
September 17, 2015 10:06 AM

Secrets about secrecy by Anon

It was tempting to visit the library again. Several people had seemed to take that particularly personally, and that one hadn’t even been about them. But he thought they might be on their guard. He’d seen the staff wandering around and poking their wands into this and that. He didn’t understand what they were doing but he was wary that it might be setting some sort of trap against him.

The Gardens were his usual hangout though, and he had not been disturbed here so far. He could only assume that there was nothing out here that would alert them. It was safest here. It was problematic though. There were very few surfaces to write a lengthy message on. The stone benches were beyond even his power and patience to engrave.

Paper seemed the best bet, though it was so easily crumpled and destroyed. Unless there were a great number of copies. It taken some time, and been dull work inking out the same message over and over again. After a while, a second one had occurred to him, and so he had varied it. After dark, he ran through the gardens, scattering the sheets all over. He was sure the groundskeeper and his pesky elves couldn’t pick them all up before some curious student eyes passed over them. He was especially careful to leave many within easy reach of the entrance to the Pecari Commons, though he didn’t venture too near the knight that guarded that pathway.

“I’m not the only one to tell secrets” was written on about a third of the papers, whilst the rest carried the more serious admonishment, “The Statute of Secrecy exists for a reason.”
13 Anon Secrets about secrecy 0 Anon 1 5

Kira Spaulding

September 24, 2015 1:34 PM

The worst that could happen. by Kira Spaulding

Kira wandered the gardens. She wasn't a very outdoorsy person but she wanted some time to herself. The Crotalus was around people all day long and she kind of wasn't used to it, being left mostly alone as a child. Not that she was home by herself while her father was at work and her mother at some charity thing. There had been nannies and house-elves and tutors and before he went to Sonora himself, Tristan, but she didn't spend a great bit of one on one time with anyone but Amity and Sophie. She had her cousins yes, but it hadn't been like she'd seen them every day, and besides it was usually in a whole group during a family get together. Kira had often been left to her own devices and as a result, had an extensive fantasy world.

Yet, she felt a bit lonely, something the first year should have been used to. Still, since coming to school, she'd come to realize that it was harder to be alone in a crowd than alone when there really was nobody else around. At home, even without Amity, Kira was able to endulge herself by playing with her dolls and stuffed animals and she couldn't do that here, for fear people would think she was a baby. She had a few stuffed animals with her, some of her favorites and could hold one close at night with the curtains drawn around her bed.

She wished she had more friends. Not that Kira needed to be the popular girl-she wasn't extroverted enough for that- and the one friend she did have, Caelia, was wonderful and sweet. It was just that she was Kelsey's friend too and she really wanted something she didn't have to share with her cousin. Kira kind of just wanted someone to like her better than they did the second year. Just once to come up better in something.

The Crotalus sat down upon a bench. She'd brought a book with her, books were a world she could still escape into. Kira had just opened to her place when a breeze blew a paper across the tome. The text on the paper made her eyes grow round with horror.

“The Statute of Secrecy exists for a reason.”

The blood drained from her face. It didn't take an Aladren to figure out that this was one of those secrets that someone was spreading around and naturally Kira knew it wasn't her secret. She was about as likely to violate it as Kelsey was to hug a Muggle.

But a breach in it most definitely would affect the Crotalus. Father had told her why she especially must never go near Muggles. Kira was powerful and would have trouble hiding it. If they didn't just plain kill her, they'd use her as weapon in one of their wars. Muggles apparently really liked war apparently, according to Father.

Kira let the paper fall to the ground and sat there on the bench shaking, as it shook with her.
11 Kira Spaulding The worst that could happen. 320 Kira Spaulding 0 5