away to find Meredith to get her to add her name to that awkward line as quickly as humanly possible.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
21 Echo Elms *blush* 93 Echo Elms 0 5