Rupert Princeton

April 28, 2013 8:02 AM

Entertaining Myself. by Rupert Princeton

There were very few aspects of the upcoming ball that Rupert was looking forward to. First, it was a ball, meaning he had to dress up and look pretty for photographs and be uncomfortable in his shoes and dress robes all night. He did have a plan for that, however, but he wasn't going to reveal it until the night of the ball. Second, he was supposed to be doing Cepheus's bidding. Rup was expected to entertain his older brother's betrothed while Cepheus did his own thing for a bit. Rupert didn't want any details, but he would do it even though he felt really sorry for Megan.

And third, because Rupert was doing his older brother's bidding, he wasn't allowed to ask his own date to the ball. It was unfortunate; with the right person he could have had loads of fun. There was one person in particular that Rup had been wanting to ask, but she seemed to be really close with Liam. Aria had intrigued him when he first met her and, even if she was a year above him, he wanted to get to know her better. She was different from the other students and Rupert liked that. She would be a great friend to have.

Oh well. It was a lost cause to think about. Rup had ventured out to the gardens because he was tired of being inside doing his homework. He wandered into the maze, passing fountains until he found a bench. On a whim, he decided to try a handstand, a move he had tried to perfect a couple summers ago when he was bored out of his mind and alone in the house. He tried it now and his feet hardly made it up. Rupert had surprisingly strong arms from beating and he could hold himself up. His feet were the problem.

Rupert tried again, this time making it but going over. He tumbled into the grass and sighed, flat on his back. The sky was cloudy today and Rupert thought it was fitting. Now that these challenges were over, all he had to look forward to were final exams and the stupid ball. He had been hoping for a better experience at one of these balls, but it didn't seem to be in the stars for him.

The grass was soft underneath his skin and his fingers pressed into the earth as he started cloud watching. A low sound startled Rupert and he turned to look at the hedge where the noise had come from. The noise sounded again and he scrambled to a sitting position, his hand in the pocket where his wand was. The growl turned into a snapping sound and a garden gnome jumped out, teeth barred. Rup breathed a sigh of relief, but that turned into a loud, "Ouch!" when the gnome leapt forward and bit his hand. "Ow, get off me!" exclaimed Rup as he tried to shake the pest off.

The garden gnome finally released him, but another one appeared, leaping out of the hedges as well. "For Merlin's sake," growled Rup, and he stomped away. More gnomes popped out of their burrows to look at him, and one startled Rupert by popping out at him unexpectedly. "Leave me alone!" he told them, rubbing the bite on his left hand. "I've got enough trouble as it is. Who takes care of these gardens anyway?" He wiped the gnome's spit off on the grass, narrowly missing a gnome leaping out to bite him again. "There's some serious de-gnoming that needs to be done," he muttered.
40 Rupert Princeton Entertaining Myself. 248 Rupert Princeton 1 5

Wendy Canterbury

April 29, 2013 6:23 PM you need help? by Wendy Canterbury

Wendy really liked going out to the gardens. She thought it was a nice place to take walks. Here she could be surrounded by more greenery than she had ever seen in Arizona. It was a nice change and Wendy realized she had actually missed it when she was at home. Home was nice, of course, but it didn't have so many green hedges and stuff. She was wearing her favorite long white skirt that billowed out when she spun around fast enough and a colorfully flowery shirt that brought out the little green in her eyes. Sometimes she wished she had brighter green eyes like Waverly, but Wendy liked how she looked most of the time.

Her blonde hair was a little messy from her constant spinning. She had come out to the gardens just to try out her new skirt. Her mom had sent it to her along with her dress for the ball. Her dress was really pretty and exactly what she liked. Her mom knew her style very well. She couldn't wait to show Carter. Wendy was glad she had asked him to the ball; he was her best friend and he would make a good dance partner. At least she hoped so. Wendy didn't really know how to dance, so she would just be following his lead. Anyway, she trusted him to be a good date too. They always had fun together and this would be no exception.

She was skipping through the maze, watching her skirt billow out with each hop, when she heard an exclamation. She stopped in her tracks, frozen until she heard the sound of someone else moving about ahead of her. She peeked around the corner of the hedge and saw a boy there shaking off the weirdest looking creatures.

