Mika via Owl

January 31, 2007 6:49 PM

A Polite Response to Yae by Mika via Owl

Mika had taken some time to respond to Yae's letter, because he had taken the time to write to his mother first to ask her. Considering the 'quiddich issue' he hadn't been sure she would let him. Also, he had never spent a night at a friends house. He had just gotten her response and had written a response to Yae immediately and sent it back via owl

In very neat handwriting it read:

Dear Jae,

I have written my mother to ask permission to spend part of break with you and your aunts. She has responded and said that it would be alright for me to spend a few days with you and your family. She wanted me to be sure to ask, however, about if your Aunt(s?) are aware that I am in a wheelchair. I will not need any special help, but she wanted me to ask for sure. She also asked, if possible that your aunt would Owl her just to be sure it is okay. Thank you very much for the invitation, and I very much look forward to break.


Mika'el Romanova\n\n
0 Mika via Owl A Polite Response to Yae 0 Mika via Owl 1 5

Jae Dimitri

January 31, 2007 9:43 PM

An attempt at a reply by Jae Dimitri

Jae spent quite awhile writing the letter to Mika. Both the parchment and his hand were inkstained to the extreme when he was done, and many of the words that weren't misspelled were smeared. He had tried to use a quill and ink. It had not gone very well.

I sent your lettr to my ants. They sed theyl Owl your mom. It's going to be madcool fun!!!


OOC: The owl in question is on WtS\n\n
0 Jae Dimitri An attempt at a reply 0 Jae Dimitri 0 5