Mainly Ash, with a sprig of Sorrel

November 13, 2005 7:09 AM
Ash lowered his wand, resting his trunk on the ground at the bottom of the girls' staris. He crossed his arms over his chest, so it would hopefully be less obvious that one of them was slipped inside his robes, holding onto something.

He had only a moment to wait before a steady thumping and cursing announced the start of Sorrel making an awkward descent. Ash stepped back as her trunk preceeded her, shooting into the room before dropping loudly onto the floor.

"Nice wand work," he commented, "Glad to see you're improving." Sorrel merely sneered at him in response, mainly because she couldn't think of another way to respond to the very accurate attack.

"Give me a sec, I'm going to lob this at Stephen," she said, holding up a small envelope. Ash nodded, unable to believe his luck. He'd been wondering how he was going to deliver his own Christmas card without Sorrel seeing, but now she was just giving him an opportunity. Plus, if she saw, she was sending one to Stephen anyway, so wouldn't be in a position to tease. Much. He guessed she and Stephen knew each other a bit better than he knew Elizabeth, but that was no reason why sending her a card should bring him in for teasing. It wasn't like he'd written 'love and kisses' in it. He hadn't even put 'Dear'. It simply read 'To Liz, Happy Christmas [printed by the card company]. Hope you have a good time. Ash.'

Still, he waited until Sorrel was occupied with trying to run up the boys' stairs before he threw it onto the girls' staircase. A thump announced Sorrel's attempt to be unsuccessful, so she tossed her card onto the staircase too, being in too much of a hurry to try some more or scream for Stephen, which would also lay her open for teasing about being a girl. They gave the Common Room a last, longing glance. Not withstanding the fact that, given recent events, it looked like any number of exciting things might happen without them, they would have rather been able to stay over the holidays. With an identical sigh, the two levitated their trunks (Ash with more control than his sister) and prepared to leave Sonora to have a peaceful, Craven-free Christmas. \n\n
0 Mainly Ash, with a sprig of Sorrel Christmas cards 0 Mainly Ash, with a sprig of Sorrel 1 5


November 13, 2005 10:34 PM
"There. Done." Liz said to herself as she managed to click her trunk locks in place. She had packed her things in a hurry considering that she was supposed to be already out meeting with Jen to leave for the Christmas holidays about ten minutes before. Lizzie took a quick visual sweep of the room, just to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. She hadn't. With a deep breath, she checked the mirror that hung in the now empty girls second year room. Elizabeth's reflection showed that she looked exactly the same as she did the last year when she left for Christmas break. Only this year would be different.

This year, she would be joining the infamous Noire family in England for Christmas, not returning home to her brothers in New Orleans. It would be the first time in Lizzie's life that she wouldn't be spending the holidays with Brett and Javon. But she had already seen her eldest brother earlier, so it wasn't like she had no contact whatsoever with her family. Besides, she had made an agreement with her brothers that they would send owls with each others gifts the night before with the promise of not opening until the morning.

The dull thudding sound coming from somewhere downstairs announced the attempts of someone trying to enter the wrong staircase, but Lizzie ignored the noise. Well, it wasn't so much that she was ignoring it, but more that she was so used to dull roaring coming from her house's commons that it didn't even make an impression on her mind when noises erupted from below. Elizabeth sighed again, turning from the mirror and checking her silver watch. She was late by fifteen minutes, and knowing Jen would kill her if she was any later, she levitated her trunk and made her way down the stairs.

By the time she reached the lower steps, the common room was empty save the occasional student staying for the break. A small white envelope stood out on the last few steps, and as she descended nearer to it, she found it had her name written on it. Elizabeth leaned down and picked up the envelope, looking it over. She continued down the stairs until she reached the main room, at which point she set her trunk down and looked at the contents of the mystery envelope.

A grin surfaced on her features as she read the card, and immediately afterward, she replaced it carefully in it's envelope, stashed it in the small messenger bag she had slung across her shoulder. Elizabeth took a look about the room, grinned again, and exited the commons into the sunlight, her trunk following close behind. \n\n
0 Elizabeth Ah, Christmas! 0 Elizabeth 0 5


November 14, 2005 8:36 PM
"Sit," said Stephen.

Even with Ash already having left, it wasn't the easiest of tasks, packing things into his trunk with both his broom and the cruppy vying for his attention. Rover, having other things in mind ignored the command and jumped up onto the bed, grabbing one of Stephen's t-shirts with his teeth and setting off for a game of chase in the dorm.

Fido, with a slight shake, settled onto the bed having apparently decided to prove that he was a good broom. A much better broom than that dog. Stephen wasn't entirely sure, but he suspected that Fido was jealous of Rover. He let his eye go heavenward, exhaled a half chuckle, half sigh, patted fido with a quick "good boy," and tore off after Rover.

"Come on boy, you want to go home with me for Christmas, don't you? You gotta be good... if we're late we'll miss the wagons, and then they'll find out I've got you for sure." Truth be told Stephen was a little surprised at how long he had managed to keep the cruppy safe from the Professor's sneaky eyes. That stair thing was a real bonus though, when your Head of House was a girl. Even during that mudstorm which had blasted over the school during Charms last week, she hadn't even made it up to his dorm, where the cruppy had been safely hidden away.

The whole thing had been a fun adventure. Stuffing food into his pockets during mealtimes to feed Rover. Sneaking out early in the morning, or skipping the occasional meal to give Rover the chance to go for a run, and attempt a bit of work on the fort (which had been in surprisingly good repair when he'd first managed to get there after the duststorm... in fact, it had looked a bit better than the last time he'd seen it before then. The mudstorm hadn't been the same story).

Only four people in the entire school knew for sure that Stephen had Rover. Ash, because they were roommates. Sorrel... because it wasn't exactly easy to keep a secret from his best friend who happened to be able to get into his dorm at times. Doc, because he'd seen Stephen and Rover together after the dust-storm, but must have clean forgotten about it in the excitement of the aftermath. And finally Zack, but Stephen suspected that the other boy had had a bit to much of that cool potion stuff to remember about Rover either.

It took a while, because even when he managed to catch up and get a hold of his shirt there had been the wrestling, and the tugging and the pulling and the ripping. A slightly reproachful look at Rover - this shirt had been a present from Alan last year - and Stephen hopefully yelled down the corridor.

"Ash? You remember that repair charm thing, dude?"

There wasn't a reply, but considering Ash had left a while ago at this point, Stephen wasn't entirely surprised. A casual glance at his watch and he realised there wasn't a moment to lose in any case. With no regard for folding or neatness, he shoved everything else in the trunk, slammed the lid down and bolted it shut. With one hand dragging the trunk, and the other grabbing Fido - was the broom smirking? With inanimate objects it was so hard to tell at times - and a loud "let's go, Rover," he dashed awkwardly through the door, closing it with his foot, down the corridor slipped on something on the ground and fell over with a loud thump.

Rover, never one to miss an opportunity, jumped on Stephen's lap and started to lick the boy's face.

Stephen screwed his face up, and blindly felt around around for whatever it was that he had slipped on, finally fumbling across the envelope. "Gerroff" he managed to say, pushing Rover off and slipping the envelope into a pocket for checking out later... when he wasn't about to miss his wagon ride. Fido and the trunk were again collected, and Stephen bolted out of Pecari with a yapping, joyously happy cruppy running circles around him.

OOC: To be continued in the Labyrinth Gardens... \n\n
39 Stephen Sorrel... you girl! 0 Stephen 0 5