Demetra Mason

March 03, 2011 6:47 PM

The Sound of Music (Room 5) by Demetra Mason

Demetra soon realized that she missed home. Being an adventurous child, she thought that school would be something she loved at first. Yet, as she grew used to the grounds, she found herself missing her family's woods, large field they used for Quidditch and soccer matches, and the family's grand piano. She had played for as long as she could remember. She even had memories of sitting on the lap of her brother or father, playing little simple songs. She would have to practice every day, and she soon began to find it the relaxation fraction of her busy life.

She had heard there was a music room in the MARS room, but had been reluctant to look for it. She didn't know if someone would already be there, and playing for people she didn't know often got her worked up. Before long, she had begun to tap her fingers across her desk, playing in her mind. She knew that she needed to just suck it up and go, so, finally, she did.

Demetra walked into the music room, holding her breath in her excitement. She couldn't wait to hear the notes pouring out of the piano at her command. Across the room, against the wall, were several piano. She chose a grand one, like she had at home, and settled onto the bench. Nervously, she began to warm herself up with a few simple exercises. She had stuck some sheet music her father had owled her in her school bag, so she pulled out her favorite piece. Setting it before her, she ran her eyes over the notes, making sure she knew it all. Her fingers began to dance over the keys, drawing out the sweet melody. Music swam from the piano, filling the room and her head.
0 Demetra Mason The Sound of Music (Room 5) 0 Demetra Mason 1 5

Jose Hernandez

March 04, 2011 12:49 PM

Do-Re-Mi by Jose Hernandez

Jose loved the idea of the Magical Arts Room and Sports, and he knew his family had contributed a fair amount to the school to make it possible, and he thought most of that donation had gone toward the music room. He figured he ought to check it out, so he could tell Regina, Joshua, and Maria how it turned out.

So, even though he wasn't particularly amazing at any of the instruments he'd played before, and he had more interest in the water and sports rooms, today, he found himself going into room five instead.

When he opened the door and found it was already occupied (by sound first and foremost), he almost turned around and went back out, but he instinctively looked toward the source of the sound and recognized the player as his newest Quidditch beater.

Cool. He hadn't known she played piano. Not really something he expected from a beater, but that was the great thing about the people in Pecari. You could never quite guess what they'd be capable of doing and they'd often surprise you. It made their House interesting and amazing.

As the song drew to a close, Jose grinned at her and started clapping. "Whoo! Very nice!" He stopped applauding after a few seconds, so she wouldn't become too uncomfortable, and asked curiously, "How long have you been playing? That's way better than I've ever been able to do piano." Mostly because the Pierces didn't have one; it was much too large to lug around; but he'd never been great on their keyboard either. "I'm better at woodwinds. Wood flute's my specialty."
1 Jose Hernandez Do-Re-Mi 149 Jose Hernandez 0 5


March 11, 2011 10:00 PM

Do, a deer, a female deer. :) by Demetra

Halfway through the song, Demetra heard footsteps. The ADHD part of her wanted to turn around and see who it was, but her father's training kept her focused on the notes. Her tanned fingers continued to move gracefully across the keys until she played the last note. Clapping burst from behind her, and she twisted around. As he spoke, she recognized him as her Quidditch captain.

"I've been playing for as long as I can remember, but I guess Dad and Jeb started teaching me when I was five. Before that it was just banging on the keys or playing with three notes. And thank you, my brothers are way better, but..." She trailed off, before continuing, "It's all I play. I'm hopeless at anything else."

Demetra could vividly picture her afternoons in front of the keys with her brothers. Nick and Jake had never helped teach her, but they had often played with her on songs for two players. They used to have competitions, to see who could play a song the fastest, or the best. Piano was something that brought her entire family together, and that was one of the reasons she loved it so.

She tucked a brown curl behind her ear, trying to keep from turning back around to play again. Her fingers tapped against her leg as she drew up a song in her head. Her smile was light, and she tried to listen for his response.
0 Demetra Do, a deer, a female deer. :) 0 Demetra 0 5


March 18, 2011 3:26 PM

Re, a drop of golden sun! by Jose

Jose nodded, not surprised that she'd been playing for as long as she could remember, because she was certainly good enough. Her claims that her brothers were better only convinced Jose that they were older than her.

He didn't offer to try to teach her any of the instruments he played, in part because he wasn't good enough at them to feel comfortable instructing another person how to use them, and in part because she just didn't sound very interested in learning them.

"I'm kind of the opposite. I know a bunch of instruments, but none of them that well," he admitted, then added with a grin, "But I've been banging on those since before I can remember, too."

Since they were both here, and both played something, he didn't see any reason why they couldn't form some kind of improvised band. "I don't suppose you have any music for piano paired with any other instrument, do you?"

Looking around the room, he noticed a rack filled with sheet music, "Hey! Maybe there's something in here." A quick glance through found a stack of instrumental duets. He picked the pile up and handed half of them to Demetra, "Maybe we can find one with Piano and anything that's strings or woodwind. I don't do well with brass or drums."
0 Jose Re, a drop of golden sun! 0 Jose 0 5


March 19, 2011 11:06 PM

Mi, a name I call myself by Demetra

"Yeah, I wouldn't call myself musically inclined. Dad-I mean Father," she turned red, realizing that she had already slipped up once, "thought it would be an acceptable talent. I cooperated because I wanted be like my brothers. Kept it up because I love it." Demetra smiled at him.

When he asked if she had any music paired with anything else, she pulled her folder out of her bag. She flipped through it before shaking her head. A moment later, he had placed a stack of sheet music in her hands. The first year began to flip through it, before her eyes landed on a piece she knew. The one after that was familiar as well.

She held them up slightly, "These are piano and guitar. You know who Regina Spektor is? I can do Eet and Samson. She's a muggle, but I like her music."
0 Demetra Mi, a name I call myself 0 Demetra 0 5


March 23, 2011 4:05 PM

Fa, a long long way to run by Jose

Jose blinked once as Demetra corrected herself from 'Dad' to 'Father'. That said a lot. The only time he didn't call his Dad 'Dad' was when Jorge Hernandez was surrounded by too many other people who also answered to 'Dad' and it was more reasonable to just call out 'Uncle Jorge!' to be sure he got the right adult. He wasn't convinced that his dad would even turn around if someone shouted 'Father' at him.

The California Pierces didn't do formality.

He didn't say anything though, because that could only end badly, with one or both of them viewing the other differently and he liked how they viewed each other now, and they were here to play music not discuss wizarding politics.

Fortunately, she found a piece of music they could both play before he could dwell on the thought for more than a moment. "Great!" he said and accepted the sheet of music for the guitar part. He didn't have one with him, but the room provided one belonging to the school, and he collected that.

"Give me a sec to tune it," he requested, and went about doing so. While he did so, he glanced over the chords for the first song and didn't think it should be too difficult. "I'm not really familiar with Regina Spektor," he admitted feeling as though he had somehow failed the music industry by this lack (though he couldn't help a moment of doubt regarding whether or not it might be stage name Aunt Regina once used, but that seemed seriously unlikely - mostly because Regina wasn't one of the family's musicians but also because she would never change her name from 'Pierce').

"No promises that I get the tempo right, but I'll try to follow your lead. If I'm doing it wrong, tell me." The guitar was already fairly well tuned, so he finished getting it into the right key quickly. "Ready? I've got Samson on top, so I guess do that one first? Looks like you have the opening notes."
0 Jose Fa, a long long way to run 0 Jose 0 5