Wendy wanted to go help him, but she wasn't sure how to. What were those things anyway? She followed him as he stomped away and the creatures behind him looked at her. There were a lot of them and she started when she saw one thing try to bite the boy. These weren't the nicest magical creatures, apparently, and he was just walking deeper into the maze! What if there were more? Wendy followed after him, glad she was wearing her green high tops instead of her flats which would have fallen off easily. "Hey!" she called after him. "Wait up!"

Once she had reached him, she started walking beside him. "Did that thing bite you?" she asked, eyes wide. "What was that?"
19 Wendy Canterbury you need help? 245 Wendy Canterbury 0 5


April 30, 2013 7:26 AM

I don't think so? by Rupert

When Rup heard a voice behind him, he hoped whoever it was hadn't seen his embarrassing encounter with the pests. He turned and saw Wendy running over to him. They were house-mates and she was another on Rup's list of people he wanted to get to know. He was glad to talk to her, but he just wished it was under different circumstances.

She joined him in his walk and at her question he looked down at his hand. It was obvious she had seen the stupid gnome bite him, but at least she didn't seem to know what it was. Rup was the most honest out of his brothers, however, and didn't like to lie to make himself look fantastic or to gain sympathy. Leo would have easily lied about the creature, saying it was a monstrous thing with poisonous fangs and that he needed to have a lie down for a few weeks to overcome it. Cepheus would have either brushed it off in embarrassment or snapped at her since Wendy was a muggle-born.

Rup did neither, instead replying, "Yeah, it did, but it's nothing serious. It's a gnome. They live in gardens and under hedges. They're right pests, they are. It doesn't hurt or anything." He hoped he had gotten all the spittle off as he continued walking. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Just taking a walk?"

The gardens were usually nice for that, but the incident with the gnomes had put Rupert on his guard for once. They passed a fountain and Rup went to it to wash his hands. He wasn't a squeamish sort of lad, but he did not like having magical creature spit on him. The water was cool on the bite mark which looked red against white. The creature hadn't broken through skin, however, so he wasn't bleeding.

After washing his hands, he wiped them on his robes. His mum would lecture him if she ever caught heed of what he was doing, but he didn't think Wendy was going to tattle on him. "Do they have gnomes in the Muggle world?" he asked curiously. Wendy would be a great source of information about the other world Rupert was so curious about.
0 Rupert I don't think so? 0 Rupert 0 5


May 01, 2013 4:18 PM

Are you sure? by Wendy

OOC: I forgot they knew each other already. Whoops! :)

At least Rupert's bite didn't hurt, but it still looked really red. "Are you sure?" she asked, concerned, but she let it go. Wendy was sometimes apprehensive about people because not everyone was as open as she liked to be, but she tried to take everyone's word for what they said.

She wasn't asked the question, "What are you doing here" very often at Sonora, so that was a first. It was usually her parents who asked her that a lot whenever Wendy was found playing in a secluded or dirty part of the house or the apartment complex's communal backyard. "Yeah. I was trying out my new skirt. I didn't want to keep spinning around in my room and it's sunny out. It's really hard to stay inside when it's sunny." That was part of the reason why Wendy had done poorly in elementary school. She just liked the sun more than her schoolwork and she usually went with her instincts on that one. It was a little easier to do better here, but she always fell victim to springtime weather. "What about you?" she asked, thinking it was fair to turn the question back to him.

They walked till they passed a fountain and Rupert washed his hands. The bite didn't look very nice, but if he said it didn't hurt then she believed him. Wendy dipped her fingers into the cool water, but she imagined it sucking out the heat from her skin and so she pulled her fingers out quickly. She looked up at the sky and was tempted to go cloud watching, but there was too much sun and too little clouds to do that.

Rup asked a question that brought her out of her thoughts and she turned to look at him. At first she was confused, and then she remembered what "muggle" meant. "Nothing like those," she said, dropping back into reality quickly. "We have these things called garden gnomes that are made out of ceramic, usually, and they are tiny men with white pointy beards and red pointy hats. They don't move, at least when people are watching, and they definitely don't bite people. If I had paper I could draw one for you."
0 Wendy Are you sure? 0 Wendy 0 5