Jaeven 'Jae' Dimitri

December 23, 2006 9:20 AM
A week ago, Jae had turned twelve. He was happy because he was twelve now, and the same age as Nina, but kind of sad because Aunt Marla and Aunt Cheri had said he could have a kitty for his twelfth birthday. And there was no kitty, because there was no way to get a kitty to him at school. That made Jae sad. So he was sitting in a big chair in the Common Room of his House and playing with Todd, the brownish Sloyka he had gotten in Comec. He had had fun with Mika. Maybe he would go see Mika later. Except, Jae wasn't sure what House Mika was in. Or even where to find his House, if he knew it. And that made Jae sad, because Mika was madcool.

A strange noise made him turn to the table next to him. Where a GINORMOUS owl had just appeared out of nowhere! AWESOME! Jae stuck Todd in the biggest pocket of his cargo pants, where he could feel the Sloyka purring. Then, the boy reached our to pet the owl on the head. It examined Jae with one yellow eye, then pointedly stuck out its foot at the package it had dropped on the table. Jae opened the box quickly and looked inside. On top of a shredded piece of paper was a grey kitten! It was asleep, but Jaeven scooped it up and hugged it anyway. Carefully. Nina had told him that you had to be very careful with kittens, because they broke really easy.

The owl blinked at the boy as he cuddled something that looked like dinner. She decided that he wasn't going to feed her, and flew off to the Owlry. Some humans just had no consideration.

Jae pulled Todd out of his pocket and sat him next to the kitten. "Jenny, this is Todd," he said, making introductions and naming his cat at the same time. Then he looked up at the person standing above him. "Hi! I'm Jae, and this is Jenny and this is Todd. Who are you?"\n\n
0 Jaeven 'Jae' Dimitri Puffskeins and Kitties! Yay! [in the Commons] 0 Jaeven 'Jae' Dimitri 1 5


December 24, 2006 6:53 AM
Er, right, please ignore all puffskein mentions. >_>; It's just the cat and Jae.\n\n
0 Jae OOC 0 Jae 0 5

Echo Elms

December 27, 2006 9:30 PM
Echo was wandering through the Commons when he saw the kitten. It was his firm belief that it was just not right for anyone to shout, AWWWW, KITTEN!!! under any circumstances, so he very skillfully refrained from doing so. He drew reverently closer.

Echo had never had a pet. Not a cat, not a dog, not even a fish or a turtle. His mother's theory was that Echo spent too much time in trees to appreciate a dog and everyone is allergic to cats. This excuse had turned out to be artfully concealing his mother's iron willed desire to keep the house pet and fur-free -- a fact which she explained to him only after he had drawn up a pledge to spend less time in trees and more time in the grass over the next six months to prove his ability to be accessible to his theoretical puppy.

This was followed by protest posters and picketting. No puppy appeared in the ensuing month and he gave up and promptly forgot about it.

Until now.

I want one.

Jae, the kitten's owner, turned toward him and Echo was forced to tear his eyes from the adorable furball. Jae was one of Brett's roommates and while Echo knew who he was, they hadn't technically met before.

"Yo," Echo grinned a bit sheepishly. He really wanted to pet the kitty. There was something about kittens. "I'm Echo. And you have a kitten." He held out a finger and looked questioningly at Jae, his entire body saying, Can I touch the kitten?\n\n
21 Echo Elms You, my friend, have a kitten 93 Echo Elms 0 5


December 30, 2006 3:26 PM
"Hi Echo!" Jae chirped, holding Jenny up for the older boy to see. "Want to pet my kitty? Aunt Marla and Aunt Cheri said I could have one for my birthday. I thought I would have to wait 'till Christmas, but she just got here! Those owl things are madcool! Do you have an owlthing? Or a kitty? At home, I have a horse too. His name is Chester. Well, he's partly my horse. He's partly Nina's too, a'cause she's taking care of him while I'm at school. Nina couldn't come here. She said she didn't get a letter, and I did, so I had to go. But she's taking care of Chester, so I guess that's OK, as long as I get to go home for summer and stuff."

Jae scratched behind Jenny's ear, and she purred. It was a teeny kitten purr, but it was a happy purr. Sometimes kitties purred, except for it wasn't really a purr, a'cause they weren't happy. And it only counted if it was a happy purr. At least, that's what Nina said. There were loads of cats at the barn back home. Nina said they were to eat mice, but Jae didn't think that was nice. So he decided that Jenny wasn't going to be allowed to eat mice. Because mice were cute too, right? \n\n
0 Jae Yes! *happy kitten dance* 0 Jae 0 5

Echo Elms

January 10, 2007 8:35 PM
Most animals didn't wig him out, but some did. The puffskeins hadn't at all, but then again the crup had and so had a dog he met over the summer. Echo reached out with his right pointer finger and lightly rubbed Jenny the Kitten's forehead. Even that little amount of contact sent chills all through him. They were a different sort of chill than he got from touching people. Gentle chills, almost warm. They felt sort of cool. He did it again. Rubby rubby forehead with the tip of one finger. Echo grinned and glanced up at Jae.

