Caedence Redoak

October 09, 2006 7:40 PM


OOC: i was bored, dont ask why i wanted to summon you. Again, bored and had NOTHING better to do. lol, dontcha feel loved? ^_^

IC: Caedence sat on the edge of her bed playing with her black wand pouch. First she closed and opened it about twenty times before adding the movement of taking out and putting in her wand. After a while she took out her wand and twirled it like a baton. On her bed near her was a half finished letter to her mother (with a quick p.s. already writting bearing the message 'Say hello to father.'). Next to that was a partially finished package of home-made fudge. She had left half for Meredeth and Elly to split if they wanted to.

Elly. Speaking of whom, where had she been? All day Caedence had been keeping a watch out for her, but they never seemed to meet up. Granted, Caedence never lingered for more that a few minutes in any one place, but still. She wore only one beater glove on her hand. The other was stuffed in her table's drawer. It had a hole worn into the seam for her thumb. She needed to ask Elly, who seemed good with her stitch-work, to mend it for her.

That was only part of it however. They needed a talk. Her roomate had gotten under Caedence's skin the day of the fateful duel, and no matter how hard Caedence tried, she couldn't get the grudge to go away. True, she had forgiven Elly, and no doubt Elly wanted nothing more to do with it, but Caedence couldn't help but feel a little anger yet. But besides the anger was also the need to know. For Caedence had a sneaking suspicion she had allowed herself to make a friend. That, by all means, was a mistake. After all, you couldn't have a worse enemy than a close friend. She needed to adress the problem and get rid of it.

'But do you want to?' Asked a voice in her head. "of course!" she snapped lowly to herself. 'You dont even know what it is to HAVE friends. Maybe it is good!' "I know what is good for me! It isn't making making friends! Friends are just...friends can turn on you. They can destroy you. And I dont need another person trying to break me down!" she snapped to herself again. 'Fine, but three things. One, you dont know she'll turn on you. Two, you look rediculus arguing with yourself, however much it looks like you're talking to your wand. Three, she's standing there and has been since you started rambing Caedence glanced sharply up. True enough, there was someone there. "h-hello." muttered Caedence.\n\n
0 Caedence Redoak HEY FIRSTIE GAL NAMED ELLY ERICKSON! 94 Caedence Redoak 1 5


October 11, 2006 6:08 AM

If you're going to summon me, at least spell my name right! by Elly ERIKSSON

Elly had been in the library most of the day. It was fairly unusual, she’d rarely been in the library before, but she had to finish her potions homework, and the common room had just been too noisy. Finally having finished, Elly took her completed homework and was intending on dropping it off in her dormitory before finding Echo and Meredith. However, as she pushed open the door, she saw Caedence sitting on the bed, apparently lost in thought. Elly didn’t really fancy talking to Caedence right at that moment, so she tip-toed to her bed and silently placed her bag down on it, hoping that Caedence wouldn’t notice.

Elly was just about to leave when Caedence’s voice startled her. Elly turned to say sorry for disturbing her, and then she noticed that Cadence apparently seemed to be talking to herself. Rather than leaving, like she knew she should, Elly couldn’t help but listen.

“I know what is good for me! It isn't making friends! Friends are just...friends can turn on you. They can destroy you. And I don’t need another person trying to break me down!”

Elly felt her mouth fall open in shock. She knew that Cadence was a little on the strange side, but apparently she was actively against making friends. No wonder Elly had been having such a hard time with her! Elly only had a split second to ponder what must have happened to Caedence for her to think that having friends was a bad thing, when Cadence suddenly looked up at her. Elly honestly couldn’t say who was more surprised.

“H-hello,” Caedence stammered.

“Er, hi,” Elly said equally as awkwardly. Part of her vaguely wondered if there was a chance that Caedence just wanted to be on her own and Elly would escape unscathed, but previous experience with he roommate suggested that this probably wasn’t the case. Elly resigned herself to an unpleasant conversation. “Are… are you okay?” she asked, taking a couple of tentative steps towards the person who may or may not be her friend.
0 Elly ERIKSSON If you're going to summon me, at least spell my name right! 92 Elly ERIKSSON 0 5


October 11, 2006 3:38 PM

Oops! Sorry Elly! =^_^= *blushes* by Caedence

Caedence's face was starting to increase in redness. Obviously, unlike she had hoped, Elly had heard her last few words. Clearing her throat she said, "Erm, yeah.. I-I was looking for you..." Oh how stupid she was sounding!

Fiddling absently with her wand and pouch she tried to come up with what to say next. She looked at Elly once more. She seemed... upset? Or just nervous? Caedence realised that her words must have stung her. But they couldn't be more true. 'That's what you get for talking aloud to youself! the voice mocked.

Clearing her throat, Caedence continued, "Well...I, you see it is about the other day. In astronomy? I didn't get to talk as much as I wanted to. I know you'd rather leave it in the past, but I just want to make you understand why showing up at the duel got me so angry. You see, Elly, I just...I dont know... it was because you said you wouldn't. And I dont want you hurt either. And... Elly, are you... I mean...are we..." she danced around saying the last part, hoping, yet scared to death, of her answer. For she could guess the answer would be 'of course' or along those lines. She couldn't help hoping for a no, but on the other hand she didn't want to hear no. Inwardly she sighed, she didn't really know what she wanted anymore.

