Lizzie Lavine

November 24, 2006 1:43 PM

After the storm... by Lizzie Lavine

(ooc: I know it's the last day of the term and that the new term starts tomorrow, I just wanted to get Liz's reaction from the game up... :D)

Birds were chirping, the sun was shining, and all the outside earth was awake and alive. Morning had dawned bright and early on a Saturday close to the end of the year. These early morning festivities were lost on Lizzie, who was still under her covers, attempting to keep the light away from her. They'd lost the Championship. Pecari'd lost in a quidditch match to . The house of "brotherly love" Teppenpaw had beaten out the characteristically rambunctious and rowdy house of Pecaris. It was shameful enough to have lost, but the fact that Liz had gotten herself taken out of the game compounded the feeling of uselessness.

What's wrong with you, Lizzie? a voice in her head chided her, You were stupid, acting cocky. You should have looked behind you. A bludger that wasn't even going that fast took you out of a game! What would Javon's teammates say? Even you admit your head is far too thick for something like that to hurt you too badly.

She shook her head vehemently as to shake out the self-deprecating thoughts, finally throwing back her covers in a frustrated fashion. Laying in the soft sunlight that was filtering through the dust and particles shaken up by her abrupt movements, Lizzie rubbed her forehead and temples. The physical pain was gone, but the residual feeling of loss throbbed violently in her head. It was horrid; they might have had a shot a winning if she could have used a mite of sense and just looked behind her! Leaving Saul alone without a chasing team to help him score was just asking to be annihilated. It was awful, humiliating. And it was partially Lizzie's fault.

It wasn't as though you could have stopped Kaylie from catching the snitch, she thought to herself with as much positive energy she could,

But the only problem was, Lizzie couldn't. Quidditch was the only thing Lizzie was good at it seemed, and now she'd lost the Championship game. It wasn't just herself she was letting down, it was her entire house, the whole team, and Ash. She rolled over onto her stomach miserably and buried her face in her pillow. Lizzie was past the point of tears and crying, but that didn't mean she wasn't still upset. That little nagging thought that kept insisting that it was all her fault wormed its way to the forefront of her thoughts, forcing her to bring another pillow up over her head to block it all out.
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