"She's beautiful. I never had any pets," he said. He got brave then and, being careful to avoid Jae's arm, tried drawing one finger up Jenny's vibrating throat. Surface area of touch: almost a full finger joint. Not bad, but now he could feel his insides starting to tighten so he prudently withdrew his finger from her softly vibrating throat. It might have just been that he came too close to Jae's hand.

"How do you know what kind of purr it is?" he asked the apparently knowledgable firtie, "Like this, is this a happy purr?"\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
21 Echo Elms *carefully touches kitten* 93 Echo Elms 0 5


January 12, 2007 5:40 AM
Echo had never had any pets?! That was horrible! Jae couldn't imagine what his life would be like without animals. There was Chester, and now there was Jenny, and Nina's family had a lot of cats that lived in the barn, and they also had a dog, and Aunt Marla and Aunt Cheri had always had a dog too. Dogs weren't as nice as kitties or horses, but they were still animals. There were also the bunnies that lived outside and munched on the grass all the time, and the coyotes that you could hear making noises at night, and the chinchilla that had been the class pet in the third grade, and...and a whole lot of stuff! How could you not have pets? What would you do for fun?

After Echo stopped petting her, Jenny started squirming, so Jae let her down and she started poking at an empty wrapper on the floor, making squeaky growling noises as she pounced on it and batted it around. Jae looked at Echo with big green eyes. Then he bounced over and hugged the older boy. It was sad when you didn't have pets to hug.

"I think so," he said, releasing Echo. "Mika said sometimes kitties purr when they're hurt. Why don't you have any pets? I've got about a billion pets! Well, a lot of them are Nina's. But there was an awesome chinchilla in third grade that looked kind'a like a puffskein, except with big ears. Sort of. Pets are happy."\n\n
0 Jae *hugs Echo* 0 Jae 0 5

Echo Elms

January 12, 2007 9:33 AM
The boy was coming towards him. Echo tried to jump away but he wasn't fast enough. He braced himself as the kids arms came around him, pulling his shoulders up to protect him neck and trying to keep the hug from being tight by pushing away with his hands and sticking out his elbows. Jae had seemed small a minute ago, but now he seemed enourmous. He was everywhere. On his back, on his sides... him and that creepy chilling crazy weirdness his touch left all over Echo's skin--exposed and covered. But it didn't end there, the feeling bounced around inside of him, making his muscles twitch and insides clench. He tried not to scream, but it came out anyway in the form of a yelp. He tried to pull away.

It seemed go on for ages.

Then he was gone, as abruptly as he came. Echo didn't hear a word Jae said after that, he was too busy trying catch his barrings and calm the weirdness out of him. After he'd been released (or pushed himself away) he'd darted off and now he stood, ramrod straight, with a chair between him and Jae. His fingers and arms moved jerkily and wouldn't relax.

"You don't touch me," he said, anger and a little something else creeping into his voice. He closed his eyes and took a breath, letting it out slowly and then looking again at Jae. He seemed small again, now, with the chair between them.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
21 Echo Elms AGHH! No touching the Echo! 93 Echo Elms 0 5


January 12, 2007 8:29 PM
Jae blinked as Echo ran away from him and then got mad.


He didn't like hugs.

Or he didn't like Jae, maybe.

Because everyone liked hugs. Right?

So Jae drooped visibly, and said "okay" and "sorry" in a really tiny voice, then went back to paying attention to Jenny. Jenny was still trying to make the wrapper keep still, uttering the occasional squeaky growl as she did so. Jae wished that Aunt Marla had responded to his owl about keeping Todd. Todd didn't mind being hugged. Jenny probably would. And Echo didn't like it very much. Maybe he would go and find Mika later. Mika was nice. He didn't mind being hugged. And he was really smart. Maybe Mika would read to Jae. Or maybe they could play that broom game together! That would be fun.

Reaching out, Jae petted Jenny between the ears, and she purred a little bit and came closer, ignoring the wrapper for a little while. But then she went back to attacking it, and Jae felt very sad. He missed Nina.\n\n
0 Jae *blink* No touching the Echo? 0 Jae 0 5