"Friends?" she finished in a whisper. Putting the and and pouch down on her bed next to her, she motioned to the box of fudge, "Oh... take some of this if you'd like. Mum made it." she said hoping to distract her mind from its conflictions. Then she started rubbing the very tip of her braid. \n\n
0 Caedence Oops! Sorry Elly! =^_^= *blushes* 94 Caedence 0 5


October 12, 2006 3:52 AM

I'll forgive you just this once. by Elly

Elly blinked. Caedence had been looking for her? This almost certainly wasn’t a good sign. Though to be honest, she didn’t seem to have been looking very hard, seeing as Elly had nearly made it back out of the dormitory again before Caedence had noticed her. Elly noticed that Caedence was playing with the wand pouch she had made for her. Elly interpreted that as a good sign, because surely if they weren’t on speaking terms, Caedence would have thrown it away, at least to the bottom of her trunk, and probably wouldn’t be fidgeting with it. Of course, fidgeting, on the other hand, wasn’t such a good sign, as it indicated Caedence was uncomfortable. Whenever Caedence was uncomfortable, it usually ended up with Elly being uncomfortable, too. Elly suddenly realised she wasn’t concentrating, so stopped trying to assess the situation, and listened to Caedence instead.

She let her roommate finish speaking without interruptions, as she was obviously having a hard time getting this out. It was all a bit disjointed, but from what Elly could pick out, Caedence had been angry with Elly, but wasn’t anymore, and the main confusion seemed to be about whether or not they were friends. If it had been anyone else asking, Elly would have laughed, said ‘of course we’re friends,’ and given the other person a big friendly hug. However, seeing as recent information had indicated Caedence didn’t even want friends, Elly tried a different tack.

Ignoring the distraction about the fudge, Elly moved to sit next to Caedence on her bed. “Caedence,” Elly said quietly, but not so quiet that Caedence couldn’t hear her, “I would like to be your friend, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to be mine. Maybe we could try it for a while? Being friends. Then, if you find you don’t like it, we could just be roommates. What do you think?” Elly hoped she hadn’t sounded too condescending. She had no idea where this almost motherly streak had come from – heaven knows not from her mother. She offered Caedence a small smile to help ease the tension.
0 Elly I'll forgive you just this once. 0 Elly 0 5


October 12, 2006 4:47 PM

Aww, thanks! ^_^ how gracious of you, lol ^_^ by Caedence

Caedence stopped fidgeting and looked Elly directly in the eyes. Her scowl was vanished from her face for once. Her eyes, which for a while had been cold and glaring, due to recent events, softened. For once, and Caedence was sure it would be one of the few times, she grined.

"Yeah. We can try it. That would be good...yeah," she muttered not sure of what she was even doing. She let go of her braid. "well, I'm off Elly. Going to skip homework. No doubt The Vamp O'Leary would get mad at that, but oh well. Gotta get on my broom and get in shape, huh? Did you know, I was put on the team? Well, off to the pitch, see you!" she said fast, grabbing her broom, which she had fetched as soon as she could from the gardens, and walked out. "Oh, and by the way, I got a hole in my best beater gloves, would you mind sewing it up? And here's your astronomy book back" She said handing the book to Elly and taking out the glove and tossing it on her bed as a sign that it was all right to refuse to sew it up. Then she turned and left.\n\n
0 Caedence Aww, thanks! ^_^ how gracious of you, lol ^_^ 94 Caedence 0 5


October 15, 2006 5:23 PM

I have the patience of an angel. by Elly

“Yeah. We can try it. That would be good…” Caedence said, and she was grinning. Elly grinned back. Everything seemed okay.

Then suddenly, it was topsy-turvy again. They seemed to be friends, but Caedence apparently couldn’t get out of the room fast enough. She said that she’d secured a place on the Quidditch team; Elly had barely stammered her congratulations when Caedence had thrust Elly’s astronomy book back in her hands, thrown a glove on the bed and promptly left.

Elly stood for a couple of moments, unaware that she’d even stood up, and blinked at the door. She then looked at the textbook in her hands, and then to the beater’s glove on the bed. She blinked a bit more then sighed. Caedence was odd, no doubt about it. Elly tossed the book onto her own bed, and picked up the glove for closer inspection. Frowning, Elly could see a small hole in one of the fingers. She withdrew her wand from the inside pocket of her robes and fixed the hole with a quick reparo. The spell worked immediately. Really, Elly thought, if I can do Caedence surely could have. Nevertheless, she returned the glove to the draw from which Caedence had extracted it.

Still a bit dazed by the encounter, Elly shook her head to clear it, and headed back out of the dormitory, pleased that at least the encounter hadn’t been unpleasant.
0 Elly I have the patience of an angel. 0 Elly 0 5