Georgia Kirkly

February 23, 2019 9:20 PM

Concert Planning - Song Suggestions by Georgia Kirkly

Georgia placed the suggestion box in the common room without sighing. Which was very restrained of her.

She had been all for deciding the songs at the meeting. She already had had plenty of ideas for totally suitable songs. And people had been forewarned about the meeting, so if it mattered to them that much to sing a particular song, why hadn’t they thought about it beforehand? But Kir had suggested that people might need more thinking time (privately, he also thought they might not all be confident voicing their thoughts when Georgia clearly had an agenda).

And so… the box. It would sit here for a week, gathering suggestions (Georgia’s were already in it) and then there would be a nice, diplomatic vote. It was all very Teppenpaw. And slow. And frustrating. And meant she might not get what she wanted, even though it was her last year, her last chance. How was it fair if some first year, who would get another concert, came in and pushed all these songs she’d never heard of onto her instead of what she wanted to sing? She’d been so excited about this, and now Kir McLeod was ruining it all.

OOC - there is now a suggestion box. If anyone wants to add songs to it, post below this in the next two weeks. Yes, IC Georgia is being a grump, but you are all really welcome to make suggestions. You do not have to have already posted at the meeting, and you can assume that you were there if it suits you to.
13 Georgia Kirkly Concert Planning - Song Suggestions 346 Georgia Kirkly 1 5

Zara Jackson

March 02, 2019 9:23 AM

I have some! by Zara Jackson

Zara had been mulling over the question of what songs were representative of Teppenpaw. She had had a fair few ideas, but a lot of them covered similar topics or were in a similar style, so she had narrowed them down to her favourite choices so that she wasn’t competing against herself. Many romantic songs could double up as a promise of solid friendship, although she had tried to steer clear of songs she thought of as love songs, and been able to rule a few out that way. She had also ruled out one because she doubted a song that referenced being ‘pissed off’ and ‘smoking cigarettes on balconies’ was going to be deemed suitable for a school concert, even if the rest of the song was very Teppenpaw.

Both her songs were Muggle ones. There were plenty of wizarding songs that represented the values of Teppenpaw too, but this was another way of ticking the diversity box for her. She slipped the papers, suggesting ‘Count on Me’ by Bruno Mars, and ‘Stand By Me’ by Ben E. King into the box. She found she’d been getting the bass line to the latter stuck in her head quite a lot, and set off to breakfast happily dum-dum-dumming to herself.
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